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Re: [Alex] Comm Loosing Connection to MtSQL
Hi Alex: I was getting a 500 error, usually when people were validating their accounts. I have tried a couple times, but I cannot get it to error out for me now. I beleive it showed some error to a GT Comm module, then was followed by a "Lost Communication with MySQL server" or some such language. I look at the MySQL stats, and currently I show:

Failed attempts 2 0.04 0.00 %

Aborted 38,302 792.98 11.00 %

Total 348,179 7,208.47 100.00 %

failed attempts, only 2, so no big deal- but 11% Aborted concerns me- should I be concerned with numbers like that? BTW, MySQL has been up 2 days, 4 hours with those stats... Dave

Big Cartoon DataBase
Big Comic Book DataBase

Last edited by:

carfac: May 25, 2006, 8:28 AM

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