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README file on top not working?

To mee it looks like the contents of README files will appear at the bottom of the folder view. Even if I ask for them to come at the top of the folder view.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Update: Woops - I said that too fast. Strange though because the user I tried this with had set to show README on top when I started. I switched to show at bottom, then back to show on top. At first it was still at top then suddenly it came to top.

Another question - wouldn't it be great to have the option to hide the README file similar to the hidden files? And as I've said before, for the multiuser version I'd much prefer to have the option to hide/show in the Admin and not on each user :-)

Neat feature to have though - the "show README".

Kjell Knudsen

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kjellkk: Feb 20, 2002, 5:19 AM

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