# ================================================================== # DBMan SQL - enhanced database management system # # Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/ # Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/ # CVS Info : 087,064,093,087,084 # Revision : $Id: Home.pm,v 1.142 2002/09/11 22:13:07 bao Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2001 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please # see LICENSE file for full details. # ================================================================== package Dbsql::Home; # ================================================================== use strict; use vars qw/@ISA $DEBUG $AUTOLOAD %COMPILE $LANGUAGE $GLOBALS/; use GT::Base qw/:all/; # Imports $MOD_PERL $SPEEDY $PERSIST use Dbsql::Relation::Home; use GT::Config; # added by W33 @ISA = qw/GT::Base Dbsql::Relation::Home/; sub AUTOLOAD { #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $self = $_[0]; my ($pkg, $what) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /^(.*)::([^:]+)$/; # If they were looking for something that's not compiled, compile # it and run it. if (exists $COMPILE{$what}) { eval "#line 0Dbsql::Home::$what\n$COMPILE{$what}"; goto &{'Dbsql::Home::' . $what}; } else { die "Invalid method: $what"; } # Pass back to the GT::Base AUTOLOAD. $GT::Base::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD; goto >::Base::AUTOLOAD; } sub DESTROY {} sub process { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process on every incoming request # my ($self, @in) = @_; # Find out what we have, and store the CGI values in self->{cgi}. my $opts = $self->common_param (@in) or return $self->error ($self->_language('REQUIRE_CGI')); # Set our internal vars. $self->{in} = $opts->{in} or return $self->error ($self->_language('REQUIRE_CGI')); $self->{cgi} = $opts->{in}->get_hash; $self->{sql} = $opts->{sql} or return $self->error ($self->_language('REQUIRE_SQL')); $self->{root} = $opts->{cfg}->{admin_root_path} or return $self->error ($self->_language('REQUIRE_ROOT')); $self->{glb_cfg} = $opts->{cfg}; $self->{cgi}->{db} ||= $self->{glb_cfg}->{default_table} ; # Load table object and get an HTML object. $self->{cfg} = $self->_load_cfg($self->{cgi}->{db}); $self->{db} = $self->{sql}->table($self->{cgi}->{db}); $self->{disp} = $self->{sql}->html($self->{db}, $self->{cgi}); $self->_load_global; # Load related table object and get an HTML object. $self->check_relation() if ( $self->{cgi}->{sdb} and $self->{cgi}->{do} ne 'view_file' and $self->{cgi}->{do} ne 'download_file' ); # Check current query $self->check_query() if ( $self->{cgi}->{q} ); # Authenticate user. $self->{user} = $self->_authenticate; # Determine what to do: my $action = $self->_determine_action or return $self->error($self->_language('INVALID_ACTION')); #------------demo code----------- # Run the action. my ($tpl,$results) = GT::Plugins->dispatch_method ($self->{root}.'/Plugins/Dbsql', $action, $self, $action); $tpl and $self->print($tpl,$results); } sub print { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print out the requested template # my ($self, $template, $args) = @_; print $self->{in}->header; my $cgi = $self->{cgi}; if ( $cgi ) { foreach my $key ( keys %$cgi ) { exists $args->{$key} or $args->{$key} = $cgi->{$key}; } } my $user = $self->{user}; if ( $user ) { foreach my $key ( keys %$user ) { exists $args->{$key} or $args->{$key} = $user->{$key}; } } my $cfg = $self->{cfg}; if ( $cfg ) { foreach my $key ( keys %$cfg ) { exists $args->{$key} or $args->{$key} = $cfg->{$key}; } } my $glb_cfg = $self->{glb_cfg}; if ( $cfg ) { foreach my $key ( keys %$glb_cfg ) { if ( !exists $args->{$key} ) { $args->{$key} = $glb_cfg->{$key}; } } } # Export home for using in auto generate HTML. $args->{home} = $self; my $dir_tmp = $self->{cgi}->{t} || $self->{cfg}->{'template'} || $self->{glb_cfg}->{default_tpl}; (-x $self->{root} . "/templates/$dir_tmp") or return print $self->{in}->header, $self->_language('INVALID_TEMPLATE', $dir_tmp); GT::Template->parse($template, $args, { print => 1, root => $self->{root} . "/templates/$dir_tmp" }); } $COMPILE{home} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub home { #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $self = shift; my $msg = shift; $msg = ($self->_check_pers()) ? '' : $self->_language('PER_FAILURE') if ( !$msg ); return ('home.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_HOME'), msg => $msg }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{view_file} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub view_file { #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($self, $msg) = @_; my $table_name = $self->{cgi}->{db}; my $id = $self->{cgi}->{id}; my $cn = $self->{cgi}->{cn}; my $src = $self->{cgi}->{src} || 'db'; my $fname = $self->{cgi}->{fname}; return $self->error ($self->_language('FILE_UNKNOWN_REF')) if ( not ( $table_name and $id and $cn ) ) ; my $tbl = $self->{db}; my ( $fh, $mimetype, $size ); if ( $src eq 'db' ) { eval { $fh = $tbl->file_info( $cn, $id ); }; if ( $fh ) { $fname = $fh->File_Name(); $mimetype = $fh->File_MimeType(); $size = $fh->File_Size(); } } else { require GT::SQL::File; require GT::MIMETypes; eval { $fh = GT::SQL::File->open($fname) }; $mimetype = GT::MIMETypes->guess_type($fname); $fname = GT::SQL::File::get_filename($fname); } if ( !$fh ) { return $self->error ($self->_language('FILE_ERR_VIEW')) } else { print $self->{in}->header( '-type' => $mimetype, '-Content-Length' => $size, '-Content-Disposition' => \("inline; filename=".$fname) ); $fh->File_Binary() and binmode STDOUT; while ( read($fh, my $buffer, 4096) ) { print $buffer; } } return; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{download_file} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub download_file { #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($self, $msg) = @_; my $table_name = $self->{cgi}->{db}; my $id = $self->{cgi}->{id}; my $cn = $self->{cgi}->{cn}; my $src = $self->{cgi}->{src} || 'db'; my $fname = $self->{cgi}->{fname}; return $self->error ($self->_language('FILE_UNKNOWN_REF')) if ( not ( $table_name and $id and $cn ) ) ; my $tbl = $self->{db}; my ($fh, $mimetype, $size); if ( $src eq 'db' ) { eval { $fh = $tbl->file_info($cn, $id ); }; if ( $fh ) { $fname = $fh->File_Name(); $mimetype = $fh->File_MimeType(); $size = $fh->File_Size(); } } else { require GT::SQL::File; require GT::MIMETypes; eval { $fh = GT::SQL::File->open($fname) }; $mimetype = GT::MIMETypes->guess_type($fname); $fname = GT::SQL::File::get_filename($fname); } if (!