# ==================================================================== # Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/ # # GT::Template::Parser # Author: Jason Rhinelander # $Id: Parser.pm,v 2.111 2004/05/17 05:56:59 jagerman Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # ==================================================================== # # Description: # A module for parsing templates. This module actually generates # Perl code that will print the template. # package GT::Template::Parser; # =============================================================== use 5.004_04; use strict; use GT::Base; use GT::Template; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $DEBUG $ATTRIBS $ERRORS); @ISA = qw/GT::Base/; $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 2.111 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/; $DEBUG = 0; $ATTRIBS = { root => '.', indent => ' ', begin => '<%', end => '%>', print => 0 }; $ERRORS = { NOTEMPLATE => "No template file was specified.", BADINC => "Error: Can't load included file: '%s'. Reason: %s", CANTOPEN => "Unable to open template file '%s'. Reason: %s", CANTFIND => "Unable to locate template file '%s' in '%s' or any inheritance directories", DEEPINC => "Deep recursion in includes, quiting!", EXTRAELSE => "Error: extra 'else' tag", NOSCALAR => "Error: Value not scalar", UNMATCHEDELSE => "Error: Unmatched else/elsif/elseif tag", UNMATCHEDENDIF => "Error: Unmatched endif/endifnot/endunless tag", UNMATCHEDENDLOOP => "Error: endloop found outside of loop", UNMATCHEDNEXTLOOP => "Error: nextloop found outside of loop", UNMATCHEDLASTLOOP => "Error: lastloop found outside of loop", UNKNOWNTAG => "Unknown tag: '%s'" }; sub parse { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Can be called as either a class method or object method. This # returns three things - the first is a scalar reference to a string # containing all the perl code, the second is an array reference # of dependencies, and the third is the filetype of the template - # matching this regular expression: /^((INH:)*(REL|LOCAL)|STRING)$/. # For example, 'INH:INH:INH:INH:LOCAL', 'LOCAL', 'INH:REL', 'REL', or 'STRING' # my $self = ref $_[0] ? shift : (shift->new); my ($template, $opt, $print) = @_; # The third argument should only be used internally. defined $template or return $self->error('NOTEMPLATE', 'FATAL', $template); defined $opt or $opt = {}; # Set print to 1 if we were called via parse_print. $opt->{print} = 1 if $print; # Load the template which can either be a filename, or a string passed in. $self->{root} = $opt->{root} if $opt->{root}; my ($full, $string); my $type = ''; if (exists $opt->{string}) { $full = $template; $string = $opt->{string}; $type = "STRING"; } else { my $root = $self->{root}; until ($full) { if (-r "$root/local/$template") { $full = "$root/local/$template"; $type .= "LOCAL"; } elsif (-r "$root/$template") { $full = "$root/$template"; $type .= "REL"; } else { # Try looking in the inheritance tree my $tplinfo = GT::Template->load_tplinfo($root); if ($tplinfo and my $inherit = $tplinfo->{inheritance}) { if ($inherit =~ m!^(?:[a-zA-Z]:)?[\\/]!) { # Absolute inheritance path $root = $inherit; } else { # Relative inheritance path. This might eventually look like /blah/a/../b/../c/../d/../e - Messy, but it works $root .= "/$inherit"; } $type .