# ================================================================== # Gossamer Forum - Advanced web community # # Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/ # Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/ # Revision : $Id: User.pm,v 2003/07/04 20:33:56 jagerman Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2003 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please # see LICENSE file for full details. # ================================================================== # package GForum::User; use strict; use GForum qw/:user :forum $DB $IN $CFG $USER $SESSION $SESSION_TYPE/; use GForum::Authenticate; use GT::Date; use GT::AutoLoader; $COMPILE{signup} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub signup { shift; my ($do, $func, @errors) = @_; @errors = map { { error => scalar GForum::language($_) } } @errors; my $page = $func->{page}->{user_signup}; my %user_data; my $User = $DB->table('User'); for ($IN->param) { next unless exists $User->{schema}->{cols}->{$_} or $_ eq 'signup_amount'; $user_data{$_} = $IN->param($_); } $user_data{user_username} ||= ''; $user_data{user_password} ||= ''; $user_data{user_email} ||= ''; $user_data{signup_amount} = '' if not defined $user_data{signup_amount} or $user_data{signup_amount} !~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ or not exists $CFG->{payment}->{signup}->{levels}->{$user_data{signup_amount}}; require GForum::Payment; my $payment = GForum::Payment::get_signup_config(); my $payment_methods = GForum::Payment::methods(); return( $page => { email_validation_required => !$CFG->{require_signup_email_validation}, admin_validation_required => !$CFG->{require_signup_admin_validation}, %user_data, @errors ? (errors => \@errors) : (), %$payment, %$payment_methods } ); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{login} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub login { shift; # Discard the package my ($do, $func) = splice @_, 0, 2; my $tags = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {}; my $url; if ($ENV{HTTPS} and $ENV{HTTPS} eq 'on') { $url = $CFG->{cgi_root_url_https}; if ($url !~ /\S/) { $url = $CFG->{cgi_root_url}; $url =~ s|^(?:\w+://)?|https://|; } } else { $url = $CFG->{cgi_root_url}; } $url .= "/" . $IN->url(); $url =~ s/(?:[;&]?(?:login_(?:username|password|attempt)|url|session|guest|username)=[^&;]*|\b(?:login_(?:username|password|attempt)|url|session|guest|username)=[^&]*)//g; $url =~ s/\bdo=log(?:in|out)\b//g; $url =~ s/\?/?login_attempt=1&/ or $url .= "?login_attempt=1"; $tags->{url} = $url; $tags->{user_username} = $IN->param('username') || $IN->param('login_username'); delete @GForum::HIDDEN{qw/login_username login_password session/}; return( $CFG->{functions}->{login}->{page}->{login}, $tags ); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{logout} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub logout { shift; # Discard the package my ($do, $func) = @_; $SESSION or return GForum::do_func('login'); my $header = ''; my $remember = $IN->cookie($CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'remember'); if ($SESSION_TYPE eq 'remember' or $SESSION_TYPE eq 'cookie') { if ($SESSION_TYPE eq 'remember') { my $r = $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'remember', -value => 0, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path}, -expires => "-1y")->cookie_header() . "\n"; if ($CFG->{cookie_domain}) { $r .= $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'remember', -value => 0, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path}, -expires => "-1y", -domain => $CFG->{cookie_domain})->cookie_header() . "\n"; } $header .= $r; $DB->table('Remember')->delete($remember); } my $s = $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'session', -value => 0, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path}, -expires => "-1y")->cookie_header() . "\n"; if ($CFG->{cookie_domain}) { $s .= $IN->cookie(-name => $CFG->{cookie_prefix} . 'session', -value => 0, -path => $CFG->{cookie_path}, -expires => "-1y", -domain => $CFG->{cookie_domain})->cookie_header() . "\n"; } $header .