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Shared registry.

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Shared registry.
This is the end of a message I posted in the GossMail forum (it just came from what I started talking about, and I do ramble <G>). I thought I'd repost it here, in case anyone was interested. Assume that any references to "this program" or such refer to GossMail, not Links SQL.


I'm hoping to dive deeper into this once the new release of Links SQL comes out, since my goal will be to work on getting all the programs (and a few others) to work together with the same user base, user data, etc across the site (or even multiple related sites). Until such time, I'm sill in almost as much of a fog as everyone else on getting this program up, running, fine-tuned, and humming like well oiled machine :)

But, I would like the ability of a shared user registration across a network of linked sites, access to mail, links, ratings, shopping, preferences, etc.

I want to offer user convenience accross related offerings (either from the same parent company, or from an affiliated network of sites) that let the user remember one password and have one centrally updated "profile" but allow them to wander through the 'network' as a recognized user. This gives the webmaster (and the user) many benefits -- such as higher-status, better targeting, targeted discounts, etc.

I know this will apply to "adult" sites (they are already chomping at the bits for this) but it will also help targeted links sites, catalog sites, and others that want to share traffic, create partnerships, and forge alliances to compete with the 'big guys.'

Nothing prevents a user from registering separately on each site, but they have the option of registering once, and using the same shared registry.

A business can set up their own shared registry for all their sites, or a 3rd party can set up a shared registry for member sites. That way no one site has control over the data, or unfair use of it.

Cool... huh?? :)

a mini-Amazon.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

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Re: Shared registry. In reply to
This would probably be best achieved by opening mysql up to different hosts with their own username/password (btw, we are working on adding a mysql user editor into the next version of mysqlman).

You could then use the same script, but authenticate against a central sql database.

It could be easily done in Gossamer Mail right now, and in the next Links SQL.



Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: Shared registry. In reply to
That's what I'm hoping :)

I've been looking at setting up a cluster of servers all sharing the same back end database server (some 4 cpu monster) and this seems a logical extension of that.

As you know, it sounds simple, but the technicalities of it are bit more complex than they superficially appear.

I'm running out of fingernails to bite waiting for the next version :) <hint><hint>

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/