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a few questions

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a few questions

The site which I am making now will consist of only search result for the user. Meaning- the user will get to the home page, he will see a search form, where he can search by item, product, etc.. When he clicks on "Search" he will see just see the results. The user doesn't have to log in, the user won't be able to add, delete, etc.., and only the administrator will be able to add products. So how do I do this.

2. At the bottom of default.cfg there is a paragraph names "Build up some variables from your definitions". Please explain what this does, and what I need it for.

Thank You
Eli Finkelman
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Re: a few questions In reply to
The user doesn't have to log in, the user won't be able to add, delete, etc..,
and only the administrator will be able to add products.

$auth_no_authentication = 0;
$auth_allow_default = 1;
@auth_default_permissions = (1,0,0,0,0);
$auth_signup = 0;
$auth_user_field = -1;

You shouldn't have to worry about the rest of the settings in the Authorization Options section.

At the bottom of default.cfg there is a paragraph names "Build up some variables
from your definitions". Please explain what this does, and what I need it for.

These are internal variables that allow DBMan to work. Don't mess with them. They need to be there just as they are.
