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User questions (various)

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User questions (various)
New to Links-SQL and are preparing for a (hopefully) large deployment in about a month. Some questions about users ---

1. What does a "registered user" get that an anonymous user doesn't? Why would anyone ever register? I understand that editors need to be registered, but I am talking just about plain "registered" (not "editor") users.

2. What does the "Administrator" class of user get to do?

3. Is there a mod such that users cannot "Add a resource" unless they have logged in (which implies that they have been email-validated first, which is what we want).

Thank you in advance,

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Re: User questions (various) In reply to
i think alex made it so we can make things using it ourselves.. for example.. i have created add.cgi, modify.cgi, delete.cgi, review.cgi, profile.cgi and a forum using the user database.. i still plan on doing some more stuff later.. (perhaps email if i can ever get there..)

administrators don't get anything else.. it is just if you make something you can do that.. my profile.cgi uses that just to tell people who administrators are and my forum script uses it to determine who has the right to edit and delete threads.. posts... forums.. etc

ummm... i made that mod.. it's somewhere in this forum.. just look.. for like modify mod...

Jerry Su
Links SQL User
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Re: User questions (various) In reply to

here is my little demo (it might be down.. my site has been down for awhile.. it is up right now..)


just enter

u: pdamania
p: test

it should go back and there are like 5 links..

the other user is.. jsu7785 with the password test..

to try it.. you have to go to..


first and then try again...

code is here..


Jerry Su
Links SQL User