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Re: [Soil] Can't edit HTML files: error message "(Not Writeable)"
Thank you for kindly responding, Soil. I appreciate your simple and clearly laid out advice.

I tried following your instructions and re-installing fileman several times...

OK as far as step 4.

Then problems. There is no cgiwrap folder. I can't access the install.cgi script in the method you specify. I can do it the normal way:


At least, I could the first time. Now fileman.cgi just doesn't install, no matter what I specify as the CGI Path or CGI URL. No new fileman.cgi in any directory. Very strange...

I've never had problems installing other scripts before, but this one has got my stumped :(

I don't suppose you could be so kind as to have a look if I emailed you my login could you Soil? I've got a feeling it's something very basic, but I'm tearing my hair out trying to find out what it is...

Thanks once again Cool

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nazam: Jan 17, 2002, 5:28 PM

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