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raq2 / fileman trouble

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raq2 / fileman trouble
trying to install fileman for raq on a raq2 (those old ones :-))

now - it starts (or at least seems like) but then all I get in NS6.2.1 are really lots of frames... and these logentries (like):

"GET /images/fileman/fileman.js HTTP/1.1" 304 - "-" "Mozilla/5
.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; de-DE; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011128 Netscape6/6.2.1"
servername - pssdemo [11/Jun/2002:06:10:27 +0200] "GET /fileman/fileman.cgi?fdo=cmd_main_display&def_load=
1& HTTP/1.1" 200 36085 "http://pssdemo.kapper.net/fileman/fileman.cgi?fdo=cmd_main_display&def_load=1&" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows;
U; Windows NT 5.0; de-DE; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011128 Netscape6/6.2.1"

and so on..