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Re: [Andy] Has anybody done a javascript drop down selection list for categories?
I was wanting to make a menu like you see in my image only make it be dynamic, and have it list the amount of links in each of the categories that is listed in the drop down selection list.

The one that I show in my image is static, so I have to change it when I change categories, add categories, delete categories etc, was thinking it would be great if something like that existed and was dynamic. And a bonus would be if it could also be dynamic so that it shows how many links are in each category at the end of the category name to place something like (#) where # is the amount of links in that category. Kind of what is on the home page now, where it lists how many links are in each category, take all of that on the home page and stuff it into a drop down list like what I've shown or a basic html form selection list (I've seen those where a person selects a name in a drop down selection list and they get taken to a page associated with the name in the list).

Last edited by:

Westin: May 12, 2009, 3:44 AM

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