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V2 - using .htaccess and avoid list of cert. files

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V2 - using .htaccess and avoid list of cert. files

First of all - thank you for great tool Alex. Just downloaded and installed - seems to work fine.

1. Is there an easy way to avoid the password routine and use .htaccess like in the previous version? My users login using .htaccess and then get access to several different tools - among those Fileman. I'd hate to require them to use yet another user/pass.
I could solve it with plotting in the password in the template for the login page but - easier to completely skip it.

2. I have a couple of files that I don't want to have showing - not even to the people I allow to do editing. Eg. the .htaccess files. Is there an easy way to tell what files Fileman 2 shouldn't list? Think I got this running in previous version - just don't remember how...

Tried searching for both of these but couldn't find - sorry if someone already asked.



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Re: [kjellkk] V2 - using .htaccess and avoid list of cert. files In reply to
   You've spoken my mind, kjellkk. I use .htaccess to control who get into my site's administrative interface. Having an extra login form is a bit of an annoyance. An option to turn this login process off will be great.

BTW, unlike version 1.x , Fileman 2 Beta stores .htacess and .htpassws together in the folder that is being protected. Fileman 2 Beta will produces an error (saying that it can't find .htpasswd) if you try to set protection for an folder that is already protected. I don't consider this a bug since you can easily delete .htacess (OR clear protection using version 1.x) and reset your protection with Fileman Beta 2

Peace out,

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Re: [kjellkk] V2 - using .htaccess and avoid list of cert. files In reply to
Hi kjell,

If you leave the username blank ('username' => '',) in the ConfigData.pm file you can bypass the FileMan login. I'm not too sure about your second question yet but I need to do the same thing. If I come up with a fix real quick I will let you know.

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Re: [CP] V2 - using .htaccess and avoid list of cert. files In reply to
A quick fix for 2 would be to edit GT/FileMan/Commands.pm around line 170 change:

foreach my $file (@$list) {
($file eq '.') and next;
($file eq '..') and next;


foreach my $file (@$list) {
($file =~ /^\./) and next;

to ignore all . files.


Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: [Alex] V2 - using .htaccess and avoid list of cert. files In reply to
Thanks all - problems solved! Only wondering if the reason why I didn't get reminders when you all posted was because of the new forum?

will now go search the forum to find out why sometimes the top and bottom frames don't display correctly.
Kjell Knudsen
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Re: [kjellkk] V2 - using .htaccess and avoid list of cert. files In reply to
will now go search the forum to find out why sometimes the top and bottom frames don't display correctly.

I get this a lot in NS and older versions of IE. I think it has something to do with the JavaScript somewhere but I haven't looked for a fix yet. Let me know if you come up with a fix.

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Re: [CP] top and bottom frame dissapear In reply to
Hm... not sure Charlie but my problem seemed to disappear when I opened the filemanager in a separate window.

Had it as part of a larger Admin interface where I wanted to keep my own topframe. Changed the link so the Fileman opened in a new window and then seems to work ok.

Strange though since the frame names definately were different.

Anyway - I haven't used it too much - mostly as a tool for my superusers to have. I'll ask the one I know uses it most if she've experienced this problem.

Kjell Knudsen