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Editing html.pl

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Editing html.pl
Ok, I've determined that the Internal Error message is caused by something in the CONTENT of a "require"ed file (my customized version of html.pl.

After re-checking chmod, ascii-vs-binary, etc etc, I went back to your original version of html.pl and found that disagreements between my .db structure (in the .cfg file) and my .pl file show up as error messages in the returned HTML -- but at least the thing TRIES to run!

Apparently, something else I'm doing to the .pl file causes the compile process on the server to fail without a compile-time error diagnostic message being returned.

Got any tips or suggestions what it could be? I'm editing html.pl with MultiEdit on a Win95 machine. I have to FTP the file to the ISP's server (Netcom) each time to see how my changes look. Boy is this tedious.
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Re: Editing html.pl In reply to
A couple of hints:

Design the ouput of the page in whatever editor you prefer. I like HotDogPro myself. Regardless, get the page set the way you want it BEFORE you start editing the html.pl

I then went through and stripped the html.pl file of the tabes and such that I didn't need. I also removed the <HTML><HEAD> etc.

What I did with the html.pl file was create a header and a footer in the globals at the top of the html.pl file.

$html_top = '<HTML>
<TITLE>My Happy Database</TITLE>

<TABLE border=0 width="100%">

$html_bottom = '




Then in each sub in the html.pl file I call the sub right after the print qq|


The rest of the info goes here...


This alone will save you a lot of editing time. Especially if you make 1 mistake and must fix it in several subs, now all you need to do is fix the globals.

The only thing left is to fix the forms and tables to meet your needs, but it is much easier to follow stripped down. Smile

Unfortunatly uploading is the only way to verify the final product, but if you plan the page out first, it should be easier. Smile
