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in links.html

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in links.html
I like to use the following text in links.html template but I don't know what to change to use
<%if URL%>
<span class="descript"><%URL%></span>

<%if Telephone%>
<span class="descript"><%Telephone%></span>
to work properly.

I have done something to get the output but I want this <%if URL%> part to work.

Could you please someone help me with this?

Thank you very much for your time and help.


enc: my links.html

<ul><li><a class="link" href="mailto:<%Contact Email%>"><%Contact Name%> - <%Title%></a>

<%if isNew%>
<small><sup><font color="red">new</font></sup></small>

<%if Description%>
<span class="descript"><%Description%></span>

<%if Telephone%>
<span class="descript"><%Telephone%></span>

<%if URL%>
<span class="descript"><%URL%></span>

<small class="date">(Added: <%Date%> )</small>

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Re: in links.html In reply to
What happens when you use the code you have. All you said is that it does not work properly but never explained that.