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How Do I Install MySQLMan - Newbie

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How Do I Install MySQLMan - Newbie

I downloaded the .zip format of MySQLMan. I read the "ReadMe" file. Although I saw what the file CHMODs should be I could not find instructions as to where the files should be uploaded to the server. In other words, what directories I should make, where those directories should be and what files should be in them.

Would appreciate all and any answers.


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Re: How Do I Install MySQLMan - Newbie In reply to
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In other words, what directories I should make, where those directories should be and what files should be in them.
You need to create "directories" (or folders) that are contained in the .zip file, like:


(or you could simply UPLOAD all the files and folders AS IS after extracting the files/folders from the .zip file)

Then you need to configure the mysql.cfg file to use your correct MySQL server configurations and also the correct location where your files are located.

Then upload the files in the correct folders and set the correct permissions.

Nothin' to it, really. Wink

One of the easiest scripts to install...IMHO.


Eliot Lee
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Re: How Do I Install MySQLMan - Newbie In reply to

Thank you for responding.

I will try to ask the question more specifically.

I am trying to do this for a web site on the "Freedom2Surf" web host at http://www.f2s.com.

When I unzipped the "mysqlman.zip" on my computer with WinZip I got the following files and folders



This is no "mysqlman" folder.

I know I have to make sure the "path to perl" is correct.
I know what the file permissions are suppose to be from the "ReadMe" file.

Do any of these files and folders go into the cgi-bin?
Do any of these files and folders go into the regular html file area?


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Re: How Do I Install MySQLMan - Newbie In reply to
1) For easier management, you SHOULD create a folder called mysqlman and then UPLOAD all the folders/files to that folder on your server.

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Do any of these files and folders go into the cgi-bin?
All of them should...again, put them in the mysqlman folder that you will, again, need to create in your cgi-bin directory.

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Do any of these files and folders go into the regular html file area?

Good luck!


Eliot Lee
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Re: How Do I Install MySQLMan - Newbie In reply to

I hope you can help me once again.

I uploaded everything to a "mysqlman" folder in my cgi-bin.

However when I attempted to get to the Panel via web page path I got the following message below, for example,

"Error loading required libraries
Reason: Can't locate DBI.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.005 /usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5 .) at mysql.cgi line 3129."

"Freedom2Surf" usually has all the files one needs on its server. Is there some way to check if the "DBI.pm" file is there???


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Re: How Do I Install MySQLMan - Newbie In reply to
1) Did you edit the mysql.cfg file with the correct ABSOLUTE path where your files are located?

2) Did you follow the advice posted quite a few times in this forum for adding the following codes at the top of the mysql.cgi file?


use lib '/yourabsolute/path/to/mysqlman';

3) Also, do you have DBI installed in your server? If not, then you won't be able to use MySQL or mysqlman.

Good luck!


Eliot Lee