#!/usr/bin/perl5 use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html \n\n"; # ------------- # Links # ------------- # Links Manager # # File: nph-build.cgi # Description: Builds a set of HTML pages from the template directory. This is a # non parsed header script, and should display the output directly as it may # take quite a while to perform. It can also be called from the # command line or via a cron routine. Read the README for more details. # Author: Alex Krohn # Email: alex@gossamer-threads.com # Web: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/ # Version: 2.01 # # (c) 1998 Gossamer Threads Inc. # # This script is not freeware! Please read the README for full details # on registration and terms of use. # ===================================================================== # Required Librariers # -------------------------------------------------------- eval { ($0 =~ m,(.*)/[^/]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: UNIX / ($0 =~ m,(.*)\\[^\\]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: Windows \ require "links.cfg"; # Change this to full path to links.cfg if you have problems. require "$db_lib_path/db_utils.pl"; require "$db_lib_path/links.def"; $build_use_templates ? require "$db_lib_path/site_html_templates.pl" : require "$db_lib_path/site_html.pl"; use vars qw(%category %subcategories @links @new_links @cool_links %stats $grand_total $use_html $nph $date $time); }; if ($@) { print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n"; print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; print "Error including libraries: $@\n"; print "Make sure they exist, permissions are set properly, and paths are set correctly."; exit; } # ======================================================== eval { &main; }; # Trap any fatal errors so the program hopefully if ($@) { &cgierr("fatal error: $@"); } # never produces that nasty 500 server error page. exit; # There are only two exit calls in the script, here and in in &cgierr. sub main { # -------------------------------------------------------- # $|++; $use_html = 0; $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} and $use_html++; $use_html and (%in = &parse_form); # Either build the whole directory, parts of it, or just the new/popular section. if ($use_html) { if ($in{'staggered'}) { &build_staggered; } else { &build_all; } } else { &build_all; } } sub build_staggered { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Builds the directory in steps. # my %in = &parse_form; #$nph++; &html_print_headers() if ($use_html); my %steps = ( 1 => 'Updating New and Popular Records and rebuilding URL database', 2 => 'Rebuilding Category Pages', 3 => 'Building Detailed View Pages', 4 => 'Updating Home/New/Cool Pages' ); my $step = $in{'step'} || 1; my $limit = $in{'limit'} || 20; my $offset = $in{'offset'} || 0; my $auto = $in{'auto'} || 0; my $start = time(); my $date = e"t_date; my $time = e"t_time; my $header = qq~ Rebuilding Directory -- Phase $phase ~; my $sub_head = qq~

Building Pages

Step: $steps{$step}

Pages built on $date at $time

    CASE: {
        ($step == 1) and do { 
                print $header;
                print qq~~ if ($auto);
                print $sub_head;
                my $t1 = time();
                print "Backing up database . . .\n";
                print "Done (", time - $t1, " s)\n\n";
                $t1 = time();
                print "Building URL Index . . .\n";
                print "Done (", time - $t1, " s)\n\n";

                print "Updating New and Popular Records . . .\n";
                $t1 = time();
                print "Done (", time - $t1, " s)\n\n";

                print "Updating ratings .. \n";
                    $t1 = time();
                print "Done (", time - $t1, " s)\n\n";

                my $elapsed = time() - $start;
                print "------------------------------------------------\n";
                print "Step 1 took $elapsed seconds.\n\n";
                print qq~

On to Step 2

~; last CASE; }; ($step == 2) and do { my @category_list = &category_list; my $i; print $header; if ($auto) { ($offset > $#category_list) ? (print qq~~) : (print qq~~); } print $sub_head; print "Rebuilding Categories $offset -> ", $offset + $limit - 1, ".\n\n"; for ($i = $offset; $i <= $offset + $limit -1; $i++) { last unless ($category_list[$i] =~ /\w+/); %category = (); %subcategories = (); @links = (); @new_links = (); @cool_links = (); %stats = (); $grand_total = 0; my $t1 = time(); print "** Building Category: $category_list[$i] ... \n"; &build_single_category ($category_list[$i]); print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n"; } $offset = $offset + $limit; my $elapsed = time() - $start; print "------------------------------------------------\n"; print "This phase of step 2 took $elapsed seconds.\n\n"; ($offset > $#categories) ? print qq~

Go on to Step 3!

~ : print qq~

Next $limit Categories!