$fh) { return $self->error ($self->_language('FILE_ERR_DL')) } else { print $self->{in}->header( '-type' => 'application/download', '-Content-Length' => $size, '-Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary', '-Content-Disposition' => \("attachment; filename=".$fname) ); $fh->File_Binary() and binmode STDOUT; while ( read ($fh, my $buffer, 4096) ) { print $buffer; } } return; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{signup_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub signup_form { #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Sign up form # my($self,$msg) = @_; $self->{cfg}->{'auth_signup'} or return $self->login_form($self->_language('SIGNUP_AUTH')); $msg ||= $self->_language('MSG_SIGN_UP'); return ('signup_form.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_SIGNUP'), msg => $msg }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{login_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub login_form { #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Login form # my ($self, $msg, $redirect) = @_; $msg ||= $self->{msg}; $msg ||= $self->_language('MSG_LOGIN'); $redirect &&= $self->{cfg}->{auth_logging}; return ('login.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_LOGIN'), msg => $msg, redirect=> $redirect }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{login} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub login { #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Login users, if login failure display login_failure else display home page # my $self = shift; if ( !$self->{cgi}->{Username} or !$self->{cgi}->{Password} ) { return $self->login_form($self->_language('AUTH_FAILURE')); } # Check that the user exists, and that the password is valid. $self->{user} = $self->_authenticate(); if ( !$self->{user} ) { $self->auth_logging ("$self->{cgi}->{Username} failed to logon") if ($self->{cfg}->{log_file}); return $self->login_form($self->_language('AUTH_FAILURE')); } # Return if user is not validated. return $self->login_form($self->_language('AUTH_FAIL_VAL')) if ($self->{user}->{Status} eq 'Not Validated'); my $msg = ($self->_check_pers())? $self->_language('MSG_LOGGED',$self->{cgi}->{db}): $self->_language('PER_FAILURE',$self->{cgi}->{db}); # Create session my $results = Dbsql::Authenticate::auth('create_session', {Table => $self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'}, Username => $self->{user}->{Username}}) or return $self->error("Unable to create session!"); $self->{cgi}->{use_cookie} = $results->{use_cookie}; $self->{cgi}->{session_id} = $results->{session_id}; $self->auth_logging('log on ') if ( $self->{cfg}->{log_file} ); return ('home.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_HOME'), msg => $msg }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{signup} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub signup { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Signs a new user up. # my $self = shift; my $username = $self->{cgi}->{'Username'}; my $password = $self->{cgi}->{'Password'}; my $cpassword = $self->{cgi}->{'CPassword'}; my $email = $self->{cgi}->{'Email'}; # Verify that the user looks ok. return $self->signup_form($self->_language('INVALID_SIGNUP')) if ( !$username or !$password or !$email ); return $self->signup_form($self->_language('USER_REQUIRE_4-12_CHARS')) if ( length($username) < 3 or length($username) > 12 ); return $self->signup_form($self->_language('USER_INVALIDEMAIL')) if ( $email !~ /.+\@.+\..+/ ); return $self->signup_form($self->_language('PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH')) if ( $password ne $cpassword ); # Check if the username already exist and return alert. my $db = $self->{sql}->table($self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'}); my $user = $db->get($username); return $self->signup_form($self->_language('USER_NAMETAKEN', $username)) if ( $user ); # Check that the email address doesn't already exist. my $hits = $db->count ( { Email => $email } ); return $self->signup_form($self->_language('USER_EMAILTAKEN', $email)) if ( $hits ); # Add the user in, set defaults for fields not specified. $user = $self->{cgi}; ($user->{view_p},$user->{add_p},$user->{delete_p},$user->{modify_p},$user->{admin_p}) = split(',',$self->{cfg}->{'auth_signup_permissions'}); # You can change the status as you desire. it can be 'Not Validated' $user->{Status} = 'Registered'; my $def = $db->default || {}; foreach ( keys %$def ) { $user->{$_} = $def->{$_} unless ( exists $user->{$_} ); } $db->add($user) or return $self->signup_form($self->_language('SIGNUP_USER_ERR')); $self->auth_logging("$username signed up") if ( $self->{cfg}->{log_file} ); # Print the welcome screen. return $self->login_form($self->_language('MSG_SIGNUP_SUCC', $username )); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{log_off} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub log_off { #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Log off and reset environment # my ($self, $msg)= @_; $msg ||= $self->_language('MSG_LOGOFF'); $self->auth_logging('log off ') if ($self->{cfg}->{log_file}); Dbsql::reset_env(); Dbsql::Authenticate::auth_delete_session({ Table => $self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'}, Username => $self->{user}->{Username} }); if ( $self->{cfg}->{auth_logging} ) { $self->login_form($msg, 1); } else { $self->login_form($msg); } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{add_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub add_form { # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This will print the add form for the current tables that we are working # with. All the options that were set in settings will apply to the html # that is printed here. # my ($self,$msg) = @_; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_ADD')) unless ( $self->{user}->{add_p} ); $msg ||= $self->_language('ADD_MESSAGE'); my $enctype; if ( $self->{cgi}->{sdb} and $self->{cgi}->{sdo} ) { $enctype = $self->{subfrm}->{db}->_file_cols() ? 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' : ''; } else { $enctype = $self->{db}->_file_cols() ? 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' : ''; } return ('add_form.