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How do I edit auto-generated html.pl?

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How do I edit auto-generated html.pl?
I am new to this (but finally got the demo database working) and I am constructing a database using DBMan, the question is how can I access the html.pl generated by the auto-generator? I would like to use what's being generated but I would like to edit some parts to change things like wrong line breaks after radio buttons, colors and even the language as I am also going to use it in spanish.

Another question is: How do I get rid of all the data from the demo database as it is being shown as my new data records. Do I have to delete one by one or can I generate a blank database?

Thanks for the help you could give me!
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Re: How do I edit auto-generated html.pl? In reply to
Second question first: just delete everything in the default.db file and upload the empty file.

First question:
The autogenerated forms and displays are created in two subroutines in db.cgi--
sub build_html_record and sub build_html_record_form

I would be very careful in editing them, though. All of the code generated by these subroutines comes directly from your .cfg file.

If you want to change the other things on the pages, like titles and such, you will need to go into the html.pl file and change each of the subroutines.


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Re: How do I edit auto-generated html.pl? In reply to
Thanks a lot JPD.

I emptied the database. Does the new record counter in the cgi-bin update automaticaly?

I think I would stick to editing the html.pl file!

I have another question but I will post it as a new topic.

Thanks again for your help.
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Re: How do I edit auto-generated html.pl? In reply to
You'll need to restart the .count file, too. Well, you don't really have to, unless you want it to start counting at 1. If you do, change the value of the .count file to 0 and upload the file.

Remember that the .count file is not really a record counter. It is merely a way to assign a unique key to the records. You will not be able to depend on the .count file as an accurate count of the number of records in your database.


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Re: How do I edit auto-generated html.pl? In reply to
Thanks again. I changed it's value to 3 which is the amount of records I am testing with.