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Image::GD::pie, make the edges look nicer?

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Image::GD::pie, make the edges look nicer?

I'm just trying to work out how to make the edges of the attached pie chart nicer :/ They seem really "jagged" to me, anyone else?

Code is (only the needed);

my @data = (
['#1 Rating','#2 Rating','#3 Rating','#4 Rating','#5 Rating'],
[ $ratings->{1},$ratings->{2},$ratings->{3},$ratings->{4},$ratings->{5}],

my $graph = new GD::Graph::pie(250, 250);

title => 'Review Ratings',
label => '',
axislabelclr => 'black',
'3d' => 1,
start_angle => 30,
suppress_angle => 3,
or warn $graph->error;

$graph->set_title_font("$CFG->{admin_root_path}/tahoma.ttf", 15);

$graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error;

open(GRAPH,">$CFG->{build_root_path}/pie_images/$linkid.jpg") || die "Cannot open graph5.jpg: $!\n";
print GRAPH $graph->gd->jpeg(100);

Any suggestions are welcome. I can live with the jagged edges, but ideally would like to fix it so it looks nicer =)


Andy (mod)
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