= $s; } if ($SESSION) { $DB->table('Session')->delete($SESSION->{info}->{session_id}); } print $header if $header; # Expire cookies $USER = $SESSION = undef; GForum::do_func('login'); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{icons} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub icons { my $ret = []; push @$ret, {} if shift; require GT::Image::Size; if ($USER and $USER->{user_icon} and $USER->{user_icon} =~ m|^users/|) { my $dim = icon_dimensions($USER->{user_icon}); push @$ret, { icon_name => scalar GForum::language('USER_ICON_CURRENT'), icon_filename => $USER->{user_icon}, icon_width => $dim->{icon_width}, icon_height => $dim->{icon_height} }; } for (keys %{$CFG->{user_icons}}) { my $dim = icon_dimensions($CFG->{user_icons}->{$_}); push @$ret, { icon_name => $_, icon_filename => $CFG->{user_icons}->{$_}, icon_width => $dim->{icon_width}, icon_height => $dim->{icon_height} }; } push @$ret, {} if shift; return { icons => $ret } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{icon_dimensions} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub icon_dimensions { my $filename = shift; $filename = "$CFG->{image_path}/$filename"; require GT::Image::Size; my ($w, $h) = GT::Image::Size::imgsize($filename); $w ||= 0; $h ||= 0; my $ratio; if ($w > $CFG->{user_icon_max_width}) { $ratio = $CFG->{user_icon_max_width} / $w; } if ($h > $CFG->{user_icon_max_height}) { my $r = $CFG->{user_icon_max_height} / $h; $ratio = $r if not defined $ratio or $r < $ratio; } if ($ratio) { $h *= $ratio; $w *= $ratio; } return { icon_width => $w, icon_height => $h }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{icon_add} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub icon_add { my ($icon_name, $icon_filename) = @_; if (exists $CFG->{user_icons}->{$icon_name}) { return { add_success => 0, reason => "An icon with that name already exists" } } $CFG->{user_icons}->{$icon_name} = $icon_filename; $CFG->save(); return { add_success => 1 } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{icon_delete} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub icon_delete { my $icon_name = shift; if (not exists $CFG->{user_icons}->{$icon_name}) { return { delete_sucess => 0, reason => "No such icon" } } delete $CFG->{user_icons}->{$icon_name}; $CFG->save(); return { delete_success => 1 } } END_OF_SUB # Saves changes to a profile. Reads input from $IN->param $COMPILE{profile} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub profile { shift; my ($do, $func) = @_; my $page = $func->{page}; $USER or return do_func('login'); my $User = $DB->table('User'); my @errors; my $update; my %skip; for ($IN->param) { next if $skip{$_}; next unless exists $User->{schema}->{cols}->{$_} or substr($_, -7) eq '_upload' and exists $User->{schema}->{cols}->{substr($_, 0, -7)}; my @value = $IN->param($_); my $value = $value[0]; if ($_ eq 'user_id') { next; } elsif ($_ eq 'user_password') { if (@value > 1) { # The templates can have two password fields (to verify the password) or just a single field if (not length $value[0] and not length $value[1]) { next; # No password entered } elsif ($value[0] ne $value[1]) { push @errors, GForum::language('PROFILE_PASSWORDS_DONT_MATCH'); next; } } elsif (not length $value) { next; # A single password field, with no password entered } unless (GForum::Authenticate::auth('change_pass', $value)) { push @errors, $GForum::Authenticate::Auth_Error; next; } } elsif ($_ eq 'user_username') { if (lc $USER->{user_username} eq lc $value) { next; } elsif (not GForum::Authenticate::auth('change_username', $value)) { push @errors, $GForum::Authenticate::Auth_Error; next; } } elsif (/^(user_icon\w*)_upload$/ and not $IN->param($1) and exists $User->{schema}->{cols}->{$1} and $CFG->{"user_icon_allow_upload"}) { next unless fileno($value); binmode($value); my $column = $1; my $max_size = $CFG->{"user_icon_max_size"}; if (-s $value > $max_size) { require GForum::Attachment; push @errors, GForum::language(USER_ICON_TOO_LARGE => GForum::Attachment::friendly_size($max_size)); next; } my ($ext) = $value =~ m{\.([^\\/.]+)$}; next unless $ext; $ext = lc $ext; my $allowed; for (@{$CFG->{"user_icon_image_types"}}) { if ($ext eq lc) { $allowed = 1; last; } } if (!$allowed) { push @errors, GForum::language(USER_ICON_BAD_TYPE => uc($ext), uc join ", ", @{$CFG->{"user_icon_image_types"}}); next; } my $written; # If the user icon extension is changing (eg. was GIF, now JPG), delete the old icon if ($USER->{$column} and $USER->{$column} =~ m|^users/$USER->{user_id}-$column\.(?!\Q$ext\E)|) { unlink "$CFG->{image_path}/$USER->{$column}"; } my $icon_filename = "$CFG->{image_path}/users/$USER->{user_id}-$column.$ext"; my $icon = \do { local *ICON; *ICON }; if (open $icon, ">$icon_filename") { $written = 1; binmode $icon; while (my $read = read($value, my $buffer, 4096)) { unless (print $icon $buffer) { unlink $icon_filename; $written = 0; last; } } if ($written) { $update->{$column} = "users/$USER->{user_id}-$column.