~; last CASE; }; ($step == 3) and do { print $header; print qq~~ if ($auto); print $sub_head; if ($build_detailed) { my $t1 = time(); print "Generating detailed view pages . . . \n"; &build_detailed_view; print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n"; } else { print "Detailed Building is not turned on -- Skipping!\n\n"; } my $elapsed = time() - $start; print "------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Step 3 took $elapsed seconds.\n\n"; print qq~

Go on to Step 4!

~; last CASE; }; ($step == 4) and do { print $header, $sub_head; my $t1 = time(); print "** Loading Category information . . .\n"; &build_category_information; print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n"; $t1 = time(); print "** Loading Summary information . . .\n"; &build_stats (1); print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n"; $t1 = time(); print "** Creating Home Page . . .\n"; &build_home_page; print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n"; $t1 = time(); print "** Creating What's New Pages . . .\n"; &build_new_page; print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n"; $t1 = time(); print "** Creating What's Cool Page. . .\n"; &build_cool_page; print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n"; $t1 = time(); print "** Creating Top Rated Page. . .\n"; &build_rate_page; print "** Done (", time - $t1, " s)!\n\n"; my $elapsed = time() - $start; print "------------------------------------------------\n"; print qq~Step 4 took $elapsed seconds.\n\nYour site is now up to date!~; last CASE; }; &cgierr("Unkown step: $step."); }; } sub build_all { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Rebuild the entire directory. # Determine if we are printing to command line, or to browser. #$nph++; &html_print_headers() if ($use_html); my $start = time(); my $date = e"t_date; my $time = e"t_time; # Print HTML Header $use_html ? print qq|Links Manager: Building Pages

Building Pages

| :
        print qq|Building Pages\n|;
    print "Pages built on " . $date . " at " . $time . "\n";
    print "--------------------------------------------------------\n\n";

# Backup the database.
    print "Backing up database . . .\n";
    print "Done.\n\n";

# Rebuild URL Index (This file is auto-generated, you will never need to touch it!  
    print "Building URL Index . . .\n";
    print "Done.\n\n";

# Update New and Popular Records..
    print "Updating New and Popular Records . . .\n";
    print "Done.\n\n";

# Update voting information .. 
    print "Updating ratings .. \n";
    print "Done.\n\n";

# Load Category Information
    print "Loading Category Information . . .\n";
    print "Done.\n\n";
# Generate some stats for future pages...   
    print "Gathering Category and Link information . . .\n";
    print "Done\n\n";

# Generate detailed view pages.
    if ($build_detailed) {
        print "Generating detailed view pages . . . \n";
        print "Done\n\n";
# Create Home Page
    $use_html ?
        print qq|Building Home Pages . . .\n| :
        print qq|Building Home Page . . .\n|;
    print "\tDone\n\n";
# Create What's New Page    
    $use_html ?
        print "Building What's New Page . . .\n" :
        print "Building What's New Page . . .\n";
    print "Done\n\n";

# Create What's Cool Page
    $use_html ?
        print "Building What's Cool Page . . .\n" :
        print "Building What's Cool Page . . .\n";
    print "Done\n\n";

