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Fileman kills the .SWF in my pages!!!

Whenever i edit .php or .htm files with a flashmovie in them, the flashmovie doesn't appear after editing those pages with fileman!!!

your program inserts some tags which cause that the browser canīt display the f.swf anymore!!!

What is this? Please help me how to solve this problem!!UnsureUnsureUnsure

thank you

P.S.: I just saw that another user has the same problem, but it was not responded by GT. As he asked in his post http://www.gossamer-threads.com/...string=flash;#240543

already (an answer was deleted..why?:

How can I turn that off - the adding of the extra, uneeded, <param> tags?

Last edited by:

European_: Jul 27, 2003, 12:34 AM

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