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Re: [swisstony] Template.pm Bug?

Here's the exact message within the thread that provides you with the answer:


edit - you might have to copy and paste the above url into a browser window, as the forum software seems to cut off the last #148551 part.

[hint - oh how nice it would be to have message numbers next to posts so I don't have to trawl through the source code ;-)]

Try a clean installation and just read the above message and do exactly what it tells you. There are a lot of other threads around here telling you to change lines in Parser.pm and Template.pm. You could go down this route if you wished but it would mean changing about 6 similar lines of code, while the above solution works much 'cleaner' with less risk of messing things up, and only involves one simple change.

Kind rgds

- wil

Last edited by:

Wil: Sep 20, 2001, 1:39 AM

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