$ext"; $skip{$column}++; # The upload overrides the user_icon parameter chmod(0666, $icon_filename); } } if (!$written) { push @errors, GForum::language(USER_ICON_SYSTEM_ERROR => "$!"); } next; } elsif (/^user_icon\w*$/) { $value = undef if $value =~ m{^(?:[a-zA-Z]:)?[/\\]} or $value =~ /\.\./; } next if substr($_, -7) eq '_upload' and exists $User->{schema}->{cols}->{substr($_, 0, -7)}; my $regex = join "|", map quotemeta, @{$CFG->{user_private_fields}}, qw/user_enabled user_registered user_status user_val_code user_admin_validated user_title user_payment_expiry user_payment_donations/; next if /^$regex$/; # Skips fields such as "user_status", which definitely should not be changed if (my $regex = $User->{schema}->{cols}->{$_}->{regex}) { $value =~ /$regex/ or push(@errors, GForum::language(PROFILE_INVALID_DATA => $User->{schema}->{cols}->{$_}->{form_display} || $_)), next; } $value = undef if $_ eq 'user_homepage' and $value =~ m|^\s*http://\s*$|; $value = undef if not $User->{schema}->{cols}->{$_}->{not_null} and not $value; $update->{$_} = $value; } $User->update($update, { user_id => $USER->{user_id} }) or push @errors, $GT::SQL::error; $USER = $User->get($USER->{user_id}); if (@errors) { $GForum::Template::VARS{errors} = [map +{ error => $_ }, @errors]; return GForum::do_func($IN->param('on_error')); } $GForum::Template::VARS{changes_saved} = 1; GForum::do_func($IN->param('on_success')); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{profile_email_page} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub profile_email_page { shift; my ($do, $func) = @_; my $page = $func->{page}; my %subscribed = map { $_ => 1 } $DB->table('ForumSubscriber')->select(forum_id_fk => { user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id} })->fetchall_list; require GForum::Forum; my $everything = GForum::Forum::tpl_list('all_user')->{tpl_list}; for (@$everything) { $_->{forum_subscribed} = 1 if $_->{forum_id} and $subscribed{$_->{forum_id}}; } return( $page->{forum_list} => { everything => $everything, %$USER } ); } END_OF_SUB # This looks for subscriptions selected and handles subscriptions. $COMPILE{profile_email} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub profile_email { shift; my ($do, $func) = @_; my @subscriptions = $IN->param('subscribe'); ref $subscriptions[0] and @subscriptions = @{$subscriptions[0]}; my %subscribed = map { ($_->[0] => 1) } @{$DB->table('ForumSubscriber')->select(forum_id_fk => { user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id} })->fetchall_arrayref}; my %subscribe = map { ($_ => 1) } @subscriptions; my @forums = map $_->[0], @{$DB->table('Forum')->select('forum_id')->fetchall_arrayref}; require GForum::Authenticate; for my $forum_id (@forums) { if (GForum::Authenticate::auth('forum_permission', $forum_id) >= FORUM_PERM_READ and $subscribe{$forum_id}) { unless ($subscribed{$forum_id}) { $DB->table('ForumSubscriber')->insert({ forum_id_fk => $forum_id, user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id}, subsc_time => time, subsc_last => undef }); } } elsif ($subscribed{$forum_id}) { $DB->table('ForumSubscriber')->delete({ forum_id_fk => $forum_id, user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id} }); } } $GForum::Template::VARS{changes_saved} = 1; GForum::do_func($IN->param('next_do')); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{profile_threads_page} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub profile_threads_page { shift; my ($do, $func) = @_; my $page = $func->{page}; my $rel = $DB->table('ThreadWatch' => 'Post' => 'Forum' => 'Category'); my $sth = $rel->select({ $rel->{connect}->{PREFIX} . "ThreadWatch.user_id_fk" => $USER->{user_id} }); my @threads; while (my $thread = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @threads, $thread; } my %users; $sth = $DB->table('User')->select({ user_id => [map { $_->{user_id_fk} || () } @threads]}); while (my $user = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $users{$user->{user_id}} = $user; } require GForum::Forum; require GForum::Post; for my $t (@threads) { if ($t->{user_id_fk} and exists $users{$t->{user_id_fk}}) { @$t{keys %{$users{$t->{user_id_fk}}}} = values %{$users{$t->{user_id_fk}}}; } } GForum::Forum::normalize(\@threads); GForum::Post::normalize(\@threads); my $forum_order = GForum::Forum::tpl_list('all_user')->{tpl_list}; # Uhg, all