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[FREE] SiteMap

This isn't anything special. I wanted to build up .xml SiteMaps (for submitting to google), and decided it was just as good to write my own version :P

Please download from here, to get the most current version: http://www.ultranerds.com/..._3_0_x/SiteMap_L262/

Very simple to use.

1) Install
2) Edit settings (mainly this is if you want to also build detailed pages)
3) Run it from the admin are
4) The URL that is reported back to you - go into Google Webmasters, and submit your sitemap.

In theory, this will help you get better visability on google (and also more of your "hidden" pages found).

Its not a foolproof system - but as a SEO guy told me - you've got nothing to loose - it can only help Smile



Andy (mod)
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Last edited by:

Andy: Jun 29, 2008, 11:51 PM

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