= "INH:"; } else { return $self->error('CANTFIND', 'FATAL', $template, $root); } } } } my ($mtime, $size, $tpl) = (0, 0); if (defined $string) { $tpl = \$string; } else { ($mtime, $size, $tpl) = $self->load_template($full); } # Parse the template. $self->debug("Parsing '$template' (found '$full') with (print => $opt->{print})") if $self->{_debug}; (my ($code, $deps), $mtime, $size) = $self->_parse($template, $opt, $tpl, $mtime, $size); return ($code, $deps, $mtime, $size, $type); } sub parse_print { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Print output as template is parsed. # my $self = shift; $self->parse(@_[0..1], 1) } sub load_template { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Loads either a given filename, or a template string, and returns a reference to it. # my ($self, $full_file) = @_; $self->debug("Reading '$full_file'") if $self->{_debug}; -e $full_file or return $self->error('CANTOPEN', 'FATAL', $full_file, "File does not exist."); local *TPL; open TPL, "< $full_file" or return $self->error('CANTOPEN', 'FATAL', $full_file, "$!"); my ($mtime, $size) = (stat TPL)[9, 7]; my $ret = \do { local $/; }; close TPL; return $mtime, $size, $ret; } sub _parse { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Parses a template. # my ($self, $template, $opt, $tpl, $mtime, $size) = @_; local $self->{opt} = {}; $self->{opt}->{print} = exists $opt->{print} ? $opt->{print} : $self->{print}; $self->{opt}->{indent} = exists $opt->{indent} ? $opt->{indent} : $self->{indent}; unless (defined $opt->{string}) { # Set the root if this is a full path so includes can be relative to template. if ((not $self->{root} or $self->{root} eq '.') and ((index($template, '/') == 0) or (index($template, ':') == 1))) { $self->{root} = substr($template, 0, rindex($template, '/')); substr($template, 0, rindex($template, '/') + 1) = ''; } } return $self->_parse_tags($tpl, $mtime, $size); } sub _text_escape { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/(\\(?=[{}\\]|$)|[{}])/\\$1/g; $text; } sub _comment { my $comment = shift; $comment =~ s/^/#/gm; $comment . "\n"; } sub _parse_tags { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a string containing perl code that, when run (the code should be # passed a template object as its argument) will produce the template. # Specifically, the returned from this is a scalar reference (containing the # perl code) and an array reference of the file's dependencies. # my ($self, $tplref, $mtime, $size) = @_; my $tpl = $$tplref; my $begin = quotemeta($self->{begin}); my $end = quotemeta($self->{end}); my $root = $self->{root}; my $loop_depth = 0; my $i = -1; my @seen_else = (); my $print = $self->{opt}->{print}; my $indent = $self->{opt}->{indent}; my $indent_level = 0; # The file is already going to be in a hash my %deps; my %mtime = ('' => $mtime); my %size = ('' => $size); my $last_pos = 0; # Can only go up to 10 includes inside includes. my $include_safety = 0; # Store the "if" depth so that too many or too few <%endif%>'s in an include # won't break things: my @include_ifdepth; my $return = <<'CODE'; local $^W; # Get rid of warnings. unfortunately, this won't work for Perl 5.6's -W switch my $self = shift; my $return = ''; my $escape = $self->{opt}->{escape}; my $strict = $self->{opt}->{strict}; my $tmp; CODE # We loop through the text looking for <% and %> tags, but also watching out for comments # <%-- some comment --%> as they can contain other tags. my $text = sub { my $text = shift; length $text or return; $return .