# Create Top Rated Page
    $use_html ?
        print "Building Top Rated Page . . .\n" :
        print "Building Top Rated . . .\n";
    print "Done\n\n";
# Create Category Pages
    print "Building Category Pages . . .\n";
    print "Done\n\n";
# We are finished!  
    print "Pages Built (", time() - $start, " s)!";
    print "
" if ($use_html); } sub build_backup { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Backs up important database files. # my $date = e"t_date; if (-e "$db_script_path/backup/$date.links.db") { print "\tBackup exists for today.. Skipping\n"; return; } # Try to do it the right way.. eval { require File::Copy; }; if (!$@) { print "\tBacking up links, category and email database (File::Copy) ... \n"; &File::Copy::copy ("$db_script_path/data/links.db", "$db_script_path/backup/$date.links.db") or &cgierr ("Unable to copy links backup. Reason: $!"); &File::Copy::copy ("$db_script_path/data/categories.db", "$db_script_path/backup/$date.category.db") or &cgierr ("Unable to copy category backup. Reason: $!"); &File::Copy::copy ("$db_script_path/data/email.db", "$db_script_path/backup/$date.email.db") or &cgierr ("Unable to copy email backup. Reason: $!"); } # Otherwise, the ugly way. else { print "\tBacking up links, category and email database (Regular - $@) ... \n"; foreach (qw!links categories email!) { open (TMP, "$db_script_path/data/$_.db") or &cgierr ("Unable to open $db_script_path/data/$_.db. Reason: $!"); open (TMPOUT, ">$db_script_path/backup/$date.$_.db") or &cgierr ("Unable to open $db_script_path/$date.$_.db. Reason: $!"); while () { print TMPOUT; } close TMP; close TMPOUT; } } } sub build_url_index { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine builds a quick URL lookup database so the script # does not have to search the links.db for every hit. my $time = time(); my @values = (); my $count = 0; open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!"); open (URL, ">$db_url_name") or &cgierr("unable to open url index: $db_url_name. Reason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock (URL, 2) or &cgierr ("unable to get exclusive lock. Reason: $!"); } LINE: while () { /^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines. /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines. chomp; # Remove trailing new line. @values = &split_decode($_); print URL "$values[$db_key_pos]$db_delim$values[$db_url]\n"; $count++; } close DB; close URL; # Build the count file used to do random links. open (CNT, ">$db_hits_path/index.count") or &cgierr("unable to open count file: '$db_hits_path/index.count'. Reason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock (CNT, 2) or &cgierr ("unable to get exclusive lock on $db_hits_path/index.count. Reason: $!"); } print CNT $count; close CNT; } sub build_update_ratings { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Updates the ratings of each link. # # Let's collect the ratings. my ($id, %rating, %votes, @values, $input); opendir (HITS, $db_rates_path) or &cgierr ("unable to open ratings directory: $db_rates_path. Reason: $!"); while (defined ($id = readdir HITS)) { next unless ($id =~ /^\d+$/); open (HIT, "$db_rates_path/$id") or &cgierr ("unable to open rating counter: $db_rates_path/$id. Reason: $!"); my $input = ; chomp $input; ($votes{$id}, $rating{$id}) = split /\s/, $input; close HIT; } closedir HITS; # Update the links database. open (DB, "$db_links_name") or &cgierr ("unable to open links database: $db_links_name. Reason: $!"); open (DBTMP, ">$db_links_name.bak") or &cgierr ("unable to open temp links database: $db_links_name.bak. Reason: $!"); LINE: while () { /^#/ and print OUT and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines. /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines. chomp; # Remove trailing new line. @values = split /\Q$db_delim\E/; $id = $values[0]; if (exists $votes{$id}) { $values[$db_rating] = (($values[$db_rating] * $values[$db_votes]) + $rating{$id}) / ($values[$db_votes] + $votes{$id}); $values[$db_rating] = sprintf ("%.2f", $values[$db_rating]); $values[$db_votes] = $values[$db_votes] + $votes{$id}; print "\tUpdating rating to $values[$db_rating] for link id $id\n"; } print DBTMP &join_encode(&array_to_hash(0, @values)); } close DB; close DBTMP; if (-s "$db_links_name.bak" > 0) { if (! rename ("$db_links_name.bak", $db_links_name)) { print "\tCouldn't rename! Had to copy. Strange: $!\n"; open (DBTMP, ">$db_links_name") or &cgierr ("unable to open links database: $db_links_name. Reason: $!"); open (DB, "$db_links_name.bak") or &cgierr ("unable to open temp links database: $db_links_name.bak. Reason: $!"); while () { print DBTMP; } close DB; close DBTMP; } } else { &cgierr ("Error building! Links database is 0 bytes!"); } # Delete the ratings. foreach (keys %votes) { unlink ("$db_rates_path/$_") or &cgierr ("unable to remove rating: $db_rates_path/$_. Reason: $!"); } } sub build_update_newpop { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routines updates the database, and marks new records new, # old records old, popular records popular, and unpopular records, # unpopular. my ($id, %hits, @values, $days, @popular, $cutoff); # Let's collect how many hits we've gotten. opendir (HITS, $db_hits_path) or &cgierr ("unable to open hits directory: $db_hits_path. Reason: $!"); while (defined ($id = readdir HITS)) { next unless ($id =~ /^\d+$/); open (HIT, "$db_hits_path/$id") or &cgierr ("unable to open hit counter: $db_hits_path/$id. Reason: $!"); $hits{$id} = int ; close HIT; } closedir HITS; # Now go through the links database and update new links, and # add the hits. open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); } LINE: while () { /^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines. /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines. chomp; # Remove trailing new line. @values = &split_decode($_); $values[$db_modified] or print "Warning: No date for line: $_. Skipping..