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I'm messed up - all kinds of problems

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I'm messed up - all kinds of problems
Okay, here's what I did, in order:

1. Used JPDeni's Configurator.
2. Got the User Friendly html.pl file and added the stuff.
3. Added the short/long mod.

Got it all to working great, except a couple of frustrating things:

1. Everything works dandy when I'm logged in as an admin.
2. It doesn't work so great when I log in as a user, with a username and password. I can add fine, but when it says record added, all the fields are blank. However, when I go to view, everything is filled in. It's just the "Record Added" screen that is blank.
3. Searching these forums, I've messed around with various things and I can get one thing to go away, but then another problem pops up.

Also, on modify, I can modify as admin, but not as a user....it says error, no matching records.

Now, what I'm wondering, maybe I made a mistake from the get go and should go back to the config machine and start over. I set it up to use the field "Name" (person's name, not user sign in name) as the user id. But I also had done the permissions so that a person without an account could add, but not modify.

Should I start from scratch and make anyone who wants to add have an account and allow default users only a view? Would this fix my problem?

I keep having problems with the user id, but am able to get it going by searching the forum and changing something. At this point, I've changed so many things I can't remember what I've done anymore. (I also tried using auto generate forms, and still had the problem)

Any ideas what I'm babbling about? My head is going to explode.



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Re: I'm messed up - all kinds of problems In reply to
Hope I catch all of this.

your short/long should be OK, pretty hard to screw that up :-D

I'd go back to the configurator and change the "name" thing to sign in name. Cause, you might have 2 or 3 Bobs and they might get the other Bob's record.

using accounts, is like using cookies for sign in. apparently, lot's of the web is going this and usrs are starting to give in to signing-in to do things. so yes, make an account system with default as view only.

friendly pl is really friendly stay with that vs the original. I like the arrangement much better adn it's easier to change at first until you get used to the system.

autogenerate only generates the html -- I think ... I've never used it since I never like plain taste it has.

good luck and hope I haven't created more work for you.

on the pages in between ...