this just to get the proper forum order. my %order; my $i; for (@$forum_order) { next unless $_->{forum_id}; $order{$_->{forum_id}} = $i++; } @threads = sort { $order{$a->{forum_id}} <=> $order{$b->{forum_id}} } @threads; return($page->{thread_list} => { threads => \@threads, watched_threads => scalar @threads }); } END_OF_SUB # This handles unsubscribing from threads (when you stop watching a thread). $COMPILE{profile_threads} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub profile_threads { shift; my ($do, $func) = @_; my @stop_watching = $IN->param('stop_watching'); ref $stop_watching[0] and @stop_watching = @{$stop_watching[0]}; $DB->table('ThreadWatch')->delete({ user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id}, thread_id_fk => \@stop_watching }) if @stop_watching; $GForum::Template::VARS{changes_saved} = 1; GForum::do_func($IN->param('next_do')); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{signup_submit} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub signup_submit { shift; my ($do, $func) = @_; my $page = $func->{page}; my $input = $IN->get_hash; if (length $input->{user_username} and GForum::Authenticate::auth('valid_username', $input->{user_username}) and (ref $input->{user_password} ? (length $input->{user_password}->[0] and $input->{user_password}->[0] eq $input->{user_password}->[1]) : (length $input->{user_password}) ) and $input->{user_email} and $input->{user_email} =~ /.@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$/ and (!$CFG->{payment}->{signup}->{enabled} or $CFG->{require_signup_email_validation} or defined $input->{signup_amount} and $input->{signup_amount} =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ and exists $CFG->{payment}->{signup}->{levels}->{$input->{signup_amount}}) ) { my $ut = $DB->table('User'); my $regex = join "|", map quotemeta, @{$CFG->{user_private_fields}}, qw/user_username user_password user_temp_pass user_password user_enabled user_registered user_status user_val_code user_admin_validated user_title user_payment_expiry user_payment_donations/; my @keys = grep +(exists $ut->{schema}->{cols}->{$_} and not /^$regex$/), keys %$input; $ut->count(user_username => $input->{user_username}) and return GForum::do_func(user_signup => GForum::language(USERNAME_EXISTS => $input->{user_username})); if (!$CFG->{signup_allow_duplicate_email}) { my $username = $ut->select(user_username => { user_email => $input->{user_email} })->fetchrow; if (defined $username) { return GForum::do_func(user_signup => GForum::language(SIGNUP_EMAIL_EXISTS => $input->{user_email}, $username)); } } if ($CFG->{banned_email} and @{$CFG->{banned_email}}) { my %ch = ('\*' => '.*', '\?' => '.', '\+' => '.+'); my $regex = join '|', map { (my $e = quotemeta) =~ s/(\\[*+?])/$ch{$1}/g; $e } @{$CFG->{banned_email}}; if ($input->{user_email} =~ /^(?:$regex)$/) { return GForum::do_func(user_signup => GForum::language(SIGNUP_EMAIL_BANNED => $input->{user_email})); } } my $status = ($CFG->{require_signup_email_validation} or $CFG->{require_signup_admin_validation}) ? NOT_VALIDATED : REGISTERED; my $val_code = join '', ('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', 0..9)[map rand(62), 1 .. $ut->{schema}->{cols}->{user_val_code}->{size}]; if (!$CFG->{require_signup_email_validation}) { $val_code = ''; } my $user_id = ($ut->insert({ user_username => $input->{user_username}, user_password => (ref($input->{user_password}) ? ($input->{user_password}->[0]) : ($input->{user_password})), user_email => $input->{user_email}, user_enabled => 1, user_payment_expiry => ($CFG->{payment}->{signup}->{enabled} ? -1 : 0), user_payment_donations => 0, user_registered => time, user_status => $status, user_val_code => $val_code, user_admin_validated => ($CFG->{require_signup_admin_validation} ? 0 : 1), map {( $_ => $input->{$_} )} @keys }) or die $GT::SQL::error)->insert_id; my $user = $ut->get($user_id); $val_code = "${user_id}GT$val_code"; if ($CFG->{require_signup_email_validation}) { if (my $error = send_validation_email({ %$user, validate_code => $val_code })) { $ut->delete($user_id); return GForum::do_func(user_signup => GForum::language(SIGNUP_EMAIL_VALIDATION_FAILED => $error)); } } # The account will not become activated until an appropriate payment is made. # However, payments are not accepted until the e-mail validation has succeeded. if ($CFG->{payment}->{signup}->{enabled} and not $CFG->{require_signup_email_validation}) { return