= ($indent x ($indent_level)) . ($print ? q|print q{| : q|$return .= q{|); $return .= (_text_escape($text) . q|}; |) }; while ($tpl =~ /($begin\s*(--.*?(?:--(?=\s*$end)|$)|.+?)(\s*(?:$end|$)))/gs) { my $tag = $2; my $tag_len = length $1; my $print_start = $last_pos; $last_pos = pos $tpl; my $end_len = length $3; # This is needed to support nested comments # Print out the text before the tag. $text->(substr($tpl, $print_start, $last_pos - $tag_len - $print_start)); # Write any comments as Perl comments in the file if (substr($tag,0,2) eq '--') { my $save_pos = pos($tag); while ($tag =~ /\G.*?$begin\s*--/gs) { $save_pos = pos($tag); my $tpl_save_pos = pos($tpl); if ($tpl =~ /\G(.*?--\s*$end)/gs) { $tag .= $1; pos($tag) = $save_pos; $last_pos = pos($tpl); } else { $last_pos = pos($tpl) = length($tpl); $tag .= substr($tpl, $last_pos); last; } } my $comment = substr($tag, -2) eq '--' ? substr($tag, 2, -2) : substr($tag, 2); $return .= _comment($comment); next; } # Tag has no spaces in it. if ($tag !~ /\s/) { # 'else' - If $i is already at -1, we have an umatched tag. if ($tag eq 'else') { if ($i == -1) { $return .= _comment($ERRORS->{UNMATCHEDELSE}); $text->($ERRORS->{UNMATCHEDELSE}); } else { if ($seen_else[$i]++) { $return .= _comment($ERRORS->{EXTRAELSE}); $text->($ERRORS->{EXTRAELSE}); } else { $return .= $indent x ($indent_level - 1) . q|} |; $return .= $indent x ($indent_level - 1) . q|else { |; } } } # 'endif', 'endunless', 'endifnot' - decrement our level. If $i is already at -1, we have an umatched tag. elsif ($tag eq 'endif' or $tag eq 'endifnot' or $tag eq 'endunless') { if ($i == -1 or @include_ifdepth and $i <= $include_ifdepth[-1][0]) { $return .= _comment($ERRORS->{UNMATCHEDENDIF}); $text->($ERRORS->{UNMATCHEDENDIF}); } else { --$i; --$#seen_else; $return .= $indent x --$indent_level . q|} |; } } # 'endloop' - It will help to look for where it writes 'loop' to understand what this does elsif ($tag eq 'endloop') { if ($loop_depth <= 0) { $return .= _comment($ERRORS->{UNMATCHEDENDLOOP}); $text->($ERRORS->{UNMATCHEDENDLOOP}); } else { $loop_depth--; $return .= $indent x --$indent_level . q|} |; $return .= $indent x --$indent_level . q|} |; $return .= $indent x --$indent_level . q|} |; $return .= $indent x $indent_level . q|for (keys %loop_set) { $self->{VARS}->{$_} = $orig->{$_} } |; $return .= $indent x --$indent_level . q|} |; } } # 'lastloop' - simply put in a last; elsif ($tag eq 'lastloop') { if ($loop_depth <= 0) { $return .= _comment($ERRORS->{UNMATCHEDLASTLOOP}); $text->($ERRORS->{UNMATCHEDLASTLOOP}); } else { $return .= $indent x $indent_level . q|last LOOP| . $loop_depth . q|; |; } } # 'nextloop' - simply put in a next; elsif ($tag eq 'nextloop') { if ($loop_depth <= 0) { $return .= _comment($ERRORS->{UNMATCHEDNEXTLOOP}); $text->($ERRORS->{UNMATCHEDNEXTLOOP}); } else { $return .= $indent x $indent_level . q|next; |; } } # 'endparse' - stops the parser. elsif ($tag eq 'endparse') { $return .= $indent x $indent_level . q|return | . ($print ? q|1| : q|\$return|) . q|; |; } # 'endinclude' - this is put at the end of an include when the include is inserted into the current template data. elsif ($tag eq 'endinclude') { if (@include_ifdepth) { while ($indent_level > $include_ifdepth[-1][1]) { $return .