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How many files are supposed to be created when you use configurator.
There is no clue as to whether you have got them all or not.
I only got to config.cfg. config.cgi
default.cfg. default.cgi and the html.pl paste in text

Is that everything? Some how I suspect it is not.

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Re: Configurator In reply to
Forget it folks. I sorted out the confiurator question and now have the script running on my site.
However there are still several questions regarding how people get their own id and password to post their own record.. I haven't been able to get any information on that yet.

Yes, I have figured out how to change admin, guest and author log ins, but that doesn't seem to be the answer.

Also can I make someone submit an URL but leave it invisible to the average viewer but only visible to the admin holder?

time for bed, been up all nite...