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Greetings and salutations
I thought I should introduce myself instead of 'skulking' about in the shadows.

Hello to you all, I am quite recently baptised into the world of e-commerce after what seems like a lifetime of corporate marketing, but I think I am getting the hang of SEO, link building, viral marketing et al, as well as the tools which make all the more easier.

Perhaps someone can answer a question for me, without my getting shot down in flames because the answer may be obvious and I'm proved to be a mere novice...

Why do the link popularity reports from Alexa/ Marketleap provide such differing results?

i.e. mirago.co.uk

Alexi = 1619 Marketleap = 129,890

There is probably a simple and I will be grateful if anyone can help to clarify this for me

Last edited by:

cobra: May 27, 2003, 6:13 AM

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