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how to translate abbreviations and codes

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how to translate abbreviations and codes
i've a db to use for 2 languages. I want that users can work in 2 languages on the same database. There are two problems:

1. In .cfg that makes a problem because you 've to put a list f.e. in: db_select_fields in one language. How can i offer in the edit screen a list of options which generate finally in the database a code.

I thougt i could do it in html.pl defining my own html: F.e. i put following code: offering the choice between Prof or amateur, en generating P or A in the Database.

<select name="type" size="1">
<option value="P">profesional</option>
<option value="A">amateur</option>

But that is not working==> how should i do it?

2. Is it possible to automatically translate the codes P / A of the database in the form
sub html_record

I thought something should be possible as:
if ($rec{'type'}="A") {print "Amateur"}
else {}

How should this exactly be done?
