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Review.pm suggestion

just wanted to add this for the remaining visitors and at least to say hello to Andy.
I started to work a little with reviews and have a suggestion addon for the code.
In "sub _add_this_review" I added:

if (not $CFG->{user_review_required} and not $USER) {
$input->{Review_GuestName} or return { error => Links::language('REVIEW_GUEST_NAME_REQUIRED') };
$input->{Review_GuestEmail} or return { error => Links::language('REVIEW_GUEST_EMAIL_REQUIRED') };
#start ++
unless ($input->{Review_GuestEmail} =~ /.\@.+\../) {
return {error => Links::language('USER_INVALIDEMAIL', $input->{Review_GuestEmail})};
my $rc = $reviews->count({ Review_LinkID => $id, Review_GuestEmail => $input->{Review_GuestEmail} });
if ($CFG->{review_max_reviews} and $rc + 1 > $CFG->{review_max_reviews}) {
my $mtl = Links::Build::build('title', Links::language('LINKS_REVIEW_ADD'), "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/review.cgi");
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', { error => Links::language('REVIEW_MAX_REVIEWS', $CFG->{review_max_reviews}), main_title_loop => $mtl });
#end ++

I thought it makes sense to validate the E-Mail as much as for user registration and restrict the nubers of reviews for the same E-Mail as well.
Still a lot to improve but I like the basic work.



Last edited by:

el noe: Dec 9, 2016, 5:58 AM

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