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Re: [sdaytona] path error or error 404
Hi again,

For simplicity only. I do the following then make all the chmod changes at the end once everything is working.

Create a folder in your cgi-bin (or cgi whatever your cgi bin is called) call the new folder links (chmod 755)
In this folder upload the contents of the cgi-bin folder which you have just downloaded in ASCII not BINARY.

For example the structure should look like this

CGI BIN (Folder chmod 755)
-- Links (Folder chmod 755)
----- Admin (Folder chmod 755)
----- add, jump, modify, rate, search, subscribe (all chmod 755)

In your admin folder you will have the following

Admin (Folder chmod 755)
--- Back up (Folder chmod 777) also chmod content files to 777
--- Data (Folder chmod 777) also chmod content files to 777
--- Templates (Folder chmod 777) also chmod content files to 777
--- outside these 3 folders you have the rest of the scripts (chmod all cgi files to 755 and everything else to 777 e.g - admin.cgi, admin_html.pl, category.def, db.pl, db_utils.pl, links.cfg, links.def, mailer.pm, nph_build.cgi, nph_email.cgi, nph_verify.cgi, site_html.pl, Site_html_templates.pl, Template.pm

Ok, after all that, in your html folder out side your cgi bin create a folder called links, create a blank index.html page and upload this into your new folder along with .css file etc. Also in this folder create several other folders called, Images, New, Cool, Ratings, Detailed.

Links 2.0 does a lot of this for you automatically, like creating blank inde files and new, cool, rating, detailed folders etc, but to save you from any problems when you come to 'build all, in your admin menu later its easier just to create them. (Thats why the above part is not mentioned in the readme instructions as links 2.0 should Tongue do this for you.

Once all files are correctly uploaded etc etc. you must now edit your links.cfg in your cgi-bin/links/admin/ directory file to correspond to all your paths etc.

After all that, goto http://www.yoursite.com/cgi-bin/links/admin.admin.cgi

Please note all the Chmod settings listed above are for test purposes only, once you have the script running bug free, then re-read the read me provided with your download and change the settings to their reccomendations, also password secure your admin directory to prevent any foul play.

Sorry its long winded, prob confused you even more, but I knew what I was trying to say in my head, prob just didn't turn out right. I am sure if any of its wrong, the veterens will be around to shoot me down in flames Pirate


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stu2000: Aug 15, 2002, 5:44 PM

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