= ($indent x --$indent_level) . q|} |; } $i = $include_ifdepth[-1][0]; } $include_safety--; pop @include_ifdepth; $return .= $indent x --$indent_level . q|} # Done include |; } # Function call (without spaces) elsif (my $func = $self->_check_func($tag)) { $return .= ($indent x $indent_level) . ($print ? q|print | : q|$return .= |) . $func . q|; |; } # Variable else { $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $return .= ($print ? q|print| : q|$return .=|) . q| $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{| . _text_escape($tag) . q|}, $escape, $strict)); |; } } # 'if', 'ifnot', 'unless', 'elsif', 'elseif' elsif ($tag =~ s/^(if(?:not)?|unless|else?if)\b\s*//) { my $op = $1; $op = "unless" if $op eq "ifnot"; $op = "elsif" if $op eq "elseif"; if ($op eq 'elsif') { $return .= $indent x ($indent_level - 1) . q|} |; $return .= $indent x ($indent_level - 1) . q|elsif (|; } else { $seen_else[++$i] = 0; $return .= $indent x $indent_level++; $return .= "$op ("; } my @tests; my $bool = ''; if ($tag =~ /\sor\s*(?:not)?\s/i) { @tests = grep $_, split /\s+or\s*(not)?\s+/i, $tag; $bool = ' or '; } elsif ($tag =~ /\sand\s*(?:not)?\s/i) { @tests = grep $_, split /\s+and\s*(not)?\s+/i, $tag; $bool = ' and '; } else { @tests = $tag; } if ($tests[0] =~ s/^not\s+//) { unshift @tests, "not"; } my @all_tests; my $one_neg; for my $tag (@tests) { if ($tag eq 'not') { $one_neg = 1; next; } my $this_neg = $one_neg ? $one_neg-- : 0; $tag =~ s/^\$?([\w:-]+)\b\s*// or next; my $var = $1; if (index($var, '::') > 0) { $var = $self->_check_func($var); } else { $var = q|$self->_get_var(q{| . _text_escape($var) . q|}, 0, 0)|; } my ($comp, $casei, $val); if (length($tag)) { if ($tag =~ s/^(==?|!=|>=?|<=?|%|(i?)(?:eq|ne|g[et]|l[et]))\s*//) { $casei = $2 ? 1 : 0; $comp = " " . ($casei ? substr($1, 1) : $1) . " " } elsif ($tag =~ s/^(i?)(?:like|contains)\s+//i) { $casei = $1 ? 1 : 0; $comp = "contains" } elsif ($tag =~ s/^(i?)(start|end)s?\s+//i) { $casei = $1 ? 1 : 0; $comp = $2 } $val = $tag if defined $comp; } $comp = ' == ' if $comp and $comp eq ' = '; my $full_comp = defined($comp); my $result = $this_neg ? 'not(' : ''; if ($full_comp) { if (substr($val,0,1) eq '$') { substr($val,0,1) = ''; $val = q|$self->_get_var(q{| . _text_escape($val) . q|}, 0, 0)|; } elsif ($val =~ s/^(['"])//) { $val =~ s/$1$//; $val = "q{" . _text_escape($val) . "}"; } elsif (index($val, '::') > 0) { $val = $self->_check_func($val); } elsif ($val !~ /^[+-]?(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(?:\.\d*)?(?:[Ee](?:[+-]?\d+))?$/) { $val = "q{" . _text_escape($val) . "}"; } if ($casei) { $val = "lc($val)"; $var = "lc($var)"; } if ($comp eq 'contains') { $result .= qq|index($var, $val) >= 0|; } elsif ($comp eq 'start') { $result .= qq|substr($var, 0, length $val) eq $val|; } elsif ($comp eq 'end') { $result .= qq|substr($var, -length $val) eq $val|; } elsif ($comp) { $result .= qq|$var $comp $val|; } } else { # Just a simple <%if var%> (Or something we don't understand, in which case we'll treat it like a simple <%if var%>) $result .= $var; } $result .= ")" if $this_neg; push @all_tests, $result; } my $final_result = join $bool, @all_tests; $return .= $final_result; $return .= q|) { |; } # 'loop' - <%loop var%>, <%loop Pkg::Func(arg, $arg => arg)%>, <%loop var(arg, $arg => arg)%> elsif ($tag =~ /^loop\b\s*(.+)/s) { $loop_depth++; my $loopon = $1; $return .