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Question: Here's what I want to accomplish:

Have a user create his/her own record
and he/she is the only one who can modify it, must be allowed to view all records
Do I have to keep the 'ID' field there?
so it can recognize who created it?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: permissions In reply to
The ID field is the actual record number. I suggest keeping it.

If you have it set up so that a user has to "Sign-up" to create an 'account' then this is were you tell it what field to use to store that USERID.

# Auth user field. This is the field position in the database used for storing
# the userid who owns the record. Set to -1 if not used.
# (1 = "yes", 0 = "no")
$auth_user_field = 44;

In my case I used field #44

You also need to have the following set as well.

# Allow people to sign up for their own userid/passwords? They will
# (1 = "yes", 0 = "no")
$auth_signup = 1;

# Registered users: can modify/delete _only_ own records.
$auth_modify_own = 1;

# Registered users: can view _only_ own records.
$auth_view_own = 0;

I have the permissions set differently.. One of the users her showed me how to set both default permissions and 'sign-up' permissions. (see a post from a few days ago under my name.

Daniel J