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_ADD'), msg => $msg, add_form => 1, enctype => $enctype, }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{add_record} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub add_record { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $self = shift; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_ADD')) unless ( $self->{user}->{add_p} ); #------------demo code---------------- # add data to related table return $self->sadd_record() if ( $self->{cgi}->{sdb} and $self->{cgi}->{sdo} ); # Turn arrays into delimited fields $self->format_insert_cgi; if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'} ) { $self->{cgi}->{$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}} = $self->{user}->{'Username'}; } # Check foreign keys my $msg = $self->_check_fk(); ($msg) and return $self->add_form($msg); # Setup the language for GT::SQL. local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{ILLEGALVAL} = $self->_language('ADD_ILLEGALVAL'); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{UNIQUE} = $self->_language('ADD_UNIQUE'); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{NOTNULL} = $self->_language('ADD_NOTNULL'); if ( defined (my $ret = $self->{db}->add($self->{cgi})) ) { $self->auth_logging('add record ') if ( $self->{cfg}->{log_file} ); #------------demo code----------- $self->add_success($ret); } else { local $^W; my $error = $GT::SQL::error; $error =~ s/\n/
  • /g; $self->add_form(""); } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{add_success} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub add_success { #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my ($self, $id) = @_; my $hsh; my $pk = $self->{db}->pk; if ( $self->{db}->ai ) { $hsh = $self->{db}->get($id, 'HASH'); } else { my $lookup = {}; foreach (@$pk) { $lookup->{$_} = $self->{cgi}->{$_}; } $hsh = $self->{db}->get($lookup, 'HASH'); } $self->{hsh} = $hsh; if ( $self->{cgi}->{sdb} and $#$pk == 0 ) { $self->{subfrm}->{value} = $hsh->{@$pk[0]}; $self->{cgi}->{sfk} = $hsh->{@$pk[0]}; } return ('add_success.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_ADDED'), msg => $self->_language('ADD_SUCCESSFULLY'), %$hsh }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{add_multi_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub add_multi_form { #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add multiple form # my ($self, $msg, $values, $rows) = @_; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_ADD')) unless ( $self->{user}->{add_p} ); $rows ||= $self->{cgi}->{m}; ($rows == 0) and return $self->add_form(); $msg ||= $self->_language('ADD_MESSAGE'); my $enctype = $self->{db}->_file_cols() ? 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' : ''; return ('add_form.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_ADD'), msg => $msg, add_form => 1, enctype => $enctype, values => $values, m => $rows, }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{add_multi_records} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub add_multi_records { #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add multiple records # my $self = shift; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_ADD')) unless ( $self->{user}->{add_p} ); #------------demo code---------------- my $rows = $self->{cgi}->{m}; return $self->add_form($self->_language('MUL_ADD_ERR')) if ( $rows < 0 and $rows > 25 ); # Format the cgi for searching $self->format_search_cgi; # Hash to handle errors if there are any errors. my $errors = {}; # Need to know the names of the columns for this Table. my @columns = keys %{$self->{db}->cols}; # Need to know the number of records added my $rec_added = 0; # For through the record numbers. These are the values of the # check boxes # Setup the language for GT::SQL. local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{ILLEGALVAL} = $self->_language('ADD_ILLEGALVAL'); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{UNIQUE} = $self->_language('ADD_UNIQUE'); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{NOTNULL} = $self->_language('ADD_NOTNULL'); foreach my $rec_num ( 1..$rows ) { # The hash ref, we need, to modify a record. my $hash = {}; # For through the column names to build our modification hash foreach my $column ( @columns ) { $hash->{$column} = $self->{cgi}->{"$rec_num-$column"} if exists $self->{cgi}->{"$rec_num-$column"}; } if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'} ) { $hash->{$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}}= $self->{user}->{'Username'}; } # Add records and capture any errors. my $ret = $self->{db}->add($hash); if ( defined ($ret) ) { $rec_added++; } else { if ( $GT::SQL::error ) { my $error = $GT::SQL::error; $error =~ s/\n/
  • /g; $errors->{$rec_num} = "
  • $error"; } } } #------------demo code----------- return ( keys %{$errors} ) ? $self->add_multi_results($rec_added,$errors) : $self->add_multi_results($rec_added); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{add_multi_results} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub add_multi_results { #------------------------------------------------------------------------ my ($self, $num_added, $errors) = @_; return ('add_success.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_ADDED'), msg => $self->_language('MUL_ADD_SUC', $num_added), m => $num_added }) if ( !$errors ); my @columns = keys %{$self->{db}->cols}; my ($values, $msg, $rows); foreach my $rec ( keys %$errors ) { my $hsh; $msg .= $errors->{$rec}; foreach ( @columns ) { $hsh->{$_} = $self->{cgi}->{"$rec-$_"}; } $rows++; $values->{$rows} = $hsh; } $msg = "$msg"; return $self->add_multi_form($msg, $values, $rows); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{modify_search_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub modify_search_form { #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The same thing just puts the message at the top of the # field. Great for errors. # my ($self, $msg) = @_; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_MOD')) unless ( $self->{user}->{modify_p} ); # searching on related table return $self->smodify_search_results($msg) if ( $self->{cgi}->{sdb} and $self->{cgi}->{sdo} and $self->{cgi}->{sfk}); $msg ||= $self->_language('MOD_SRC_MESSAGE'); return ('modify_search_form.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_SRC_MODIFY'), msg => $msg, }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{modify_search_results} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub modify_search_results { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $self = shift; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_MOD')) unless ( $self->{user}->{modify_p} ); # Make sure the user passed in some values to search on $self->_check_opts or return $self->modify_search_form ($self->_language('SRC_FAILURE')); # Format the cgi for searching $self->format_search_cgi; # Check if users can delete only their own records if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_modify_own'} and $self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'} and !