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Re: [Paul] IE Toolbar
Hello Paul,

I tried the download and it failed to install any missing dll's with no error messages.

I was distracted any way.

I open my mail box to find a letter from the local Canadian Tax man.

Seems a company [ now bankrupt ] I worked for filed a T4 [ yearly Tax declaration form ] in July, and did not send me a copy for April [ or at all ]. So I filed an Estimate of Earnings to be on time.

The T4 has $18 total [ extremely low ] for tax deducted for 3 months.

But after calling the Tax man , I am told I have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the

T4 form is incorrect. As generally employers do not profit from creating incorrect T4's.

So I am told to pay the tax demand notice [ $669.76 due in 20 days ] and file a complaint to try and sort out this goober.

My dream :

I would like to hire my ex-boss, lay him off, not pay him his last pay check, fill in all government forms

and submit them with I have paid him. Then He might realise what a hell hole a person finds

himself in when the Paper work of a Government Form is believed over his word and his bank records.


Lesson Learned : Keep all paper work in a big black box, as you never know if you will need it.

This lesson is for individuals, business has a keep for .... years any way.

I have all the paper work and the civil proceedings paperwork and yet I now have to convince the Tax

man I am not a tax avoiding scum bag.

See Ya


Last edited by:

cornball: Dec 4, 2002, 6:36 PM

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