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Cannot Add Records, Radio Button Unchecks...
Hello there! Long-time listener, first-time caller. Wink

I just finished a ten-round brawl with DBMan, and DBMan won. I've searched this forum looking for answers, because I'm not a dummy and I like to figure things out for myself, but I've failed miserably. And I really thought I could do it!

But I'm not giving up, because DBMan looks to be the best database manager out there, and if working properly, it should do just what I need it to.

So here's the deal. I installed everything and the default database works perfectly, so I went into default.cfg and added all of my own fields (leaving html.pl alone and letting DBMan create its own forum from my .cfg). So all appears to be fine until I try to add my first record. The one of my radio-button fields kicks back as unable to add record, claiming that it's "Too long - max length 3". And to boot, the radio button is now unchecked!

So I tried deleting that field altogether, and the next radio button inherited the problem!

I've tried starting from scratch, and had no success. Hopefully one of you DBMan wizards can enlighten me.

You can access my DBMan at: http://www.mikeweather.com/linkdatabase/db.cgi

Login: admin/admin (I know, I know -- I'll remove this security hole once I get the darn thing running!)

Also, you can find my .cfg file at:


Thanks in advance for any help that you can offer!

(Added: I just turned on debugging again and noticed that one of my radio-button fields is being given the value, "admin" instead of Yes/No. Yikes!)

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Dimensioneer

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Dimensioneer: Feb 22, 2002, 2:16 PM

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