$self->{user}->{admin_p} ) { $self->{cgi}->{$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}} = $self->{user}->{'Username'}; $self->{cgi}->{"$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}-opt"} = '='; } # Do the search and count the results. my $sth = $self->{db}->query_sth ($self->{cgi}) or return $self->modify_search_form($GT::SQL::error); my $hits = $self->{db}->hits(); # Return if we haven't found anything. if ( $hits == 0 ) { #------------demo code----------- return $self->modify_search_form ($self->_language('SRC_NOTFOUND')); } # Go straight to the modify form if we only have on result. if ( $hits == 1 and !$self->{cgi}->{sdo} ) { $self->{cgi}->{modify} = 0; my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; foreach ( keys %$row ) { $self->{cgi}->{$_} = $row->{$_}; } return $self->modify_form(); } # Build speed bar my $speedbar = ''; if ( $hits > ($self->{cgi}->{mh} || 25) ) { my $name = GT::CGI->url(remove_empty => 1); $speedbar .= $self->{disp}->toolbar($self->{cgi}->{nh} || 1, $self->{cgi}->{mh} || 25, $hits, $name); } # Return results my @output; my @pk = $self->{db}->pk; my $i = 1; while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { my $hidden; foreach my $key ( @pk ) { if ( $self->{db}->can ('_complete_name') ) { my $new = {}; for ( keys %{$row} ) { $new->{$self->{db}->_complete_name ($_)} = $row->{$_}; } $row = $new; } my $val = $row->{$key}; $hidden .= qq~~; } $row->{hidden} = $hidden; push @output, $row; $i++; } my $enctype = $self->{db}->_file_cols() ? 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' : ''; return ('modify_search_results.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_SRC_RESULT'), results => \@output, enctype => $enctype, speedbar=> $speedbar, msg => $self->_language('SRC_RESULT', $hits), hits => $hits }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{modify_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub modify_form { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($self, $msg) = @_; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_MOD')) unless ( $self->{user}->{modify_p} ); # searching on related table if ( $self->{cgi}->{sdb} and $self->{cgi}->{sdo} and $self->{cgi}->{sfk} ) { ( $self->{cgi}->{sdo} == 1 ) ? return $self->smodify_search_results() : return $self->smodify_form(); } $msg ||= $self->_language('MOD_MESSAGE'); my $values; my $mod = $self->{cgi}->{modify}; if ( $self->{cgi}->{modify} == 0 ) { return $self->modify_search_form($self->_language('MUL_MOD_SUC',0)) if ( $self->{cgi}->{me} ); $values = $self->{cgi}; } else { my $lookup = {}; my $pk = $self->{db}->pk; foreach ( @$pk ) { $lookup->{$_} = $self->{cgi}->{"$mod-$_"}; } $values = $self->{db}->get ($lookup, 'HASH'); } my $enctype = $self->{db}->_file_cols() ? 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' : ''; return ('modify_form.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_MODIFY'), msg => $msg,%$values, values => $values, enctype => $enctype, }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{modify_record} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub modify_record { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $self = shift; #------------demo code---------------- return $self->home($self->_language('PER_MOD')) unless ( $self->{user}->{modify_p} ); # Modify a record in related table return $self->smodify_record() if ( $self->{cgi}->{sdb} and $self->{cgi}->{sdo} eq '2' ); # Format arrays for insertion $self->format_insert_cgi; # Check if users can delete only their own records if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_modify_own'} and $self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'} and !$self->{user}->{admin_p} ) { my $pk = $self->{db}->{schema}->{pk}; my $hash; ( ref $pk ) or return $self->modify_form($self->_language('ERR_PK')); %$hash = map {$_ => $self->{cgi}->{$_}} @$pk; my $result = $self->{db}->get($hash); ( $result ) or return $self->modify_search_form($self->_language('SRC_NOTFOUND')); my $userid = $result->{$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}}; ( $userid eq $self->{user}->{'Username'} ) or return $self->modify_form($self->_language('ERR_MODIFY_OWN')); $self->{cgi}->{$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}} = $self->{user}->{Username}; } #Check foreign keys my $msg = $self->_check_fk(); ( $msg ) and return $self->modify_form($msg); # Setup the language for GT::SQL. local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{ILLEGALVAL} = $self->_language('ADD_ILLEGALVAL'); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{UNIQUE} = $self->_language('ADD_UNIQUE'); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{NOTNULL} = $self->_language('ADD_NOTNULL'); if ( $self->{db}->modify ($self->{cgi}) ) { $self->auth_logging('modify record ') if ($self->{cfg}->{log_file}); return $self->modify_success; } else { local $^W; my $error = $GT::SQL::error; $error =~ s/\n/
  • /g; return $self->modify_form (""); } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{modify_success} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub modify_success { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($self, $id) = @_; my $hsh; if ( $self->{db}->ai ) { $hsh = $self->{db}->get ($id, 'HASH'); } else { my $lookup = {}; my $pk = $self->{db}->pk; foreach (@$pk) { $lookup->{$_} = $self->{cgi}->{$_}; } $hsh = $self->{db}->get ($lookup, 'HASH'); } return ('modify_success.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_MODED'), msg => $self->_language('MOD_SUCCESSFULLY'), values => $hsh, ($hsh) ? %$hsh : hsh => 1 }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{modify_multi_records} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub modify_multi_records { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modify multiple records # my $self = shift; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_MOD')) unless( $self->{user}->{modify_p} ); #------------demo code---------------- # Format the cgi for searching $self->format_search_cgi; # Hash to handle errors if there are any errors. my $errors = {}; my $errcode = {}; # Need to know the names of the columns for this Table. my @columns = keys %{$self->{db}->cols}; # Need to know the number of records modified my $rec_modified = 0; # For through the record numbers. These are the values of the # check boxes my $modify = ( ref $self->{cgi}->{modify} eq 'ARRAY' ) ? $self->{cgi}->{modify} : [$self->{cgi}->{modify}]; return $self->modify_search_form($self->_language('MUL_MOD_SUC',0)) if ( !$self->{cgi}->{modify} ); my $pk; # Check if users can delete only their own records if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_modify_own'} and $self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'} and !