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Checkbox fields with no data in them

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Checkbox fields with no data in them
A while ago, you showed someone how to not print fields in search results if the fields were empty in the database.

I need to do this with checkbox fields in the search form. For example, I have a list of several localities and a searcher might check one or more of them.

_ A
_ B
_ C

But if C is not part of a record in the database, I don't want it to appear on the search form. I do want it to appear as a choice on the add form, in case a new record requires it. I am not using autogenerate.

How can I accomplish this?

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Re: Checkbox fields with no data in them In reply to
I don't understand.

But if C is not part of a record in the database, I don't want it to appear on the search form.

There's no way of knowing whether a record has a particular value until the search is done.