= $self->_loop_on($loopon, $indent, $indent_level, $loop_depth); } # 'include' - load the file into the current template and continue parsing. # The template must be added to this template's dependancy list. elsif ($tag =~ /^include\b\s*(.+)/) { my $include = $1; my ($dep_name, $filename); if (-r "$root/local/$include") { $dep_name = "LOCAL:$include"; $filename = "$root/local/$include"; } elsif (-r "$root/$include") { $dep_name = "REL:$include"; $filename = "$root/$include"; } elsif (-r $include) { $dep_name = "ABS:$include"; $filename = "$include"; } else { # Scan the inheritance tree my $root = $root; # ;-) $dep_name = "INH:"; until ($filename) { # Try going one more level in the inheritance tree my $tplinfo = GT::Template->load_tplinfo($root); if ($tplinfo and my $inherit = $tplinfo->{inheritance}) { if ($inherit =~ m!^(?:[a-zA-Z]:)?[\\/]!) { # Absolute inheritance path $root = $inherit; } else { # Relative inheritance path. This might eventually look like /blah/a/../b/../c/../d/../e - Messy, but it works $root .= "/$inherit"; } } else { last; # We haven't found it, and there isn't any (more) inheritance } # Look for the include in the inherited directory: if (-r "$root/local/$include") { $filename = "$root/local/$include"; $dep_name .= "LOCAL:$include"; } elsif (-r "$root/$include") { $filename = "$root/$include"; $dep_name .= "REL:$include"; } else { $dep_name .= "INH:"; } } } local *INCL; if ($filename and open INCL, "<$filename") { $deps{$dep_name} = 1; ($size{$dep_name}, $mtime{$dep_name}) = (stat INCL)[7, 9]; my $data = do { local $/; }; close INCL; substr($tpl, $last_pos - $tag_len, $tag_len) = $data . "$self->{begin}endinclude$self->{end}"; $last_pos -= $tag_len; pos($tpl) = $last_pos; ++$include_safety <= 10 or return $self->error("DEEPINC", 'FATAL'); $return .= $indent x $indent_level++ . q|{; | # The ; allows empty include files . _comment("Including $filename"); push @include_ifdepth, [$i, $indent_level]; } else { my $errfile = $filename || "$root/$include"; $return .= _comment(sprintf($ERRORS->{BADINC}, $errfile, "$!" || 'File does not exist')); $text->(sprintf($ERRORS->{BADINC}, $errfile, "$!" || 'File does not exist')); $deps{"MISSING:$include"} = 1; } next; } # 'escapeURL', 'escape_url', 'unescapeHTML', 'unescape_html', 'escape_js', 'escapeJS', 'uc', 'ucfirst', 'lc', 'lcfirst' - obvious, I think... elsif ($tag =~ /^(escapeURL|escape_url|escapeHTML|escape_html|unescapeHTML|unescape_html|escape_js|[ul]c(?:first)?)\b\s*(\S+)/) { my ($type, $var) = ($1, $2); $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $return .= q|$tmp = $self->_get_value(q{| . _text_escape($var) . q|}, 0); |; $return .= q|$tmp = q{| . _text_escape($var) . q|} if not defined $tmp; |; $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $return .= q|$tmp = $$tmp if ref($tmp) eq 'SCALAR'; |; $return .= $indent x $indent_level++; $return .= q|if (ref $tmp) { |; $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $text->($ERRORS->{NOSCALAR}); $return .= $indent x ($indent_level - 1) . q|} |; $return .= $indent x ($indent_level - 1) . q|else { |; $return .= $indent x $indent_level; if ($type eq 'unescapeHTML' or $type eq 'unescape_html') { $return .= ($print ? q|print| : q|$return .=|) . q| GT::CGI::html_unescape($tmp); |; } elsif ($type eq 'escape_js' or $type eq 'escapeJS') { $return .= q{$tmp =~ s{([\\\/'"])}{\\\$1}g; $tmp =~ s{(?:\r\n|\r|\n)}{\\\n}g; }; $return .= ($print ? q|print| : q|$return .