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passing values from diff scripts

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passing values from diff scripts
Hello there...

I am trying to do uploads in dbman and I am running into the following problem.

In order to do an upload I need to use the form tag:

<form ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" method=post action="upload.pl">
<INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="Attachment" value="$rec{'Attachment'}" >
<input type=submit value="Upload">

which uses a diffent perl script (upload.pl) to do the actual downloading. What happens is that my field "Attachment" does not contain the name of the file that the user picked since the "submit" is not going to the db.cgi.

So, my question is, how can I pass a variable from my update.pl to my db.cgi (or the other way around)?
Would it easier to update the record from update.pl? Any ideas how?


On a not so related issue. What does $|=1 and 1; do?