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fileman - backup - linux root - chown

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fileman - backup - linux root - chown
Hi all,

Is it possible to do the following ??

As the box admin of a Raq4i - we would like to backup ALL user sites to a 2nd hard drive affixed to the box (set a separate drive not as extra storage) - we would like to do this using just one installed version of Fileman - installed on one of our sites (and assuming that fileman acts as the owner of that site)

All the sites on this Raq4i box are run from php/mysql portal software and no-one (apart from us) has any ftp access / shell access or similar - telnet is switched off.

We did this to allow each site's php files to be auto updated from a mysql query and then overwrite existing files in each users folders and allow one to many upgrades of all sites on the box - we had to chmod folders to 777 and files to at least 666 to acheive this - although the root web folder for each account could not be changed this way and apart from index.php in this folder - all other files are in a folder off web root for each site . . .

OK - now to the technical part of this question . . . if we set Fileman to have it's root up two folders so that it can "see" all the sites on the Raq4i box - can we do a mass copy of all folders recursively below to the folder which represents the second hard drive ?

We think it may work in theory since most files in the folder one down from each site's web root is owned by the webserver and are 777 / 666 although the web root folder is owned by the site - (hope this makes sense ! ) and this folder cannot be made world writeable by the identity of the account user

Since our budget does not extend to a RAID1 box - we hope that Fileman would allow this kind of backup - but would the script halt at the first site's web root where permissions are not settable to 777 or would it just not include the files within that folder and carry on recursively with all files and folders below which are 777 / 666 ??

Question 2 if the above question has failings . . . on a single installation on a Raq4i box - can the script be set to run as ROOT ? (sorry - but our knowledge is with php and not perl or linux - but we think perl runs as the identity of the site it is installed on / or identity of how it was FTP'd)

Any help on the above would be most welcome,

Many thanks, Chris