\n" and next LINE; # Calculate days old and then mark new. $days = &days_old($values[$db_modified], $date); ($days <= $db_new_cutoff) and ($new_records{$values[$db_key_pos]}++); # Build an array of popular hits. exists $hits{$id} ? push (@popular, $values[$db_hits] + $hits{$id}) : push (@popular, $values[$db_hits]); } close DB; # Sort the popular list, and set the cutoff mark. @popular = sort { $b <=> $a } @popular; ($db_popular_cutoff < 1) ? ($cutoff = $popular[int($db_popular_cutoff * $#popular)]) : ($cutoff = $popular[$db_popular_cutoff - 1]); ($cutoff < 2) and ($cutoff = 2); # Display our cutoffs. print "\tWhat's New Cutoff: $db_new_cutoff days\n"; print "\tPopular Cutoff: $cutoff hits\n"; # Now update the New and Cool tags on the links. open (DB, "$db_links_name") or &cgierr ("unable to open links database: $db_links_name. Reason: $!"); open (DBTMP, ">$db_links_name.bak") or &cgierr ("unable to open temp links database: $db_links_name.bak. Reason: $!"); LINE: while () { /^#/ and print OUT and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines. /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines. chomp; # Remove trailing new line. @values = split /\Q$db_delim\E/; $id = $values[0]; # Store the new number of hits. exists $hits{$id} and ($values[$db_hits] = $values[$db_hits] + $hits{$id}); # Check to see if the record is popular... if ($values[$db_hits] >= $cutoff) { print "\tUpdating record: $id, marking as popular ($values[$db_hits]).\n"; $values[$db_ispop] = "Yes"; } else { $values[$db_ispop] = "No"; } # Check to see if the record is new... if ($new_records{$id}) { print "\tUpdating record: $id, marking as new.\n"; $values[$db_isnew] = "Yes"; } else { $values[$db_isnew] = "No"; } print DBTMP &join_encode (&array_to_hash(0, @values)); } close DB; close DBTMP; if (-s "$db_links_name.bak" > 0) { if (! rename ("$db_links_name.bak", $db_links_name)) { print "\tCouldn't rename! Had to copy. Strange: $!\n"; open (DBTMP, ">$db_links_name") or &cgierr ("unable to open links database: $db_links_name. Reason: $!"); open (DB, "$db_links_name.bak") or &cgierr ("unable to open temp links database: $db_links_name.bak. Reason: $!"); while () { print DBTMP; } close DB; close DBTMP; } } else { &cgierr ("Error building! Links database is 0 bytes!"); } # Finally, clean out the hits directory. foreach (keys %hits) { next unless /^\d+$/; unlink ("$db_hits_path/$_") or &cgierr ("Can't remove hit file: '$db_hits_path/$_'. Reason: $!"); } } sub build_category_information { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine loads the category information into memory and # does some grouping. my ($name, @values, @base, $base,); open (DB, "<$db_category_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_category_name. Reason: $!"); LINE: while () { /^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines. /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines. chomp; @values = &split_decode ($_); $name = $values[$db_main_category]; # We store the category information in a globally accessable hash %category, indexed by category name. @{$category{$name}} = @values; # We also initilize the days_old variable to Jan 1. 1990 so that if # this category doesn't have any links, we still have a valid date # for it. $stats{$name}[1] = "1-Jan-1990"; $stats{$name}[0] = 0; # We now figure out if this category is a subcategory of something, # and if so, store it in the hash of arrays %subcategories. (@base) = split (/\//, $name); pop @base; $base = join ("/", @base); if ($base) { push (@{$subcategories{$base}}, $name); } } close DB; } sub build_stats { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine does a lot of the messy work. It builds globally accessible # arrays of new_links and cool_links. It finds out how many links are in each # category, and whether a category contains a new/modified link. my (@values, $category, $cat, @alt_categories, @categorylist, $depth, $i, $cat); my $staggered_mode = shift || undef; open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_file_name. Reason: $!"); LINE: while () { /^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines. /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines. chomp; @values = &split_decode ($_); $category = $values[$db_category]; # Add the link to the list of links. push (@{$links{$category}}, @values) if (!$staggered_mode); $grand_total++; # Add the link to the alternate categories as well. if (defined $db_alt) { @alt_categories = split(/\Q$db_delim\E/, $values[$db_alt]); foreach (@alt_categories) { push (@{$links{$_}}, @values); } } # Add the link to the list of new links if it is new. push (@{$new_links{$category}}, @values) if ($values[$db_isnew] eq "Yes"); # Add the link to the list of cool links if it is popular. push (@{$cool_links{$category}}, @values) if ($values[$db_ispop] eq "Yes"); # This adds one to the total of each category above the current category. # We have to caluclate the affect of the link on each alt category as well as the main. foreach $cat ($category, @alt_categories) { # Calculate the stats: the number of links and the newest link. @categorylist = split (/\//, $cat); $depth = $#categorylist; # This adds one to the total of each category above the current category, # and also marks any above categories new, if this link is new. for $i (0 .. $depth) { $stats{$cat}[0]++; if ((!