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New Logic
I want to start a thread on the "changes" in logic between the 1.x versions and the new version (whatever it's called <G>)

Firstly, I see a lot of new paramters, such as 'gb' added to the new/cool pages, which eliminates one of my pet peve hacks :)

Also, I see that the user scripts in the admin area are really 'shells' that simply are ordering the calls to various modules and passing them parameters. I've also noticed the calls to the fuctions are hard-coded with absolute paths, which means that relocation of the modules and the functions within the modules is not going to be easily effected. ie: We are locked into this layout.

That has good and bad features -- good if it works, it standardizes design. Bad if it's found it doesn't, it means major blocks of code change, and minor changes ripple throughout the various plug-ins (I'm assuming your CVS system will handle those changes easily.... but what about 3rd party modules??).

Anyway... This is going to be a fairly steep developer learning curve here.

You guys have had 6 months to deal with all the changes, and assimilate them. There's going to be a lag in the general community as far as understanding all the ins and outs.

Build::Build::build ('sub') is a clever deal. One build routine, that passes the passed parameter off as the internal subroutine.

Pet Peve #921 : The handling of Category fields.

# Get the header and footer from file if it exists, otherwise assume it is html.
if ($display{header} && (length($display{header}) < 20) && ($display{header} !~ /\s+/) && (-e "$CFG->{admin_root_path}/headers/$display{header}")) {
open (HEAD, "<$CFG->{admin_root_path}/headers/$display{header}") or die "Unable to open header file: $CFG->{admin_root_path}/headers/$display{header}. Reason: $!";
$display{header} = join "", <HEAD>;
close HEAD;
if ($display{footer} && (length($display{footer}) < 20) && ($display{footer} !~ /\s+/) && (-e "$CFG->{admin_root_path}/footers/$display{footer}")) {
open (FOOT, "<$CFG->{admin_root_path}/footers/$display{footer}") or die "Unable to open footer file: $CFG->{admin_root_path}/footers/$display{footer}. Reason: $!";
$display{footer} = join "", <FOOT>;
close FOOT;
Isn't there a more elegant way of doing this? For instance, assuming everything that is _NOT_ a predefined functional or control field, such as Name, Has_New_Links, ID, etc, _IS_ a parsable field?? And just iterate through the fields, doing the checking? That way all user added fields are automatically parsed?

hard-coding the category fields into the routine has been, IMHO, a kludge from day 1. People have started using additional fields in the categories for banners, dynamic includes, etc.

Some automated way of dealing with them should be implemented.


'isValidated', '=', 'Yes'

Gets rid of the "Validate" table, and I'm assuming (not having found it all in the code yet) that when the links are built, the program does an "AND isValidated='Yes', on all selects.

Does this mean that isValidated can be expanded to hold other values other than Yes and No? For instance, "Pending, OnHold, Dead, ReCheck" ?? If that field is flexible enough, ie: you are not using a binary 1/0 (empty/not-empty) check on it, couldn't it be used for other purposes??

This is a minor (exclusive flat) implementation of my glorious <G> flag-fields in my wish list;) for mutually non-exclusive flag settings using a binary mask, or set notation. I never was a good low-level programmer.


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Subject Author Views Date
Thread New Logic pugdog 2286 Oct 26, 2000, 2:20 AM
Thread Re: New Logic
Alex 2217 Oct 26, 2000, 10:22 AM
Post Re: New Logic
pugdog 2209 Oct 26, 2000, 12:19 PM