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Doesn't ask for password/Can't save or set permissions

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Doesn't ask for password/Can't save or set permissions
I finally was able to install FileMan on my web hosting account, by guessing on the paths (had to add /home/<my homedir>).

But now whenever I go to /cgi-bin/fileman.cgi, it pops right up, never asking for a password.

Also, I can't change file permissions, and I cant save any files to things I own and do have write access to. But since I'm not logged in, this would make since.

Any ideas?

Thank you,

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Re: [neofree] Doesn't ask for password/Can't save or set permissions In reply to
Most CGI scripts are ran under the same user as the web server, and normally thats "nobody". A single user with no permissions but read ( and execute on user dubbed files ).

Cause of this, your script won't be able to write to the server, by default. Talk to your web hosting company about this. They might have a solution or might suggest that you FTP in and CHMOD all files to 777 ( that's a bad idea ).

To see who the script is runing as, click on Command at top and execute command 'whoami' or if that doesn't work 'id'.
'whoami' will print out the user the script is runing as. 'id' will too, plus what group. Group is semi relevant, depending on server setup. Again, speak with your web hosting provider about this.