$stats{$cat}[1]) || &compare_dates($values[$db_modified], $stats{$cat}[1])) { $stats{$cat}[1] = $values[$db_modified]; } pop (@categorylist); $cat = join("/", @categorylist); } } } close DB; # Now we have to sort the links and categories.. if (!$staggered_mode) { foreach $link ( keys %links ) { @{$links{$link}} = &build_sorthit (@{$links{$link}}); } foreach $cat ( keys %subcategories ) { @{$subcategories{$cat}} = sort @{$subcategories{$cat}}; } } $grand_total ||= 0; } sub build_detailed_view { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine build a single page for every link. # my (@values, $id, %rec, $count); if ($build_detail_path =~ m,^$build_root_path/(.*)$,) { &build_dir ($1); } print "\t"; open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_file_name. Reason: $!"); LINE: while () { /^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines. /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines. chomp; @values = &split_decode ($_); $id = $values[$db_key_pos]; %rec = &array_to_hash (0, @values); $title_linked = &build_linked_title ("$rec{'Category'}/$rec{'Title'}"); open (DETAIL, ">$build_detail_path/$id$build_extension") or &cgierr ("Unable to build detail page: $build_detail_path/$id$build_extension. Reason: $!"); print DETAIL &site_html_detailed (%rec); close DETAIL; $use_html ? print qq~$id ~ : print qq~$id ~; (++$count % 10) or print "\n\t"; } close DB; print "\n"; } sub build_category_pages { # -------------------------------------------------------- # This routine builds all the category pages. Each category uses # the same template which is defined in &site_html_category. my $build_single = shift; my ($cat, $url, $dir, @related, $relation, $page_num, $next_page, $numlinks); local ($category, $links, $title_linked, $title, $total, $category_name, $category_name_escaped); local ($description, $related, $meta_name, $meta_keywords, $header, $footer, $next, $prev); # Go through each category and build the appropriate page. CATEGORY: foreach $cat (sort keys %category) { next CATEGORY if ($cat =~ /^\s*$/); # How'd that get in here? =) next CATEGORY if ($build_single and ($build_single ne $cat)); $url = "$build_root_url/" . &urlencode($cat) . "/"; $use_html ? print qq|Building Category: $cat\n| : print qq|Building Category: $cat\n|; print "\tSubcategories: " . ($#{$subcategories{$cat}} + 1) . "\n"; print "\tLinks: " . (($#{$links{$cat}}+1) / ($#db_cols+1)) . "\n"; # Let's make sure the directory exists, build it if it doesn't. $dir = &build_dir ($cat); print "\tDirectory: $dir\n"; print "\tFilename : $dir/$build_index\n"; # We set up all the variables people can use in &site_html.pl. ($description, $related, $meta_name, $meta_keywords, $header, $footer) = @{$category{$cat}}[2..7]; # Calculate the related entries and put in a
  • list. @related = split(/\Q$db_delim\E/, $related); $related = ""; foreach $relation (@related) { $related .= qq|
  • |; $related .= &build_clean($relation); $related .= "
  • "; } # Get the header and footer from file if it exists, otherwise assume it is html. if ($header && (length($header) < 20) && ($header !~ /\s+/) && (-e "$db_header_path/$header")) { open (HEAD, "<$db_header_path/$header") or &cgierr ("Unable to open header file: $db_header_path/$header. Reason: $!"); $header = ""; while () { $header .= $_; } close HEAD; } if ($footer && (length($footer) < 20) && ($footer !~ /\s+/) && (-e "$db_footer_path/$footer")) { open (FOOT, "<$db_footer_path/$footer") or &cgierr ("Unable to open footer file: $db_footer_path/$footer. Reason: $!"); $footer = ""; while () { $footer .= $_; } close FOOT; } $title_linked = &build_linked_title ($cat); $title = &build_unlinked_title ($cat); $total = ($#{$links{$cat}} + 1) / ($#db_cols + 1); $category_name = $cat; $category_name_escaped = &urlencode ($cat); $category_clean = &build_clean ($cat); # Store all the category html info in $category. if ($#{$subcategories{$cat}} >= 0) { $category = &site_html_print_cat (@{$subcategories{$cat}}); } else { $category = ""; } # If we are spanning pages, we grab the first x number of links and build # the main index page. We set $numlinks to the remaining links, and we remove # the links from the list. $numlinks = ($#{$links{$cat}} + 1) / ($#db_cols + 1); $next = $prev = $links = ""; if (($numlinks > $build_links_per_page) && $build_span_pages) { $page_num = 2; $next = $url . "more$page_num$build_extension"; for ($i = 0; $i < $build_links_per_page; $i++) { %tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$links{$cat}}); $links .= &site_html_link (%tmp); } @{$links{$cat}} = @{$links{$cat}}[(($#db_cols+1)*$build_links_per_page) .. $#{$links{$cat}}]; $numlinks = ($#{$links{$cat}}+1) / ($#db_cols + 1); } # Otherwise we either only have less then x number of links, or we are not # splitting pages, so let's just build them all. else { for ($i = 0; $i < $numlinks; $i++) { %tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$links{$cat}}); $links .