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Backup problems

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Backup problems
Hi. I have a problem with my backups.

I have two engines actually. One backups fine, with different date backups as it should be. One of them though is different. It backs up to one file - just called .db - it won't make separate files. Does anyone have an idea?

I may be wrong, but I may have removed a bit of code when I originally installed it. There was a problem, and removing a bit of code fixed it. It was something to do with the date I believe. I wasn't that into cgi back then, but I tampered! I have however compared files, checked things. I think that I either dumped my 'modification' or have over-written it with the correct file. So I'm not sure if this is a result of my meddling. But basically I've checked everything, everything seems okay. It just won't make date backups!

Anyone got any ideas?


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[This message has been edited by SomeKindaBliss (edited December 30, 1998).]