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using templates

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using templates
I want to use a footer.txt and header.txt in script to display all the top and bottom HTML and so it would be easier to change it.

I want to be able to change the title.

sub top {
@header = <HEADER>;
print "@header\n";

So I call it @top("The title i want");

and the txt contains \<title\>$_[0]\</title\>

It doesn't work and the page is displayed with title "$_[0]" any suggestions how i can change the title??

Greg L
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Re: using templates In reply to
How about:

sub top {
my $title = shift;
open (HEADER, $headerfile) or die "Can't open '$headerfile'. Reason: $!";
my $header = join ("", <HEADER&gt Wink;
close HEADER;
$header =~ s,<title>[^<]+</title>,<title>$title</title>,i;
return $header;

Then you can do:

print &header('Page1');
print &header('Page2');

You should really cache the results of the header if you are going to be doing it multiple times, but that's another question.. =)