= &site_html_link (%tmp); } } # Create the main page. open (CAT, ">$dir/$build_index") or &cgierr ("unable to open category page: $dir/$build_index. Reason: $!"); print CAT &site_html_category; close CAT; # Then we go through the list of links and build on the remaining pages. $prev = $url if ($build_span_pages); while ($next && $build_span_pages) { if ($numlinks > $build_links_per_page) { $next_page = $page_num+1; $next = $url . "more$next_page$build_extension"; } else { $next = ""; } $links = ""; LINK: for ($i = 0; $i < $build_links_per_page; $i++) { %tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$links{$cat}}); last LINK if ($tmp{$db_key} eq ""); $links .= &site_html_link (%tmp); } $title_linked = &build_linked_title ("$cat/Page_$page_num/"); $title = &build_unlinked_title ("$cat/Page_$page_num/"); $use_html ? print qq|\tSubpage : $dir/more$page_num$build_extension\n| : print qq|\tSubpage : $dir/more$page_num$build_extension\n|; open (CAT, ">$dir/more$page_num$build_extension") or &cgierr ("unable to open category page: $dir/index$page_num$build_extension. Reason: $!"); print CAT &site_html_category; close CAT; @{$links{$cat}} = @{$links{$cat}}[(($#db_cols+1)*$build_links_per_page) .. $#{$links{$cat}}]; $numlinks = ($#{$links{$cat}}+1) / ($#db_cols + 1); $prev = $url . "more$page_num$build_extension"; $page_num++; } print "\n"; } } sub build_single_category { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Builds a single category. # my $category = shift; my ($name, @values, @base, $base,); # Get category information for this one category. open (DB, "<$db_category_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_category_name. Reason: $!"); LINE: while () { /^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines. /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines. chomp; @values = &split_decode ($_); $name = $values[$db_main_category]; if ($name eq $category) { @{$category{$name}} = @values; $stats{$name}[1] = "1-Jan-1990"; $stats{$name}[0] = 0; } elsif ($name =~ m,^$category/([^/]+)$,) { @{$category{$name}} = @values; push @{$subcategories{$category}}, $name; $stats{$name}[1] = "1-Jan-1990"; $stats{$name}[0] = 0; } else { next; } } close DB; # Gather link information for just this one category. open (DB, "<$db_file_name") or &cgierr("unable to open database: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); } LINE: while () { /^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines. /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines. chomp; # Remove trailing new line. @values = &split_decode($_); $link_cat = $values[$db_category]; next unless ($link_cat =~ /^$category/); # This link is either in the category, or in a subcategory. if ($link_cat =~ m,^$category/([^/]+)/*,) { $stats{$link_cat}[0]++; if ((!$stats{$link_cat}[1]) || &compare_dates($values[$db_modified], $stats{$link_cat}[1])) { $stats{$link_cat}[1] = $values[$db_modified]; } } elsif ($link_cat eq $category) { push (@{$links{$category}}, @values); } else { &cgierr ("Unkown Category: $link_cat."); } } close DB; # Sort the links. foreach $link ( keys %links ) { @{$links{$link}} = &build_sorthit (@{$links{$link}}); } foreach $cat ( keys %subcategories ) { @{$subcategories{$cat}} = sort @{$subcategories{$cat}}; } # Now let's build the category page. &build_category_pages($category); } sub build_home_page { # -------------------------------------------------------- my ($subcat, @rootcat); local ($total); # Check to see which categories are off of the root. foreach $subcat (sort keys %category) { if ($subcat =~ m,^([^/]*)$,) { push (@rootcat, $subcat); } } print "\tSubcategories: "; print $#rootcat+1; print "\n"; print "\tTotal Links: $grand_total\n"; print "\tOpening page: $build_root_path/$build_index\n"; open (HOME, ">$build_root_path/$build_index") or &cgierr ("unable to open home page: $build_root_path/$build_index. Reason: $!"); $category = &site_html_print_cat (@rootcat) if ($#rootcat >= 0); $total = $grand_total; print HOME &site_html_home; close HOME; print "\tClosing page.\n"; } sub build_new_page { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Creates a "What's New" page. Set $build_span_pages to 1 in links.cfg # and it will create a seperate page for each date. # my (%link_output, $category_clean, $long_date, $category, $date, $number_links, $main_link_results, $main_total, %span_totals); local ($total, $link_results, $title_linked); # Let's build the What's New directory. if ($build_new_path =~ m,^$build_root_path/(.*)$,) { &build_dir ($1); } # Now we go through all the new_links (which are organized by category), and # build the html in array indexed by date then category. $total = 0; CATEGORY: foreach $category (sort keys %new_links) { LINK: for ($i = 0; $i < ($#{$new_links{$category}}+1) / ($#db_cols + 1); $i++) { $total++; %tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$new_links{$category}}); ${$link_output{$tmp{'Date'}}}{$category} .= &site_html_link (%tmp) . "\n"; $span_totals{$tmp{'Date'}}++; } } # Then we go through each date, and build the links for that date. If we are spanning # pages, we will create a seperate page for each date and need to set up a few other # variables (like title and total). We will also want to reset links_results each time. DATE: foreach $date (sort { &date_to_unix($b) <=> &date_to_unix($a) } keys %link_output) { $long_date = &long_date ($date); if ($build_span_pages) { $link_results = ""; $total = $span_totals{$date}; $title_linked = &build_linked_title ("New/$date"); } else { $link_results .= "


