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Dazed and confused

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Dazed and confused
ok, I apologise for my own stupidity here, but I am completely lost. I am trying to install mysqlman, but can't get very far.

I have unzipped the files and installed them in exactly the same structure to my cgi-bin. Thus I have cgi-bin/mysqlman/ and cgi-bin/mysqlman/templates.

I have chmod 755'd the mysqlman.cgi file.

Now what do I do? I can't actually see any instructions about what to run.... Am I supposed to use the URL of the CGI script in my browser, or am I supposed to access one of the HTML templates directly?

Please give a blow by blow account if possible - I am completely new to this - or point me to somewhere that will tell me what to do.

Thanks for your help

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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to

You should just point your browser to the mysql.cgi script and go from there.



Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to
cheers. In which case, I need to reconfigure something, 'cos it doesn't work. I presume that I need to set the path in the config file? Anything else need doing?

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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to

I have to agree with Alex on this one :)

I've installed this program (even the 1.0 version) on several different computers and OS's, and most often all I had to do was just run the /mysql.cgi program from where ever it was put.

This new version, my problem was for some reason a file didn't copy over correctly, but otherwise, all I did was put the program in the 'admin' directory of Links SQL and chmod 755 the script, then point the browser to it. No changes to any of the code of the program.

Now, not all systems are the same, or work all the time, but since I use Solaris, I _usually_ hit all those incompatibilities, since it's not a user-friendly OS as much as it's an application/network friendly OS. (that's supposed to be changing with 8 release, but hey, I'm sticking with the 7 for now).

At the top of the config file:

# Auto Set the current path. If the path is not set automatically then
# you can comment out BEGIN { ... } and add the line:
# $script_path = '/path/to/mysqlman';
# (You may need change the auto set path part of mysql.cgi as well.)

use vars qw/$script_path/;
$0 =~ m,(.*?)[^/\\]+$, ? ($script_path = $1) : ($script_path = '.');
You see the set of instructions for what to do if you are having problems. Put a # sign in front of the 4 lines starting with the BEGIN, and remove the # from the line above starting with $script_path, then put the full UNIX pathname in.

You might also have to do that as part of the mysql.cgi as well.

You need to give more specific details of what is not working ie: the error message or the screen you see if you want more detailed help.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to
OK, thank you. I have done that - now I get a full page error message (which is a good sign - at least something is working) as follows:

Error Message : Error loading required libraries.
Check that they exist, permissions are set correctly and that they compile.
Reason: [Sun Jul 9 11:28:53 2000] mysql.cgi: [Sun Jul 9 11:28:53 2000] mysql.cgi: (Maybe you didn't strip carriage returns after a network transfer?)

Script Location : /usr/www/users/swisston/cgi-bin/mysqlman/mysql.cgi
Perl Version : 5.00404


Does this mean that I have set the wrong path in one of the two files? I think that it would mean the 2 .pm files

I have set the values as follows:

# Auto set the path. If the path is not set automatically #then
# you can comment out BEGIN { ... } and add the line:

use lib 'cgi-bin/mysqlman';

# (You may need change the auto set path part of mysql.cfg # as well.)

# $0 =~ m,(.*?)[^/\\]+$, and unshift @INC, $1;


# Auto Set the current path. If the path is not set automatically then
# you can comment out BEGIN { ... } and add the line:
$script_path = 'cgi-bin/mysqlman';
# (You may need change the auto set path part of mysql.cgi as well.)

# use vars qw/$script_path/;
# $0 =~ m,(.*?)[^/\\]+$, ? ($script_path = $1) :
#($script_path = '.');

Do these look OK?
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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to
The message --

(Maybe you didn't strip carriage returns after a network transfer?)

almost always means that you uploaded at least one of the files in binary mode. Try again, making *absolutely certain* that every file is uploaded in ASCII mode.

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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to
thanks - I think that you are right. it looks like the .pm files were both uploaded in binary format.


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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to
She beat me to it, but that is almost certainly the problem.

If you use ws_ftp you can add the .pm extension to the list of 'ascii' files.

The .pm extension is relatively new "perl module" and is not on the standard list of 'ascii' files.

Usually, .cgi files are also text (but you need to be careful about the C/Binary programs that require a .cgi extension to run on some servers) and .pl is txt, etc.

the only really sure way is to go slow, and make sure you upload the files as text.

I usually do two uploads -- one of the text files as 'ascii' then one of any graphics as 'binary'.

This is probably the #1 "gotcha" after the "chmod" problems :)

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to
Thanks. Once I managed to upload everything in ASCII and get the address correct (doh!) it worked just fine.

However, now that I have a log in screen, I can't log in ;-)

I am using the correct info as far as I can tell. This is the line I would normally use to access the database -

mysql -hdb9.pair.com -uswisston -p******** swisston_britney

so I have assumed that these are the values I use:
host: db9.pair.com
username: swisston
password: ********

Does that look correct? (obviously the password is hidden)


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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to
OK, I enabled the direct link to bypass the log in screen. This will do as a temporary measure.

Anyway, it looks fantastic. My new question is: how do I modify or delete an entry. I can see links that will insert entries, but that is it. Am I missing something?


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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to

If you do a browse on a table you should see an edit link beside each entry if that table has a primary key defined. Without a primary key, there is no way to do edits, so the link won't be defined.



Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: Dazed and confused In reply to
Thanks - it hadn't picked up the fact that one of the columns was a primary key. I just added in a new column and it works. ;-)

I did notice a small problem - the first element of the sets when displayed with checkboxes didn't show up. I solved the problem by adding a new set element "blank" at the front of the set declaration. This might be due to my lack of experience with MySQL though.

Thanks again