=|) . q| $tmp; |; } elsif ($type eq 'escape_html' or $type eq 'escapeHTML') { $return .= ($print ? q|print| : q|$return .=|) . q| GT::CGI::html_escape($tmp); |; } elsif ($type eq 'uc' or $type eq 'lc' or $type eq 'ucfirst' or $type eq 'lcfirst') { $return .= ($print ? q|print| : q|$return .=|) . q| | . $type . q|($tmp); |; } else { $return .= ($print ? q|print| : q|$return .=|) . q| GT::CGI::escape($tmp); |; } $return .= $indent x --$indent_level . q|} |; } # Also - 'nbsp' - this converts whitespace to   elsif ($tag =~ /^nbsp\b\s*(\S+)/) { my $var = $1; $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $return .= q|$tmp = $self->_get_value(q{| . _text_escape($var) . q|}, $strict); |; $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $return .= q|$tmp = (ref $tmp eq 'SCALAR' ? $$tmp : $escape ? GT::CGI::html_escape($tmp) : $tmp); |; $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $return .= q|$tmp =~ s/\s/ /g; |; $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $return .= ($print ? q|print| : q|$return .=|) . q| $tmp; |; } # 'set' - set a value from the templates elsif ($tag =~ m{^set\s*(\w+)\s*([-x+*/%^.])?=\s*(.+)}s) { my ($var, $change, $val) = ($1, $2 || '', $3); $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $return .= q|$self->{VARS}->{q{| . _text_escape($var) . q|}} = \(|; if ($change) { # Passing $escape is required here, because what we save back # is always a reference, thus the escaping has to occur here. # $strict, however, is NOT passed because we aren't interested # in variables becoming "Unknown tag: '....'"-type values. $return .= q|$self->_get_var(q{| . _text_escape($var) . q|}, $escape) | . $change . ' '; } if (substr($val,0,1) eq '$') { substr($val,0,1) = ''; if ($change and $change eq '/' || $change eq '%') { $return .= q|(int($self->_get_var(q{| . _text_escape($val) . q|}, $escape)) or 1)|; } else { $return .= q|$self->_get_var(q{| . _text_escape($val) . q|}, $escape)|; } } elsif (my $funccode = $self->_check_func($val)) { if ($change and $change eq '/' || $change eq '%') { $return .= q|(int(| . $funccode . q|) or 1)|; } else { $return .= $funccode; } } else { $val =~ s/^(['"])// and $val =~ s/$1$//; if ($change and $change eq '/' || $change eq '%') { $return .= q|(int(q{| . _text_escape($val) . q|}) or 1)|; } else { $return .= q|q{| . _text_escape($val) . q|}|; } } $return .= q|); |; } # Look for things like <%... x ...%>, <%... ~ ...%>, etc. # Also handles <%var += 3%>, <%var elsif ($tag =~ m{^('[^']+'|"[^"]+"|[^\s(]+)\s*(\bx\b|\+|-|\*|/\d+(?=\s)|%|~|\^|\bi/|/)\s*(.+)}s) { my $var = $1; my $comp = $2; my $val = $3; if ($var =~ s/^(['"])//) { $var =~ s/$1$//; $var = q|q{| . _text_escape($var) . q|}|; } else { substr($var,0,1) = '' if substr($var,0,1) eq '$'; $var = q|$self->_get_var(q{| . _text_escape($var) . q|})|; } if (substr($val,0,1) eq '$') { substr($val,0,1) = ''; $val = q|$self->_get_var(q{| . _text_escape($val) . q|})|; } elsif ($val =~ s/^(['"])//) { $val =~ s/$1$//; } elsif (index($val, '::') >= 0) { $val = q|(| . $self->_check_func($val) . q< || '')>; } else { $val = q|q{| . _text_escape($val) . q|}|; } my $calc; # Try to do a little bit of basic math. # Are we writing a template parser or a programming language? Maybe a bit of both! :) if ($comp =~ /^[x*+-]$/) { $calc = "+($var $comp $val)" } elsif ($comp =~ /^\/(\d+)$/) { $calc = "+sprintf(q{%.