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Modified links showing in What's New before being validated?

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Modified links showing in What's New before being validated?
Something interesting I came across which I'd like to query the rest of you about:

Today I found a links entry in my "What's New" database even though I hadn't validated any entries today. Looking in my validate list via the admin manager, I see that someone modified an old links entry and resubmitted it to be validated. Putting 2+2 together Smile, it appears that modified entries are showing up in "What's New" before being validated.

I verified this by creating my own entry and changing the modify date so it wasn't new. I then modified it and then, without validating it, I rebuilt the database and voilla, it's in "What's New"!

I'm using a modified version of Megalinks 2.0 so I cannot say that this is unique to me or not. Can anyone else check this out?

[This message has been edited by Andrew Mitcham (edited December 04, 1998).]