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Perl Code Highlighter Plugin Complete
I decided to post a new thread to keep things clear.

The plugin to colorize code is finished.

You can see a demo here:

All colors are controlled by the administrator using the plugin manager. Here's a brief summary of how it works....

Using [code] something [/code] will show normal black code still.

[pretty] something [/pretty] will show colorized code but as it is a pre/first hook then I've got it to return the colorized code inside a [code] tag which is then parsed by GForum so you keep the formatting of [code] tags.

The [pretty] [/pretty] tags are also admin controlled so you can change them to whatever you want.

I'm going to get Alex or Jason to "hopefully" add it to their server and *ideally* I'd love them to install it here Angelic

I'll reply to this post once Alex has let me know whether he'll add it to the server or not.

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RedRum: Feb 13, 2002, 8:23 AM

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