$1f}, (((\$tmp = $val) != 0) ? ($var / \$tmp) : 0))" } elsif ($comp eq '/') { $calc = "+(((\$tmp = $val) != 0) ? ($var / \$tmp) : 0)" } elsif ($comp eq 'i/') { $calc = "int(((\$tmp = $val) != 0) ? (int($var) / int(\$tmp)) : 0)" } elsif ($comp eq '%') { $calc = "+(((\$tmp = $val) != 0) ? ($var % \$tmp) : 0)" } elsif ($comp eq '~') { $calc = "+(((\$tmp = $val) != 0) ? (\$tmp - ($var % \$tmp)) : 1)" } elsif ($comp eq '^') { $calc = "+($var ** $val)" } $calc ||= ''; $return .= $indent x $indent_level . ($print ? "print" : q|$return .=|) . " $calc; "; next; } elsif (my $func = $self->_check_func($tag)) { $return .= ($indent x $indent_level) . ($print ? q|print | : q|$return .= |) . $func . q|; |; } # Check to see if it's a valid variable, function call, etc. else { $return .= $indent x $indent_level++; $return .= q|if (defined($tmp = $self->_get_value(q{| . _text_escape($tag) . q|}, $strict))) { |; $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $return .= ($print ? q|print| : q|$return .=|) . q|(ref $tmp eq 'SCALAR' ? $$tmp : $escape ? GT::CGI::html_escape($tmp) : $tmp); |; $return .= $indent x ($indent_level - 1) . q|} |; $return .= $indent x ($indent_level - 1) . q|else { |; $return .= $indent x $indent_level; $return .= ($print ? q|print q{| : q|$return .= q{|) . _text_escape(sprintf($ERRORS->{UNKNOWNTAG}, $tag)) . q|}; |; $return .= $indent x --$indent_level . q|} |; } } $text->(substr($tpl, $last_pos)); while ($indent_level > 0) { $return .= ($indent x --$indent_level) . q|} | } $return .= $print ? q|return 1;| : q|return \$return;|; return (\$return, [keys %deps], \%mtime, \%size); } sub _loop_on { my ($self, $on, $indent, $indent_level, $loop_depth) = @_; my $var; if (index($on, '::') > 0 or index($on, '(') > 0) { $var = $self->_check_func($on); } else { $var = q|$self->{VARS}->{q{| . _text_escape($on) . q|}}|; } my $print = $self->{opt}->{print}; my $i0 = $indent x $indent_level; my $i = $indent x ($indent_level + 1); my $i____ = $indent x ($indent_level + 2); my $i________ = $indent x ($indent_level + 3); my $i____________ = $indent x ($indent_level + 4); my $i________________ = $indent x ($indent_level + 5); my $return = <{VARS}}}; ${i}my %loop_set; ${i}LOOP$loop_depth: \{ ${i____}my \$loop_var = $var; ${i____}my \$loop_type = ref \$loop_var; ${i____}if (\$loop_type eq 'CODE' or \$loop_type eq 'ARRAY') { ${i________}my \$next; ${i________}my \$row_num = 0; ${i________}my \$i = 0; ${i________}my \$current = \$loop_type eq 'CODE' ? \$loop_var->() : \$loop_var->[\$i++]; ${i________}if (ref \$current eq 'ARRAY') { ${i____________}\$loop_type = 'ARRAY'; ${i____________}\$loop_var = \$current; ${i____________}\$current = \$loop_var->[\$i++]; ${i________}} ${i________}while (defined \$current) { ${i____________}if (\$loop_type eq 'CODE') { ${i________________}\$next = \$loop_var->(); ${i____________}} ${i____________}else { ${i________________}\$next = \$loop_var->[\$i++]; ${i____________}} ${i____________}my \$copy = {\%{\$self->{VARS}}}; ${i____________}for (keys %loop_set) { ${i________________}\$copy->{\$_} = \$orig->{\$_}; ${i________________}delete \$loop_set{\$_}; ${i____________}} ${i____________}for (qw/row_num first last inner even odd/, keys \%\$current) { \$loop_set{\$_} = 1 } ${i____________}\$copy->{row_num} = ++\$row_num; ${i____________}\$copy->{first} = (\$row_num == 1) || 0; ${i____________}\$copy->{last} = (!\$next) || 0; ${i____________}\$copy->{inner} = (!