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Duplicate Title Check only

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Duplicate Title Check only
I have many installed mods on my links directory. What I am looking for is a fix to a problem I am having with Dup URL errors.

This is the code I have in db.pl


sub check_duplicates {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine searches through the database and pulls up sets
# of links that have the same domain.
my (@values, %seen, %doubles, $url, $
title, $count);

open (DB, "<$db_links_name") or &cgierr("error in check_duplicates. unable to open db file: $db_links_name. Reason: $!");
LINE: while (<DB>) {
(/^#/) and next LINE;
(/^\s*$/) and next LINE;
@values = &split_decode($_);
# $values[$db_url] =~ s,/$,,;
$values[$db_title] =~ s,/$,,;
# $seen{$values[$db_url]}++;

push (@{$doubles{$values[$db_title]}}, $values[$db_key_pos], $values[$db_title], $values[$db_category]);

close DB;
while (($
title, $count) = each %seen) {
($count < 2) and delete $doubles{$
&html_check_duplicates (%doubles);

When I go to add a new resource, I am getting a Duplicate URL error. I'm not sure why though if this is a fix to find only Dup Titles.

Any help is appreciated.