GForum::do_func('payment_initial'); } return($page->{success} => $user); } else { my @errors; if ($GForum::Authenticate::Auth_Error) { push @errors, $GForum::Authenticate::Auth_Error; $IN->delete('user_username'); } if (not length $input->{user_username}) { push @errors, 'SIGNUP_NO_USERNAME'; } if (ref $input->{user_password}) { # The templates can have two password fields (to verify the password) if (not length $input->{user_password}->[0] and not length $input->{user_password}->[1]) { push @errors, 'SIGNUP_NO_PASSWORD'; } elsif ($input->{user_password}->[0] ne $input->{user_password}->[1]) { push @errors, 'SIGNUP_PASSWORDS_DONT_MATCH'; $IN->delete('user_password'); } } elsif (not length $input->{user_password}) { # Or just one password field push @errors, 'SIGNUP_NO_PASSWORD'; } unless ($input->{user_password}) { push @errors, 'SIGNUP_NO_PASSWORD'; $IN->delete('user_password'); } unless ($input->{user_email} and $input->{user_email} =~ /\S@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$/) { push @errors, 'SIGNUP_NO_EMAIL'; $IN->delete('user_email'); } if ($CFG->{payment}->{signup}->{enabled} and not $CFG->{require_signup_email_validation}) { unless (defined $input->{signup_amount}) { push @errors, 'SIGNUP_NO_PAYMENT'; $IN->delete('signup_amount'); } elsif ($input->{signup_amount} !~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ or not exists $CFG->{payment}->{signup}->{levels}->{$input->{signup_amount}}) { push @errors, 'SIGNUP_INVALID_PAYMENT'; } } return GForum::do_func(user_signup => @errors); } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lost_password} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lost_password { shift; my ($do, $func) = @_; my $page = $func->{page}; my $username = $IN->param('user_username'); my $user; if ($username) { my $User = $DB->table('User'); if ($user = $User->select({ user_username => $username })->fetchrow_hashref) { my $temp_pass = random_password(); $User->update({ user_temp_pass => $temp_pass }, { user_id => $user->{user_id} }); if (my $error = send_temp_pass_email($user, $temp_pass)) { die $error; } } else { return($page->{invalid_username} => { error => GForum::language('USER_INVALID_USERNAME', $username) }); } } else { return($page->{enter_username}); } return($page->{success}, $user); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{resend_validation} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub resend_validation { shift; my ($do, $func) = @_; my $page = $func->{page}; my $username = $IN->param('user_username'); my $user; if ($username) { if ($user = $DB->table('User')->select({ user_username => $username })->fetchrow_hashref) { normalize($user); my $val_code = $user->{user_val_code}; if (!$val_code) { return($page->{already_validated} => { %$user, error => GForum::language('VALIDATE_ALREADY_VALIDATED') }); } $val_code = "$user->{user_id}GT$val_code"; if (my $error = send_validation_email({ %$user, validate_code => $val_code })) { die $error; } } else { return($page->{invalid_username} => { error => GForum::language('USER_INVALID_USERNAME', $username) }); } } else { return($page->{enter_username}); } return($page->{success} => $user); } END_OF_SUB # Generates a random password. Takes two optional arguments. # With one argument, the argument is the length of the password. # With two arguments, the first argument is the minimum length of the password and the # second is the maximum length (a random length will be selected). # The default behaviour is to return a password of length 5 to 8. # The password will be made up alphanumeric characters of either case, however capital # O (the letter) and 0 (zero) are omitted due to possible confusion. Lower-case o's # will still be present. (a-z, A-N, P-Z, 1-9) $COMPILE{random_password} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub random_password { my ($min_length, $max_length); if (@_ == 1) { $min_length = $max_length = shift; if ($min_length < 1) { $min_length = 5; $max_length = 8; } } elsif (@_) { ($min_length, $max_length) = @_; if ($min_length < 1 or $max_length < 1) { # No clue what you were trying to do here... $min_length = 5; $max_length = 8; } elsif ($max_length < $min_length) { # Assume the arguments are bass ackwards ($max_length, $min_length) = ($min_length, $max_length); } } else { $min_length = 5; $max_length = 8; } my $length = $min_length + int rand($max_length - $min_length + 1); # Make a random password, but leave out confusing characters: 0 and upper case O, 1 and lower case l join '', map +('a'..'k', 'm'..'z', 'A'..'N', 'P'..'Z', 2..9, '(', ')', '_', '-', ',', '.')