$self->{user}->{admin_p} ) { $pk = $self->{db}->{schema}->{pk}; ( ref $pk ) or return $self->modify_form ($self->_language('ERR_PK')); } # Setup the language for GT::SQL. local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{ILLEGALVAL} = $self->_language('ADD_ILLEGALVAL'); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{UNIQUE} = $self->_language('ADD_UNIQUE'); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{NOTNULL} = $self->_language('ADD_NOTNULL'); foreach my $rec_num ( @$modify ) { # The hash ref, we need, to modify a record. my $change = {}; # Check if users can delete only their own records if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_modify_own'} and $self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'} and !$self->{user}->{admin_p} ) { my $cond; %$cond = map {$_ => $self->{cgi}->{"$rec_num-$_"}} @$pk; my $result = $self->{db}->get($cond); ( $result ) or return $self->modify_search_form($self->_language('SRC_NOTFOUND')); my $userid = $result->{$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}}; ($userid eq $self->{user}->{'Username'}) or return $self->modify_form($self->_language('ERR_MODIFY_OWN')); $self->{cgi}->{"$rec_num-$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}"} = $self->{user}->{Username} } # For through the column names to build our modification hash foreach my $column ( @columns ) { $change->{$column} = $self->{cgi}->{"$rec_num-$column"} if exists $self->{cgi}->{"$rec_num-$column"}; } # Make the changes and capture any errors. my $ret = $self->{db}->modify($change); if ( defined ($ret) ) { $rec_modified++; } else { if ( $GT::SQL::error ){ my $error = $GT::SQL::error; $error =~ s/\n/
  • /g; $errors->{$rec_num} = "
  • $error"; } $errcode->{$rec_num} = $GT::SQL::errcode if ( $GT::SQL::errcode ); } } # Return the results page with the proper arguments depending on if we got an error or not. return ( keys %{$errors} ) ? $self->modify_multi_results($rec_modified, $errors, $errcode) : $self->modify_multi_results($rec_modified); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{modify_multi_results} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub modify_multi_results { #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # modify multiple records result # my ($self, $num_modified, $errors) = @_; return ('modify_success.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_MODED'), msg => $self->_language('MUL_MOD_SUC',$num_modified), me => 1 }) if ( !$errors ); my @columns = keys %{$self->{db}->cols}; my ($values, $msg, $rows); foreach my $rec ( keys %$errors ) { my $hsh; $msg .= $errors->{$rec}; foreach ( @columns ) { $hsh->{$_} = $self->{cgi}->{"$rec-$_"}; } $rows++; push @$values, $hsh; } $msg = "$msg"; return ('modify_search_results.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_SRC_RESULT'), results => $values, msg => $self->_language('MUL_MOD_FAL')."
    $msg", hits => $rows, me => 1 }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{delete_search_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub delete_search_form { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Produces the search form to search to delete records. # my ($self, $msg) = @_; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_DEL')) unless ( $self->{user}->{delete_p} ); # searching on related table return $self->sdelete_search_results() if ( $self->{cgi}->{sdb} and $self->{cgi}->{sdo} and $self->{cgi}->{sfk} ); $msg ||= $self->_language('DEL_SRC_MESSAGE'); return ('delete_search_form.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_SRC_DELETE'), msg => $msg, }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{delete_search_results} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub delete_search_results { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $self = shift; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_DEL')) unless ( $self->{user}->{delete_p} ); # Make sure the user passed in some values to search on $self->_check_opts or return $self->delete_search_form($self->_language('SRC_FAILURE')); # Format the cgi for searching $self->format_search_cgi; # Check if users can delete only their own records if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_modify_own'} and $self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'} and !$self->{user}->{admin_p} ) { $self->{cgi}->{$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}}= $self->{user}->{'Username'}; $self->{cgi}->{"$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}-opt"} = '='; } # Do the search and count the results. my $sth = $self->{db}->query_sth($self->{cgi}) or return $self->delete_search_form($GT::SQL::error); my $hits = $self->{db}->hits(); # Return if we haven't found anything. if ( $hits == 0 ) { #------------demo code----------- return $self->delete_search_form($self->_language('SRC_NOTFOUND')); } # Build speed bar my $speedbar = ''; if ( $hits > ($self->{cgi}->{mh} || 25) ) { my $name = GT::CGI->url(remove_empty => 1); $speedbar .= $self->{disp}->toolbar( $self->{cgi}->{nh} || 1, $self->{cgi}->{mh} || 25, $hits, $name); } # Return results my (@output); my @pk = $self->{db}->pk; my $i = 1; while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { my $hidden; foreach my $key ( @pk ) { if ( $self->{db}->can ('_complete_name') ) { my $new = {}; for ( keys %{$row} ) { $new->{$self->{db}->_complete_name ($_)} = $row->{$_}; } $row = $new; } my $val = $row->{$key}; $hidden .= qq~~; } $row->{hidden} = $hidden; push @output, $row; $i++; } return ('delete_search_results.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_SRC_RESULT'), results => \@output, speedbar=> $speedbar, msg => $self->_language('SRC_RESULT', $hits), hits => $hits }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{delete_records} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub delete_records { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my $self = shift; #------------demo code---------------- return $self->home($self->_language('PER_DEL')) unless ( $self->{user}->{delete_p} ); # Make sure we have something to delete. $self->{cgi}->{delete} or return $self->delete_search_form($self->_language('DEL_SUCCESSFULLY',0)); # If they selected only one record to delete we still need an array ref ref $self->{cgi}->{delete} eq 'ARRAY' or $self->{cgi}->{delete} = [$self->{cgi}->{delete}]; # Delete records in related table return $self->sdelete_records() if ( $self->{cgi}->{sdb} and $self->{cgi}->{sdo} and $self->{cgi}->{sfk} ); # Need to know the names of the columns for this Table. my @columns = keys %{$self->{db}->cols}; # Need to know the number of records modified my $rec_modified = 0; # For through the record numbers. These are the values of the # check boxes foreach my $rec_num ( @{$self->{cgi}->{delete}} ) { my $change = {}; foreach my $column ( @columns ) { $change->{$column} = $self->{cgi}->{"$rec_num-$column"} if exists $self->{cgi}->{"$rec_num-$column"}; } # Check for delete own record if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_modify_own'} and $self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'} and !