    "; } CATEGORY: foreach $category (sort keys %{$link_output{$date}}) { $category_clean = &build_clean ($category); $link_results .= qq|

    $category_clean\n|; $link_results .= ${$link_output{$date}}{$category}; } # Crete the new page, and do a bit of HTML work for the main page. if ($build_span_pages) { open (NEW, ">$build_new_path/$date$build_extension") or cgierr ("unable to open what's new page: $build_new_path/$build_index. Reason: $!"); $use_html ? print qq|\tNew Links for $date: $total\n| : print qq|\tNew Links for $date: $total\n|; print NEW &site_html_new; close NEW; $main_link_results .= qq|

  • $long_date ($total).|; $main_total += $total; } else { $link_results .= "
  • "; } } if ($build_span_pages) { $link_results = "
    "; $total = $main_total; } $title_linked = &build_linked_title ("New"); # Build the main What's New page. open (NEW, ">$build_new_path/$build_index") or cgierr ("unable to open what's new page: $build_new_path/$build_index. Reason: $!"); print "\tTotal New Links: $total\n"; print NEW &site_html_new(@new_links); close NEW; } sub build_cool_page { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Creates a "What's Cool" page. local ($total, $percent, $link_results, $title_linked); my (%link_output, $category_clean); if ($build_cool_path =~ m,^$build_root_path/(.*)$,) { &build_dir ($1); } $total = 0; CATEGORY: foreach $category (sort keys %cool_links) { LINK: for ($i = 0; $i < ($#{$cool_links{$category}}+1) / ($#db_cols + 1); $i++) { $total++; %tmp = &array_to_hash ($i, @{$cool_links{$category}}); $link_output{$category} .= &site_html_link (%tmp) . "\n"; } } foreach $category (sort keys %cool_links) { $category_clean = &build_clean ($category); $link_results .= qq|

