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auto gernerating a password

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auto gernerating a password
what is the easiest way to generate a password on the fly (I don't want to store it). is it possible to generate one out of the ID or the email (maybe Contact name), send it out and verify this without needing a db-field for that?

Is it possibe to have any funktions like this:
$pw = (lenght($Email) * $ID / $Date)

Is there any function wich give back definitely one exact value?

Thanks, Chris

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Re: auto gernerating a password In reply to

my $length = 10;

require MD5;
my $password = MD5->hexhash(time . $$ . rand (16000));
my $password = substr ($password, 0, $length);

md5 makes random strings.. change $length to whatever to change the length of the password..

Jerry Su
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Re: auto gernerating a password In reply to
Thats great, it works, but is it also possible to generate a value out of anotherone (Date, E-Mail), so that I can recalculate it once more with the same output?