$self->{user}->{admin_p} ) { my $rec = $self->{db}->get ($change); next if ( $rec->{$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}} ne $self->{user}->{'Username'} ); } next unless ( keys %$change ); my $ret = $self->{db}->delete($change); $self->auth_logging('delete record ', $change) if ( $self->{cfg}->{log_file} ); if ( defined $ret and ($ret != 0) ) { $rec_modified++; } } #------------demo code---------------- # Return the results page with the proper arguments depending on if we got an error or not. return $self->delete_search_form($self->_language('DEL_SUCCESSFULLY', $rec_modified)); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{search_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub search_form { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Search record # my ($self, $msg) = @_; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_VIEW')) unless ( $self->{user}->{view_p} ); $msg ||= $self->_language('SRC_MESSAGE'); return ('search_form.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_SEARCH'), msg => $msg, }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{search_results} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub search_results { #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my($self) = shift; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_VIEW')) unless ( $self->{user}->{view_p} ); # searching on related table return $self->ssearch_results() if ( $self->{cgi}->{sdo} and $self->{cgi}->{sfk} ); # Make sure the user passed in some values to search on $self->_check_opts or return $self->search_form($self->_language('SRC_FAILURE')); # Format the cgi for searching $self->format_search_cgi; # Check if users can view only their own record if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_view_own'} and $self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'} and !$self->{user}->{admin_p} ) { $self->{cgi}->{$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}} = $self->{user}->{'Username'}; $self->{cgi}->{"$self->{cfg}->{'auth_user_field'}-opt"} = '='; } # Do the search and count the results. my $sth = $self->{db}->query_sth($self->{cgi}) or return $self->search_form($GT::SQL::error); my $hits = $self->{db}->hits(); # Return if we haven't found anything. if ( $hits == 0 ) { return $self->search_form ($self->_language('SRC_NOTFOUND')); } # Build speed bar my $speedbar = ''; if ( $hits > ($self->{cgi}->{mh} || 25) ) { my $name = GT::CGI->url(remove_empty => 1); $speedbar .= $self->{disp}->toolbar( $self->{cgi}->{nh} || 1, $self->{cgi}->{mh} || 25, $hits, $name); } # Return results my (@output); while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { push @output, $row; } return ('search_results.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_SRC_RESULT'), results => \@output, speedbar=> $speedbar, msg => $self->_language('SRC_RESULT', $hits), hits => $hits }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{admin_form} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub admin_form { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # show admin form # my ($self, $user, $msg) = @_; return $self->home($self->_language('PER_ADMIN')) unless ( $self->{user}->{admin_p} ); $user = admin_init_hash($self->{user}) if ( !$user ); return ('admin_form.html', { header => $self->_language('HEA_ADMIN'), %$user, db => $self->{cgi}->{db}, password_confirm => $self->{cgi}->{password_confirm}, msg => $msg }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{admin_action} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub admin_action { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # add/delete/edit user on this table # my $self = shift; my $action = 'admin_inquire_user'; $action = 'admin_edit_user' if ( $self->{cgi}->{sub_edit} ); $action = 'admin_delete_user' if ( $self->{cgi}->{sub_delete} ); GT::Plugins->dispatch_method ($self->{root}.'/Plugins/Dbsql', $action, $self, $action); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{admin_inquire_user} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub admin_inquire_user { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # inquire a user # my($self, $username, $msg) = @_; $username ||= $self->{cgi}->{users}; my $user; my $db = $self->{cgi}->{db}; my $table = $self->{sql}->table($self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'}); my $user_inf = $table->get($username,'HASH') || {}; if ( $user_inf->{Username} ) { $user_inf->{users} = $username; my $user_src = $self->{cgi}->{a_Username}; if ( $user_src ) { my $user_new = $table->get($user_src) || {}; if ( $user_new->{Username} ) { $user_inf = $user_new; $user_inf->{users} = $user_new->{Username}; } else { $user_inf->{users} = $user_src; } } $user = ( $user_inf->{Username} ) ? admin_init_hash($user_inf, $user) : {}; } else { foreach my $key ( keys % {$self->{sql}->table($self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'})->cols} ) { exists $user->{'a_'.$key} or $user->{'a_'.$key} = ''; } $user->{users} = ''; } $self->admin_form($user, $msg); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{admin_edit_user} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub admin_edit_user { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # edit/update a user # my ($self) = shift; my ($msg, $action); my $new_username = $self->{cgi}->{user}; my $old_username = $self->{cgi}->{a_Username}; my $cur_username = $self->{cgi}->{users}; my $db = $self->{cgi}->{db}; my $pwd_confirm = $self->{cgi}->{password_confirm}; $msg = ( $new_username ) ? Dbsql::user_validate($new_username,$self->{cgi}->{a_Password},$pwd_confirm) : Dbsql::user_validate($old_username,$self->{cgi}->{a_Password},($pwd_confirm)? $pwd_confirm : $self->{cgi}->{a_Password}); return $self->admin_form($self->{cgi},$msg) if ( $msg ); my $tbl_user = $self->{sql}->table($self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'}); my $hsh_user = $self->admin_get_values($tbl_user); if ( $new_username ) { # add new a user $hsh_user->{Username} = $new_username; $tbl_user->add($hsh_user) or return $self->admin_form($self->{cgi},$self->_language('USER_ERROR',$GT::SQL::error)); #add user $self->{cgi}->{users} = $new_username; $self->{cgi}->{a_Username} = $new_username; $msg = $self->_language('USER_ADD', $new_username); $action = "add user $new_username"; } else { # update a user $tbl_user->update($hsh_user, {'Username' => $cur_username}) or return $self->admin_form($self->{cgi},$self->_language('USER_ERROR',$GT::SQL::error)); #update user $self->{cgi}->{users} = $old_username; if ( $cur_username eq $self->{user}->{Username} ) { #Reload information for current user return $self->log_off($self->_language('USER_UPDATE',$old_username)) if ( $cur_username ne $old_username ); foreach my $key ( keys % $hsh_user ) { $self->{user}->{$key} = $hsh_user->{$key}; } } return $self->admin_form($self->{cgi},$self->_language('USER_ERROR',$GT::SQL::error)) if ( $GT::SQL::error ); $msg = $self->_language('USER_UPDATE', $old_username); $action = "update user $old_username"; } $self->auth_logging('', '', $action) if ( $self->{cfg}->{log_file} ); $self->admin_form($self->{cgi}, $msg); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{admin_delete_user} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub admin_delete_user { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # edit/update a user# # my($self) = shift; my $username = $self->{cgi}->{users}; $self->{sql}->table($self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'})->delete({'Username' => $username}) or return $self->admin_form($self->{cgi},$self->_language('USER_ERROR', $GT::SQL::error)); $self->auth_logging('', '', "delete user $username") if ( $self->{cfg}->{log_file} ); if ( $username eq $self->{user}->{Username} ) { return $self->log_off($self->_language('USER_DELETE', $username)); } return $self->admin_inquire_user($username, "User $username deleted."); #add user } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{admin_init_hash} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub admin_init_hash { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # init value from a hash into a hash # my ($hsh_src, $hsh_tar) = @_; if ( $hsh_src ) { foreach my $key ( keys % $hsh_src ) { exists $hsh_tar->{'a_'.$key} or $hsh_tar->{'a_'.$key} = $hsh_src->{$key} || ''; } exists $hsh_tar->{users} or $hsh_tar->{users} = $hsh_src->{users} || $hsh_src->{Username}; return $hsh_tar; } return {}; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{admin_get_values} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub admin_get_values { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get value from form # my($self, $table) = @_; my($output, $cols); $cols = $table->cols; foreach my $key ( keys % $cols ) { $output->{$key} = $self->{cgi}->{'a_'.$key} || ''; } return ($output); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{auth_logging} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub auth_logging { #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logs an action to the database. Takes as input an action, and # optionally a user id. If no user id is passed in, it get's one from # my($self, $action, $items, $message) = @_; if ( !$message ) { if ( $items ) { foreach my $value ( values % $items ) { $message .= ($message) ? "-$value" : $value; } } else { my $pk = $self->{db}->{schema}->{pk}; if ( $pk ) { #to have a primary key foreach ( @$pk ) { $message .= ($message) ? '-'.$self->{cgi}->{$_} : $self->{cgi}->{$_}; } } } } my @time = localtime; my $date = sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $time[5] + 1900, $time[4] + 1, $time[3], $time[2], $time[1], $time[0]); my $ip = $ENV{REMOTE_HOST} || $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; my $uid = $self->{user}->{Username}; my $table = $self->{sql}->table($self->{cfg}->{log_file}); $table->add( {'log_time' => $date, 'action' => $action.$message, 'user_id' => $uid, 'ip' => $ip, 'tablename' => $self->{cgi}->{db} }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{owner} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub owner() { #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the record's owner # my $self = shift; my $oid = $self->{cgi}->{oid}; my @output; my $rs = $self->{sql}->table($self->{cfg}->{user_table_use})->get($oid); push @output, $rs if ( $rs ); return ('owner_form.html', { owner => \@output, header => $self->_language('HEA_OWNER'), msg => $self->_language('MSG_OWNER'), hit => ( $rs ) ? 1 : 0 }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{error} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub error { #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $self = shift; my $msg = shift ; $msg &&= qq|$msg|; $self->print ('error.html', { header => 'Error', msg => $msg }); exit 0; } END_OF_SUB sub _check_fk { #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check the related record is required in main table # my $self = shift; my $sth = $self->{sql}->table('Dbsql_Relationships')->select({ Relatedname => $self->{cgi}->{db} }); while ( my $rs = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { my $r = $self->{sql}->table($rs->{Tablename})->get({ $rs->{pk} => $self->{cgi}->{$rs->{fk}} }); ( $r ) or return $self->_language('REL_ERROR_FK', $rs->{Tablename}); } } sub format_insert_cgi { #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $self = shift; my $cols = ( $self->{cgi}->{sdb} and $self->{cgi}->{sdo} ) ? $self->{subfrm}->{db}->cols : $self->{db}->cols; foreach ( keys % $cols ) { if ( !exists $self->{cgi}->{$_} and uc($cols->{$_}->{form_type}) eq 'CHECKBOX' ) { $self->{cgi}->{$_} = ''; } next unless ( ref ($self->{cgi}->{$_}) eq 'ARRAY' ); $self->{cgi}->{$_} = join ($GT::SQL::Display::HTML::INPUT_SEPARATOR, sort (@{$self->{cgi}->{$_}})); } } sub format_search_cgi { #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $self = shift; foreach ( keys %{$self->{db}->cols} ) { next unless ( ref ($self->{cgi}->{$_}) eq 'ARRAY' ); if ( exists ($self->{cgi}->{"$_-opt"}) and $self->{cgi}->{"$_-opt"} eq 'LIKE' ) { $self->{cgi}->{$_} = join ("$GT::SQL::Display::HTML::INPUT_SEPARATOR%", sort (@{$self->{cgi}->{$_}})); } else { $self->{cgi}->{$_} = join ($GT::SQL::Display::HTML::INPUT_SEPARATOR, sort (@{$self->{cgi}->{$_}})); } } } sub _check_opts { #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This checks to make sure the user specified at least one # column to search on. ## my $self = shift; my $sel = 0; # Relation does not plat fare :( my $cols = $self->{db}->cols; for ( keys %{$self->{cgi}} ) { my ($opt) = $_ =~ /\-([^-]+)$/; my $c = $_; $c =~ s/\-$opt//; $sel = 1 if ( ( $self->{cgi}->{$_} =~ /\S/ ) and exists $cols->{$c} ) } if ( ( exists $self->{cgi}->{query} and $self->{cgi}->{query} =~ /\S/ ) or ( exists $self->{cgi}->{keyword} and $self->{cgi}->{keyword} =~ /\S/) ) { $sel = 1; } $sel or return; return 1; } sub _check_pers { #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Permissions check # my $self = shift; my @per = qw/add_p view_p delete_p modify_p admin_p/; foreach ( @per ) { if ( $self->{user}->{$_} eq '1' ) { return 1; } } return; } sub _language { # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process a language request, it's only loaded once, and saved in # $LANGUAGE. # my $self = shift; my $code = shift; my ($value) = @_; # my $template_set = $self->{cfg}->{template} || 'default'; # original code my $template_set = (defined $self->{cgi}->{t}) ? $self->{cgi}->{t} : ($self->{cfg}->{template} || 'default'); # bugfix if ( defined $LANGUAGE->{$template_set} ) { if ( exists $LANGUAGE->{$template_set}->{$code} ) { my $msg = @_ ? sprintf ($LANGUAGE->{$template_set}->{$code}, @_) : $LANGUAGE->{$template_set}->{$code}; $msg =~ s/<%value%>/$value/g; return $msg; } else { return $code; } } # Load the template file, and return the parsed code. local ($!, $@); # $LANGUAGE->{$template_set} = do "$self->{glb_cfg}->{admin_root_path}/templates/$template_set/language.txt"; $LANGUAGE = GT::Config->load("$self->{glb_cfg}->{admin_root_path}/templates/$template_set/language.txt", { inheritance => 1, local => 1 }); if ( exists $LANGUAGE->{$template_set}->{$code} ) { my $msg = @_ ? sprintf ($LANGUAGE->{$template_set}->{$code}, @_) : $LANGUAGE->{$template_set}->{$code}; $msg =~ s/<%value%>/$value/g; return $msg; } else { return $code; } } sub _load_global { #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load our global template # # Load our global variables. my $self = shift; # my $template_set = $self->{cfg}->{template} || 'default'; # original code my $template_set = (defined $self->{cgi}->{t}) ? $self->{cgi}->{t} : ($self->{cfg}->{template} || 'default'); # bugfix # Load our global variables. # if ( !defined $GLOBALS->{$template_set} and ( -e "$self->{glb_cfg}->{admin_root_path}/templates/$template_set/globals.txt" ) ) { # local ($@, $!); # $GLOBALS->{$template_set} = do "$self->{glb_cfg}->{admin_root_path}/templates/$template_set/globals.txt"; # } $GLOBALS->{$template_set} = GT::Config->load("$self->{glb_cfg}->{admin_root_path}/templates/$template_set/globals.txt", { inheritance => 1, compile_subs => 'Dbsql', local => 1 }); if ( defined $GLOBALS->{$template_set} ) { $GLOBALS->{$template_set} ||= {}; foreach my $key ( keys %{$GLOBALS->{$template_set}} ) { if ( !exists $self->{glb_cfg}->{$key} ) { if ( index ($GLOBALS->{$template_set}->{$key}, 'sub {') == 0 ) { $self->{glb_cfg}->{$key} = sub { my $code = eval "package Dbsql; $GLOBALS->{$template_set}->{$key}"; ref $code eq 'CODE' or die "Unable to compile '$key'. Reason: $@"; $code->(@_); }; } else { $self->{glb_cfg}->{$key} = $GLOBALS->{$template_set}->{$key}; } } } } } sub _determine_action { #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check valid action # my $self = shift; my $action = $self->{cgi}->{do} || undef; if ( !$action ) { return ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_no_authentication'} ) ? 'home' : 'login_form'; } return 'signup_form' if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_signup'} and $action eq 'signup_form' ); return 'signup' if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_signup'} and $action eq 'signup' ); ( ( $action eq 'qsearch_form' or $action eq 'qsearch_results' ) and !$self->{cgi}->{q} ) and return; if ( !$self->{user} and $action ne 'login_form' ){ $self->{msg} = $self->_language('INVALID_USER'); return 'login_form' ; } return 'home' if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_no_authentication'} and $action eq 'log_off' ); exists $COMPILE{$action} and return $action ; return; } sub _load_cfg { #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load config of a table # my $self = shift; my $tablename = shift; ( -e "$self->{root}/defs/$tablename.def" ) or return $self->error($self->_language('DB_FAILURE',$tablename)); my $cfg = $self->{sql}->table ('Dbsql')->get($tablename) or return $self->error($self->_language('REQUIRE_SETUP_DB',$tablename)); # Check if there is any user table to use with current table or using default table Users; $cfg->{'user_table_use'} ||= $self->{glb_cfg}->{default_user_table}; if ( $cfg->{'auth_no_authentication'} ) { ($cfg->{view_p}, $cfg->{add_p}, $cfg->{delete_p}, $cfg->{modify_p}, $cfg->{admin_p}) = split(',', $cfg->{'auth_allow_default'}); } return $cfg; } sub _authenticate { #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load information of a user # my $self = shift; require Dbsql::Authenticate; if ( $self->{cfg}->{'auth_no_authentication'} ) { my $per; ($per->{view_p}, $per->{add_p}, $per->{delete_p}, $per->{modify_p}, $per->{admin_p}) = split(',', $self->{cfg}->{'auth_allow_default'}); $per->{admin_p} = 0; return $per; } if ( $self->{cgi}->{uid} eq 'default' ) { my $results = Dbsql::Authenticate::auth ('create_session', { Table => $self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'}, Username => 'default' }) or return $self->error("Unable to create session!"); $self->{cgi}->{use_cookie} = $results->{use_cookie}; $self->{cgi}->{session_id} = $results->{session_id}; my $per; ($per->{view_p}, $per->{add_p}, $per->{delete_p}, $per->{modify_p}, $per->{admin_p}) = split(',', $self->{cfg}->{'auth_allow_default'}); $per->{admin_p} = 0; $per->{user_name} = 'default'; $per->{Username} = 'default'; return $per; } # Authenticate the user. Dbsql::Authenticate::auth('init'); my $username = $self->{cgi}->{Username}; my $password = $self->{cgi}->{Password}; my $tbl_name = $self->{db}->{name}; # Validate the username, either through logging on, or checking the # session. my $valid_user; if ( defined $username && defined $password ) { if ( Dbsql::Authenticate::auth('valid_user', { Table => $self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'}, Username => $username, Password => $password }) ) { $valid_user = $username; } } else { my $results = Dbsql::Authenticate::auth('valid_session', { Table => $self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'} }); $valid_user = $results->{user_name}; $self->{cgi}->{user_name} = $valid_user; $self->{cgi}->{use_cookie} = $results->{use_cookie}; $self->{cgi}->{session_id} = $results->{session_id}; } return if ( !$valid_user ); if ( $valid_user eq 'default' ) { my $per; ($per->{view_p}, $per->{add_p}, $per->{delete_p}, $per->{modify_p}, $per->{admin_p}) = split(',', $self->{cfg}->{'auth_allow_default'}); $per->{admin_p} = 0; $per->{Username} = 'default'; return $per; } # We have a valid_user, now let's get the user from DBMan SQL return $self->{sql}->table($self->{cfg}->{'user_table_use'})->get($valid_user); } if ( $PERSIST ) { foreach my $sub ( keys %COMPILE ) { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn "WARNING: ($sub) @_"; }; eval "#line 0Dbsql::Home::$sub\n$COMPILE{$sub}"; $@ and die "Unable to load '$sub' ($@)"; } } 1;