[rand 64], 1 .. $length; } END_OF_SUB # Returns an error message on error, 0 on success. $COMPILE{_send_email} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _send_email { my ($template, $vars) = @_; require GT::Mail::Editor; require GT::Mail; my $email = GT::Mail::Editor->new(dir => "$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates", template => ($vars->{user_template} || $CFG->{default_template_set})); my $template_set = $GForum::TEMPLATE_SET; if (!$template_set or $template_set eq 'admin') { $template_set = $vars->{user_template} || $CFG->{default_template_set}; } local $GForum::TEMPLATE_SET = $template_set; $email->load($template); my $headers = $email->headers; my %head; while (my ($k, $v) = each %$headers) { my $val = $v; # Copy it $val = GForum::Template->parse("string", $vars, { string => $val }); $head{$k} = $val; } $head{To} ||= $vars->{user_email}; $head{From} ||= $CFG->{admin_email}; my $body = $email->body; $body = GForum::Template->parse("string", $vars, { string => $body }); $CFG->{smtp_server} or $CFG->{mail_path} or die 'No mail path or SMTP server set!'; my $mailer = GT::Mail->new( %head, msg => $body, ($CFG->{smtp_server} ? (smtp => $CFG->{smtp_server}) : (sendmail => $CFG->{mail_path})) ); local $@; my $sent = eval { $mailer->send }; if (!$sent or $@) { return "Unable to send mail: " . ($@ || $mailer->error); } 0; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{send_temp_pass_email} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub send_temp_pass_email { my ($user, $temp_pass) = @_; $user->{user_temp_pass} = $temp_pass; _send_email("temp_pass.eml", $user); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{send_validation_email} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub send_validation_email { my $user = shift; _send_email("validation.eml", $user); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{send_admin_validation_email} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub send_admin_validation_email { my $user = shift; _send_email("admin_validation.eml", $user); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{admin_validate} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub admin_validate { my $ut = $DB->table('User'); $ut->select_options('ORDER BY user_username ASC'); my $users = $ut->select({ user_admin_validated => 0 })->fetchall_hashref; normalize($users) if @$users; my $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new(user_admin_validated => '=' => 1, user_val_code => '!=' => ''); my $awaiting_email_users = $ut->select($cond)->fetchall_hashref; normalize($awaiting_email_users) if @$awaiting_email_users; return { users => $users, num_users => scalar @$users, awaiting_email_users => $awaiting_email_users, num_awaiting_email_users => scalar @$awaiting_email_users }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{admin_validate_submit} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub admin_validate_submit { my $ut = $DB->table('User'); my $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new(user_admin_validated => '=' => 0, user_val_code => '!=' => ''); $cond->bool('OR'); my $sth = $ut->select($cond); my $del_count = 0; my $val_count = 0; while (my $user = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my $action = $IN->param("$user->{user_id}") || 'nothing'; next if $action eq 'nothing'; my $user_id = $user->{user_id}; if (lc($action) eq 'validate') { $val_count++; my $update = { user_admin_validated => 1 }; $update->{user_status} = REGISTERED if not $user->{user_val_code}; $ut->update($update, { user_id => $user_id }); # Only send validation emails if they have already done their email validation. if (not $user->{user_val_code}) { normalize($user); send_admin_validation_email($user); } } elsif (lc($action) eq 'validate_email') { $val_count++; $ut->update({ user_val_code => '', user_status => REGISTERED }, { user_id => $user_id }); } elsif (lc($action) eq 'delete') { $del_count++; $ut->delete({ user_id => $user_id }); } } return { delete_count => " $del_count", validate_count => " $val_count" }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{validate} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub validate { shift; my ($do, $func) = @_; my $page = $func->{page}; my $ut = $DB->table('User'); my $validate_code = $IN->param('validate') or return($page->{no_code}, { error => GForum::language('VALIDATE_NO_CODE') }); $validate_code =~ s/^(\d+)GT// or return($page->{bad_code}, { error => GForum::language('VALIDATE_BAD_CODE') }); my $user_id = $1; my $user = $ut->get($user_id) or return($page->{bad_code}, { error => GForum::language('VALIDATE_BAD_CODE') }); if (not $user->{user_val_code}) { if ($CFG->{payment}->{signup}->{enabled} and $user->{user_payment_expiry} and $user->{user_payment_expiry} < time) { $IN->param(user_id => $user_id); return GForum::do_func('payment_initial'); } return($page->{already_validated}, { error => GForum::language('VALIDATE_ALREADY_VALIDATED') }); } if ($validate_code eq $user->{user_val_code}) { my $update = { user_val_code => '' }; if (not $CFG->{require_signup_admin_validation} or $user->{user_admin_validated}) { $update->{user_status} = REGISTERED; } $ut->update($update, { user_id => $user_id }); @$user{keys %$update} = values %$update; # Update the hash if ($CFG->{payment}->{signup}->{enabled} and $user->{user_payment_expiry} and $user->{user_payment_expiry} < time) { $IN->param(user_id => $user_id); return GForum::do_func('payment_initial'); } else { return($page->{success}, $user); } } else { return($page->{bad_code}, { error => GForum::language('VALIDATE_BAD_CODE') }); } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{view} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub view { shift; # Discard package name my ($do, $func) = @_; my $page = $func->{page}; my $user_id = $IN->param('user') or my $username = $IN->param('username'); my $user; if ($user_id) { $user = $DB->table('User')->get($user_id) or return($page->{no_such_user}, { error => GForum::language('USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST') }); } else { $user = $DB->table('User')->select({ user_username => $username })->fetchrow_hashref or return($page->{no_such_user}, { error => GForum::language('USERNAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST' => $username) }); } normalize($user); return( $page->{user_view}, { %$user } ); } END_OF_SUB # Doubles in purpose as either member directory or user search $COMPILE{list} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub list { shift; # Discard package name my ($do, $func) = @_; my $page = $func->{page}; my $User = $DB->table('User'); my $mh = $IN->param('mh'); $mh = ($USER->{user_default_mh_user} || $CFG->{default_mh_user} || 50) if not $mh or $mh =~ /\D/; my $pg = $IN->param('page'); $pg = 1 if not $pg or $pg =~ /\D/; my $sb = $IN->param('sb'); my $so = uc($IN->param('so') || ''); $so = 'ASC' if not $so or $so ne 'ASC' and $so ne 'DESC'; my ($sth, $sth2, $start_with, $search_col, $search_val, $hits); my %allowed = map { ($_ => 1) } @{$CFG->{user_search_allowed}}; if ($do eq 'user_search') { $search_col = $IN->param('search_column'); $search_col = 'user_username' if not $search_col or not exists $User->{schema}->{cols}->{$search_col} or not $allowed{$search_col}; $search_val = $IN->param('search_field'); if (!$search_val) { $IN->param(sb => 'user_username'); return GForum::do_func('user_list'); } $sb = $search_col if not $sb or not exists $User->{schema}->{cols}->{$sb} or not $allowed{$sb}; $sth = $User->query_sth( $search_col => $search_val, sb => $sb, so => $so, mh => $mh, nh => $pg ); $hits = $User->hits; } else { $sb = 'user_username' if not $sb or not exists $User->{schema}->{cols}->{$sb} or not $allowed{$sb}; my $limit = $mh == -1 ? 0 : $mh; my $base = ($pg - 1) * $mh; $start_with = $IN->param('first') if $sb eq 'user_username'; my $order_by = "$sb $so"; my @users; my $cond; if (defined $start_with and length $start_with) { if ($start_with eq 'NUM') { $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new(user_username => '>=' => '0', user_username => '<' => ':'); } elsif ($start_with eq 'OTHER') { $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new('OR'); $cond->add(user_username => '<' => '0'); $cond->add(GT::SQL::Condition->new(user_username => '>=' => ':', user_username => '<' => 'a')); $cond->add(user_username => '>=' => '['); } else { $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new(user_username => LIKE => "$start_with%"); } } elsif ($sb eq 'user_last_seen' and !$USER || $USER->{user_status} < ADMINISTRATOR) { $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new(user_invisible => '=' => 0); } $User->select_options("ORDER BY $order_by"); $User->select_options("LIMIT $base, $limit") if $limit; $sth = $User->select($cond || ()); $hits = $User->hits; if ($sb eq 'user_last_seen' and !