    $category_clean\n|; $link_results .= $link_output{$category}; } $title_linked = &build_linked_title ("Cool"); open (COOL, ">$build_cool_path/$build_index") or cgierr ("unable to open what's cool page: $build_cool_path/$build_index. Reason: $!"); print "\tCool Links: $total\n"; ($db_popular_cutoff < 1) ? ($percent = $db_popular_cutoff * 100 . "%") : ($percent = $db_popular_cutoff); print COOL &site_html_cool(@cool_links); close COOL; } sub build_rate_page { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Creates a Top 10 ratings page. my (@values, $id, $votes, $rate, @top_votes, %top_votes, @top_rate, %top_rate); local ($top_rated, $top_votes); if ($build_ratings_path =~ m,^$build_root_path/(.*)$,) { &build_dir ($1); } $total = 0; open (LINKS, $db_links_name) or &cgierr ("unable to open links database: $db_links_name. Reason: $!"); LINE: while () { /^#/ and next LINE; # Skip comment Lines. /^\s*$/ and next LINE; # Skip blank lines. chomp; @values = &split_decode ($_); $id = $values[$db_key_pos]; $votes = $values[$db_votes]; $rate = $values[$db_rating]; next if ($votes < 10); if (($#top_votes < 9) or ($votes > $top_votes[$#top_votes])) { push (@{$top_votes{$votes}}, @values); if ($#top_votes <= 10) { push (@top_votes, $votes); @top_votes = sort { $b <=> $a } @top_votes; } else { splice (@{$top_votes{$#top_votes}}, 0, $#db_cols); $#{$top_votes{$#top_votes}} or delete $top_votes{$#top_votes}; delete $top_votes{$top_votes[$#top_votes]-$id}; $top_votes[$#top_votes] = $votes; @top_votes = sort { $b <=> $a } @top_votes; } } if (($#top_rate < 9) or ($rate > $top_rate[$#top_rate])) { push (@{$top_rate{$rate}}, @values); if ($#top_rate <= 10) { push (@top_rate, $rate); @top_rate = sort { $b <=> $a } @top_rate; } else { splice (@{$top_rate{$#top_rate}}, 0, $#db_cols); $#{$top_rate{$#top_rate}} or delete $top_rate{$#top_rate}; delete $top_rate{$top_rate[$#top_rate]-$id}; $top_rate[$#top_rate] = $rate; @top_rate = sort { $b <=> $a } @top_rate; } } } close LINKS; $top_rated = ''; $top_votes = ''; foreach (sort { $b <=> $a } @top_votes) { $seen{$_}++; %link = &array_to_hash ($seen{$_} - 1, @{$top_votes{$_}}); $top_votes .= qq~$link{'Rating'}$link{'Votes'}$link{'Title'}\n~; } foreach (sort { $b <=> $a } @top_rate) { $seen{$_}++; %link = &array_to_hash ($seen{$_} - 1, @{$top_rate{$_}}); $top_rated .= qq~$link{'Rating'}$link{'Votes'}$link{'Title'}\n~; } open (RATE, ">$build_ratings_path/$build_index") or &cgierr ("unable to open top rated page: $build_ratings_path/$build_index. Reason: $!"); print "\tVote Range: $top_votes[0] .. $top_votes[$#top_votes]\n"; print "\tRate Range: $top_rate[0] .. $top_rate[$#top_rate]\n"; print RATE &site_html_ratings; close RATE; } sub build_dir { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Verifies that all neccessary directories have been created # before we create the category file. Takes as input, the category # to verify, and returns the full directory path. my $input = shift; my ($dir, $path) = ''; my @dirs = split /\//, $input; foreach $dir (@dirs) { $path .= "/$dir"; &build_check_dir ($build_root_path, $path); if (! (-e "$build_root_path$path")) { print "\tMaking Directory ($build_dir_per): '$build_root_path$path' ..."; if (mkdir ("$build_root_path$path", "$build_dir_per")) {; print "Made. CHMOD ($build_dir_per) ..."; if (chmod ($build_dir_per, "$build_root_path$path")) {; print "Done."; } else { print "CHMOD ($build_dir_per) failed! Reason: $!."; } } else { print "mkdir failed! Reason: $!."; } print "\n"; } } return "$build_root_path$path"; } sub build_linked_title { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a string of the current category broken up # by section, with each part linked to the respective section. my $input = shift; my (@dirs, $dir, $output, $path, $last); @dirs = split (/\//, $input); $last = &build_clean(pop @dirs); $output = qq| Top :|; foreach $dir (@dirs) { $path .= "/$dir"; $dir = &build_clean ($dir); $output .= qq| $dir :|; } $output .= " $last"; return $output; } sub build_unlinked_title { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a string of the current category broken up by section. # Useful for printing in the title. my $input = shift; my (@dirs, $dir, $output); @dirs = split (/\//, $input); foreach $dir (@dirs) { $dir = &build_clean ($dir); $output .= " $dir:"; } chop ($output); return $output; } sub build_check_dir { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Checks the directory before we create it to make sure there # are no funncy characters in it. my ($root, $dir) = @_; my $chrs = quotemeta ("/_-"); if (! -e $root) { &cgierr ("Root directory: $root does not exist!"); } if ($dir !~ m,^[\w\d$chrs]+$,) { &cgierr ("Invalid characters in category name: $dir. Must contain only letters, numbers, _, / and -."); } return $input; } 1;