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Step by step instructions to install fileman on a Raq550

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Step by step instructions to install fileman on a Raq550
get the cobalt fileman package.

cd /usr/local/src

mkdir fileman

cd fileman

tar zxvf fileman-2.0.3-Raq.pkg


open /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

immediately BEFORE the first "Include /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/site" line, paste:

Alias /fileman/ /home/gossamer/fileman/cgi-bin/
Alias /images/fileman/ /home/gossamer/fileman/images/

<Directory /home/gossamer/fileman/cgi-bin>
SetHandler cgi-script
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Require valid-user
Authname CobaltRaQ
Authtype Basic
AuthPAM_FallThrough On


uncomment the line:

LoadModule pam_external_auth_module modules/mod_auth_pam_external.so

by removing the "#" in front of it.

save and close httpd.conf

restart httpd:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start

if you get an error about AuthPAM_FallThrough not supported, then you forgot to uncomment the LoadModule pam_external_auth_module line.


back in the "fileman" directory, do:

tar zxvf fileman-2.0.3-Raq.tar.gz

chown -R root. ./home

mv ./home/gossamer /home


open /home/gossamer/fileman/lib/fileman.pl

replace line:

my ($root_dir) = $dir =~ m,^(/home/sites/\w+),;


my ($root_dir) = $dir;



unless ($members =~ /$ENV{REMOTE_USER}/) {


if ($members =~ /$ENV{REMOTE_USER}/) {
$root_dir .= "/../../../";

# unless ($members =~ /$ENV{REMOTE_USER}/) {

comment out:

die sprintf ($GT::FileMan::Commands::LANGUAGE{COBALT_BADGROUP}, $root_dir, $ENV{REMOTE_USER}) . "\n";


# die sprintf ($GT::FileMan::Commands::LANGUAGE{COBALT_BADGROUP}, $root_dir, $ENV{REMOTE_USER}) . "\n";
# }

close and save file

go to:


you should get a login prompt.

these URLs will not work:


login as a non-siteadmin user - you should see the fileman interface and be limited to your home directory.

login as a siteadmin user, you should be locked in the root dir of the vhost and able to edit your user directory and the /web contents.


alright - disclaimers

this has been in production and we have not had any security problems.

that being said, if you do anything like the above mods, you are on your own. im not responsible for anything. but, i will happily answer questions, etc.

uninstallation is simple - remove the httpd.conf section, comment the pam loadmodule line, and rm -Rf /home/gossamer

hope I didnt make any typos for the file changes above...

good luck Cool
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Re: [jalonz] Step by step instructions to install fileman on a Raq550 In reply to
if you get a "setuid root" error on the web page, you should:

chmod u+s /home/gossamer/fileman/cgi-bin/fileman.cgi