$USER || $USER->{user_status} < ADMINISTRATOR and (!$limit or $hits < $limit)) { if ($hits > 0) { $base = 0; $limit = $limit - $hits; } else { $base -= $User->count($cond); } $User->select_options("ORDER BY user_username"); $User->select_options("LIMIT $base, $limit") if $limit; $sth2 = $User->select($cond->not); $hits += $User->hits; } } $DB->table('Online')->delete(GT::SQL::Condition->new(online_time => '<' => (time - $CFG->{online_timeout} * 60))); my $online_users = $DB->table('Online')->count({ guest_id_fk => 0, online_invisible => 0 }); my %online = map { ($_ => 1) } $DB->table('Online')->select(user_id_fk => { guest_id_fk => 0, online_invisible => 0 })->fetchall_list; my @users; while (my $user = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { $user->{user_online} = 1 if $online{$user->{user_id}}; push @users, $user; } if ($sth2) { while (my $user = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) { $user->{user_online} = 1 if $online{$user->{user_id}}; push @users, $user; } } normalize(\@users); my %vars = ( users => \@users, num_users => $User->count(), users_online => $online_users, num_page_items => $hits, online_timeout => $CFG->{online_timeout}, sb => $sb, first => $start_with, so => $so, mh => $mh, this_page => $pg ); if ($do eq 'user_list' and $sb eq 'user_username') { my $has = _first_letter(); for (keys %$has) { $vars{$_} = 1; } } elsif ($do eq 'user_search') { $vars{search_column} = $search_col; $vars{search_field} = $search_val; } return($page->{user_list} => \%vars); } END_OF_SUB # Returns a hash ref of ("has_$val" => 1) pairs. $val is the lower-case letter (for a-z), "num" (for 0-9), or "other" (anything else) $COMPILE{_first_letter} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _first_letter { my $sth = $DB->table('User')->select('DISTINCT SUBSTRING(user_username, 1, 1)'); my $ret = {}; while (my $letter = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { $letter = $letter->[0]; if ($letter =~ /\d/) { $ret->{has_num} = 1; } elsif ($letter =~ /[\W_]/) { $ret->{has_other} = 1; } else { $ret->{"has_\L$letter"} = 1; } } $ret; } END_OF_SUB # Returns a hash ref with undefined values for all user fields. # Optionally takes a hash ref of fields to set to something other than undef. sub blank_user { my $set = shift || {}; my $ret = {}; for (keys %{$DB->table('User')->{schema}->{cols}}) { $ret->{$_} = exists $set->{$_} ? $set->{$_} : undef; } $ret; } sub normalize { my $users = shift; GT::Plugins->dispatch($CFG->{admin_root_path} . '/Plugins/GForum', "user_normalize", sub { return _plg_normalize(@_) }, $users); } # Takes a array ref of hash refs, or just a single hash ref. sub _plg_normalize { my $users = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? shift : [shift]; for my $user (@$users) { $user->{user_registered_date} = GForum::date($user->{user_registered}); $user->{user_days_registered} = (time - $user->{user_registered}) / (24 * 60 * 60); $user->{user_days_registered} = 1 if $user->{user_days_registered} < 1; if ($user->{user_last_logon}) { $user->{user_last_logon_date} = GForum::date($user->{user_last_logon}); } else { $user->{user_last_logon_date} = GForum::language('USER_NEVER_LOGGED_IN'); } if ($user->{user_last_seen}) { $user->{user_last_seen_date} = GForum::date($user->{user_last_seen}); } else { $user->{user_last_seen_date} = GForum::language('USER_NEVER_LOGGED_IN'); } if ($user->{user_payment_expiry}) { $user->{user_payment_expiry_date} = GForum::date($user->{user_payment_expiry}); } $user->{user_status_string} = GForum::language( $user->{user_status} == 3 ? 'USERSTATUS_ADMINISTRATOR' : $user->{user_status} == 2 ? 'USERSTATUS_REGISTERED' : $user->{user_status} == 1 ? 'USERSTATUS_NOT_VALIDATED' : 'USERSTATUS_ANONYMOUS' ); $user->{user_title} ||= generate_user_title($user->{user_posts}); $user->{user_title} = \"$user->{user_title}"; # HTML can be used in user titles $user->{user_localtime} = time + 60 * 60 * ($user->{user_time_offset} || 0); $user->{user_localtime} -= 60 * 60 * $USER->{user_time_offset} if $USER and $USER->{user_time_offset}; $user->{user_localdate} = GForum::date($user->{user_localtime}); $user->{user_homepage} = "http://$user->{user_homepage}" if $user->{user_homepage} and $user->{user_homepage} !~ /^\w+:/; } $users; } sub generate_user_title { my $num_posts = shift; my $title = ''; for (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$CFG->{user_post_title}}) { $_ <= $num_posts and $title = $CFG->{user_post_title}->{$_}, next; last; } $title; } 1;