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Re: [Andy] [ ULTRAGlobals ] Ideas please

Please feel free to give this first version a go :)

So far - I've got these functions in place (all documented in the Readme);

Get_Image_URL() - get the URL to a FILE type field (designed for images, but will work for other types of attachments)
Trim_Field() - trim a value to a sect number of charachters
Get_Links_Categories() - gets a lopp of the categories a link is in. For example, if its listed in 2 categories - it will get those 2 categories, and also give the links to them.
Get_URL() - Simply gets a URL (some people need this feature =))
Format_Select_Field() - Lets you pre-populate a SELECT field on the add / modify form, so that if a value is pre-selected, it will auto-select for you.

Please let me know your feedback =)


Andy (mod)
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Last edited by:

Andy: Dec 17, 2007, 7:49 AM

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