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Plugins - how toi print out content, and stop "1" showing at bottom of page?

I'm trying to write something that works with:


Now, this works fine:

sub main {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This subroutine will be called whenever the hook 'main' is run. You
# should call GT::Plugins->action(STOP) if you don't want the regular
# 'main' code to run, otherwise the code will continue as normal.
my (@args) = @_;

# Do something useful here
if ($IN->param('action') eq "guestbook") {

use GForum::Template;

my $do = $IN->param('do');
if (!$do) {
print $IN->header();
print GForum::Template->parse_print('error.html', { error => "FOO" } );

return @args;

(the error.html bit is just to test the GForum::Template parsing bits :))

However, at the bottom of the page it shows:


I've attached a screenshot.

I've also tried:

sub main {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This subroutine will be called whenever the hook 'main' is run. You
# should call GT::Plugins->action(STOP) if you don't want the regular
# 'main' code to run, otherwise the code will continue as normal.
my (@args) = @_;

# Do something useful here
if ($IN->param('action') eq "guestbook") {

use GForum::Template;

my $do = $IN->param('do');
if (!$do) {
print $IN->header();
return GForum::Template->parse_print('error.html', { error => "FOO" } );

return @args;

..but that prints out error.html, and then shows the normal pagePirate

Whats the correct way for printing out in GForum? I remember doing some stuff with PMManager back in 2004 - but all I can see in there, is stuff like:

return GForum::Template->parse_print('pmmanager_folder_page_sent.html', { pm_list => \@pms, %$vars } );

..and somehow, that seems to work right - so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong :(

TIA for any suggestions .. in the mean time, I'll keep playing here =)


Andy (mod)
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Last edited by:

Andy: Feb 21, 2008, 4:47 AM

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