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Re: [Andy] Ignore User?
Well I worked on this last night for a small bit - I didn't spend too much time on it - just brisked through it. Any input is appreciated.

First the table:

CREATE TABLE gforum_IgnoreUser
ignore_id int primary key auto_increment,
user_id_fk int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
user_to_ignore_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY(user_id_fk, user_to_ignore_id)

Then, I am sure this is the wrong way to do it but I didn't immediately see where the definitions were generated. In defs/gforum_IgnoreUser.def:

'ai' => 'ignore_id',
'cols' => {
'ignore_id' => {
'form_size' => '10',
'form_type' => 'TEXT',
'not_null' => '1',
'pos' => '1',
'protect' => '1',
'type' => 'INT',
'unsigned' => '1'
'user_id_fk' => {
'form_size' => '10',
'form_type' => 'TEXT',
'not_null' => '1',
'pos' => '2',
'protect' => '1',
'type' => 'INT',
'unsigned' => '1'
'user_to_ignore_id' => {
'form_size' => '10',
'form_type' => 'TEXT',
'not_null' => '1',
'pos' => '2',
'protect' => '1',
'type' => 'INT',
'unsigned' => '1'
'fk' => {
'gforum_User' => {
'user_to_ignore_id' => 'user_id'
'fk_tables' => [],
'index' => {
'o_gm' => [
'pk' => [

'subclass' => {},
'unique' => {}

Then, in GForum/Ignore.pm:

package GForum::Ignore;
use strict;
use GForum qw/:user $DB $USER $IN $CFG/;
use GT::Date;

sub add_ignore{
my ( $do, $func ) = @_;
my $uid = $IN->param('user_id');
$DB->table('IgnoreUser')->insert({ user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id}, user_to_ignore_id => $uid }) if $uid and $USER;

sub disable_ignore {
my ( $do, $func ) = @_;
my $uid = $IN->param('user_id');
$DB->table('IgnoreUser')->delete(GT::SQL::Condition->new(user_id_fk=> '=' => $USER->{user_id}, user_to_ignore_id => '=' => $uid)) if $uid and $USER;

sub list_ignored {
my ($do, $func) = @_;
my $page = $func->{page};

# Retrieve Users From the IgnoreUser table that have been ignored by this particular user.
my $cond = new GT::SQL::Condition;
$cond->add(user_id_fk => '=' => $USER->{user_id});
my $ou = $DB->table('IgnoreUser' => 'User');
my $sth = $ou->select($cond);

my $users = [];

while (my $rec = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push @$users, $rec;

$page->{ignore} => {
ignored_users => $users,
has_ignored_users => scalar @$users,


(Have not coded adding ignore - will add that - shouldn't be hard )

And finally, tell everything about Ignore.pm in admin/GForum/Config/Data.pm:

'add_ignore' => {
'action' => 'function',
'customizable' => {
'description' => '1',
'page' => '1'
'description' => 'Enable user account ignore',
'function' => 'GForum::Ignore::add_ignore',

'disable_ignore' => {
'action' => 'function',
'customizable' => {
'description' => '1',
'page' => '1'
'description' => 'Disabling user account ignore',
'function' => 'GForum::Ignore::disable_ignore',

'ignore' => {
'action' => 'function',
'customizable' => {
'description' => '1',
'disabled' => '1',
'hidden' => '1',
'min_user_status' => '1',
'page' => '1',
'page-add' => '1',
'page-del' => '1',
'user_groups' => '1',
'user_groups-add' => '1',
'user_groups-del' => '1'
'description' => 'Ignore',
'function' => 'GForum::Ignore::list_ignored',
'page' => {
'ignore' => 'ignore.html'

So that basic functionality is there and the url /gforum.cgi?do=ignore; shows the ignored list. And there is a ignore.html in the admin/templates/default/ directory:

<% loop ignored_users%>
<tr bgcolor="<%GForum::Utils::alternation('ignored_users', $odd_color, $even_color)%>">
<td style="border-right:1px solid <%dark_beige%>">
<% if user_id%>
<a href="gforum.cgi?username=<%GT::CGI::escape($user_username)%>;<%hidden_query%>"><%nbsp user_username%></a>
<small>(<a href="gforum.cgi?do=disable_ignore;redo=<%this_do%>;user_id=<%user_id%>;<%hidden_query%>">Disable Ignore</a>)</small>

<% else%>
<%nbsp user_username%>
<% endif%>
<td style="border-right:1px solid <%dark_beige%>">
<% endloop%>

My only last question is how do I put this to use to where it ignores the post if it's created by someone on their ignore list... Perhaps have a hash in the $USER variable? Any suggestions?

Thank you - I don't care about selling the plugin or anything (seems silly). Just want help...

Last edited by:

afra: Dec 14, 2007, 12:39 PM

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