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still on frames

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still on frames
referring to a previous posting.

i have redirected the admin to 1 home page and the users to another home page.

The users home page calls 3 frames. Should those 3 frames be embedded in the html.pl file. I suspect they should because, although they display fine when i logon, when i try to do the search routine (the only function available to the users) i get the message "the url you asked for does not exist on this website". Of course it doesnt, because it is trying to link from out of the db. Other non db related links work fine.

Assuming that they must be embedded inside the html.pl file, can someone tell me how and where they should go and how i should call them from the home page. at the moment they are referenced as follows:

<frame name="frame_top" src="http://servername/frame_top.html>.

If i can keep them outside of the html.pl file, then where is the problem likely to come from. The search form is embedded in the frame so it is referencing the db but is not actually in it. Could that be the problem.

complexities on complexities, but i think that this is my last major problem.

until i hear from someone i will continue to experiment.

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Re: still on frames In reply to
Is the page you are searching from in html.pl?

If not, how are you passing the login information back to the script to perform the search?

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Re: still on frames In reply to
Do you want to require passwords? You can have a "default" user which can access the database for permissions that you set (such as "view").

For instance:

servername.com goes to non-db home page which has links to the database. This way your users are automatically assigned this "default" username without actually logging in, alowing them to only search your database. This is done in the .cfg file.

servername.com/admin is a secret page that noone knows of. It can even reside on your own computer. This page requires a log in. Once you log in, you assume the "admin" username, and are allowed to add, modify,etc..

Bottom line..

If you are going to use login for all users, you must pass your usernames through every step(page) after login. You can only do this by including this page in html.pl or another cgi script. I did this by creating new subroutines in html.pl. You need to set them up at the top of db.cgi with permissions.

Please email me if you have any questions.

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Re: still on frames In reply to
no i am requiring password login at the beginning. this is to keep track of who is using the system rather than any preventive need.

the admin user is passed straight into dbman and does not access any external html.

i have been getting help from alex on this and i think he has the answer, which does involve embedding all the html files in the html.pl.

this, unfortunately makes it harder for someone else to update in the future but will secure my position as the only person who "almost" knows what he is doing.

there are still a few bugs to work out, but the password problem is not one of them.

of course i could have made this all much simpler by simply dispensing with frames and having all external links opened to another browser window, but somehow that is so inellegant.

thanks for your assistance and please keep the ideas coming.