\$copy->{first} and !\$copy->{last}) || 0; ${i____________}\$copy->{even} = (\$row_num % 2 == 0) || 0; ${i____________}\$copy->{odd} = (not \$copy->{even}) || 0; ${i____________}if (ref \$current ne 'HASH') { \$current = { loop_value => \$current } } ${i____________}for (keys \%\$current) { \$copy->{\$_} = \$current->{\$_} } ${i____________}\$self->{VARS} = \$copy; ${i____________}\$current = \$next; CODE $_[3] += 4; # Update the indent level return $return; } sub _check_func { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Takes a string and if it looks like a function, returns a string # that will call the function with the appropriate arguments. # # So, you enter the tag (without the <% and %>): # <%GFoo::function($foo, $bar, $boo, $far, '7', 'text')%> # and you'll get back: # $self->_call_func('GFoo::function', $self->_get_var(q{foo},0,0), $self->_get_var(q{bar},0,0), ..., q{7}, q{text}); # <%codevar($foo, $bar, $boo, $far => 7, text)%> # $self->_call_func('codevar', $self->_get_var(q{foo},0,0), $self->_get_var(q{bar},0,0), ..., q{7}, q{text}); # NOTE: NO SEMICOLON (;) ON THE END # which will require GFoo and call GFoo::function with the arguments provided. # # If you call this with a tag that doesn't look like a function, undef is returned. # my ($self, $str) = @_; my $ret; if (((index($str, '(') >= 0 and rindex($str, ')') >= 0) or index($str, '::') >= 1) and $str =~ /^ (?: # Package $1 ( \w+ (?: :: \w+ )* ) :: )? # Function $2 ( \w+ ) \s* # Any possible arguments (?: \( \s* ( .+? # Arguments list $3 )? \s* \) )? $/sx) { my ($package, $func, $args) = ($1, $2, $3); $ret = ''; my @args = (); if ($args) { @args = _parse_args('\s*(?:,|=>)\s*', $args); for (@args) { if (substr($_, 0, 1) eq '$') { $_ = q|$self->_get_var(q{| . _text_escape(substr($_, 1)) . q|},0,0)| } else { $_ = q|q{| . _text_escape($_) . q|}| } } } $args = join ", ", @args; $ret = q|$self->_call_func('| . ($package ? "$package\::$func" : $func) . q|'|; $ret .= ", $args" if $args; $ret .= ")"; } return $ret; } sub _parse_args { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Splits up arguments on commas outside of quotes. Unquotes # my($delimiter, $line) = @_; my($quote, $quoted, $unquoted, $delim, $word, @pieces); local $^W; while (length($line)) { ($quote, $quoted, undef, $unquoted, $delim, undef) = $line =~ m/^ (["']) # a $quote ((?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])*) # and $quoted text \1 # followed by the same quote (.*) # and the rest ($+) | # --OR-- ^ ((?:\\.|[^\\"'])*?) # $unquoted text, plus: ( \Z(?!\n) # EOL | (?:$delimiter) # delimiter | (?!^)(?=["']) # or quote ) (.*) # and the rest ($+) /sx; return unless($quote or length $unquoted or length $delim); $line = $+; $unquoted =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; if (defined $quote) { $quoted =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g if ($quote eq '"'); $quoted =~ s/\\([\\'])/$1/g if ( $quote eq "'"); } $word .= defined $quote ? $quoted : $unquoted; if (length($delim)) { push(@pieces, $word); undef $word; } if (!length($line) and defined $word) { push(@pieces, $word); } } return(@pieces); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME GT::Template::Parser - The guts of the not-so-simple template parsing module =head1 SYNOPSIS This module is not meant to be called directly, and should only be called from GT::Template. =head1 SEE INSTEAD L =cut