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Re: [leeann] Big Learning Curb - Rant!
You know how some people have a fear of flying? Well I have a fear of asp/php type coding. :) I've tried to learn it for several years through methods which I've learned other things - reading books. But it just hasn't sunk into my brain. HTML is so different and I'm totally comfortable with it...but...it just doesn't have the flexibility.

I've always had books, but found it MUCH easier to learn by trial and error. I started off years ago with the Links 2.0 with no prior experience with HTML or Perl. By experimenting to see what happens when I made changes to the code, I was able to learn a lot.

I personally think the most important thing to learn first with Links SQL is the templates. Don't let their appearent complexity overwhelm you. Focus on the template tutorial for now, and experiment by making small changes to the templates as you progress. The templates will make so much more sense once you understand what's going on with all those funky <%tags%>.

Remember, you don't have know any Perl whatsoever until you're ready to start customizing the way the program works (ie, to add a list of recently added links to your home index). So don't even worry about the programming language aspect at this point.

Limecat is not pleased.

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fuzzy logic: Sep 17, 2006, 3:45 PM

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