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Installing this thing.

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Installing this thing.
Dear Support,

I'm just about to throw this thing out of the window - can you help ?.

I have read EVREY post in here and tried them all in various combinations - nothing !

I'm getting as far as running the script and attempting to logon when I get told that my logon credentials are wrong. I have tried with and without local host and using my mySQL credentials and not my ISP account credentials.

* In the beginning:
I downloaded the .ZIP file and unzipped it to my Win2kPro machine. Upon looking at some of the files (mysql.cgi for example) in Notepad I note that it is not formatted correctly (no carriage returns), I have little rectangles instead and the lines just follow each other. They view OK if I drag and drop them into IE then cut & pasted them into notepad and re-saved them over writing the originals (I can send screenshots if required via private mail). Needless to say that I have tried uploading them as they are and get even less response - An Internal server error is all I get when I try to access mysql.cgi.

I upload everything in '....\cgi-bin\mysqlman' folder using CuteFTP with the file type set to ASCII instead of 'Auto Detect'.

I set the permissions as stated in the README file on the folders and files.

PERL is v5.004004

My Virtual server is running Linux & Apache.

* a clue maybe:
I believe that the variable 'template_dir' is not getting resolved correctly. as I came across some paths not found for various files in the tempaltes folder, but if I hard code the word 'template' in the html.pl file such as in the line:

print GT::Template->parse ($CONFIG{'template_dir'} . 'templates/table.html', {

I get further (this I beleive is why there are the double \'s mentioned in a couple of other 'file not found posts' recent posts). I got it to a point where the logon screen comes up and when I supply the credentials in every possible way I get asked to try again with ptopoer credentials. BUGGER IT ! I thought, so I bungged the credentials in the file mysql.cfg and set the flag to '1' for auto login - no difference !! (yes I do upload each and everytime I make a change.

I also noted the advice to put the absolute LOCAL path to the scripts at the beginning of mysql.*, this I have e-mailed my ISP support for but what if they refuse ?. why does THIS perl script needs this when many other I have installed for mySQL access don't ? is just shoddy workmanship ?.

Right moan over.

Why o-why isn't there a definiative/comprehensive installation instruction posted for download to encompass all the installation problems posted to date ?.


Robert :-(
'Angry of England'

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Re: Installing this thing. In reply to
Hi BahraniR,

I found the install directions to be a little outdated and not complete myself. I had the exact same problem you are having. It turned out that I uploaded all my PM files in binary rather than ASCII. It sounds as if you uploaded your files in ASCII though. I also had problems with editing the files in notepad. I think they're are in a "unix" file format. I had to edit my files in HomeSite and save them as a "unix" file and upload them in ASCII again before I was able to get it working. Do you have telnet or SSH access to your server? You can get a lot more information about the problem from running the script at the command line or from the error logs. If you can post info from the logs here we might be able to help a little more.


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Re: Installing this thing. In reply to
Hi Charlie,

Thanks for the reply.

I can get to my server via 'HyperTerminal' will this do it for me ?. If you say its OK then I'll get on it and try the scrips there.



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Re: Installing this thing. In reply to
If HyperTerminal is some sort of telnet that should work. Do you get a command line when you use hyper terminal? If so, change to the directory where you have installed MySQLMan and try to run it from the prompt. Post the results here and we can go from there.


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Re: Installing this thing. In reply to
If you are running MySQLMan on a unix system and have telnet or ssh access to the shell, you should probably download the tar.gz version and upload that in binary mode to the unix host. When you unpack that, the files should end up in the right directories.

I havnt read the threads about template directory problems, I just signed up to the forum, but Ive been using MySQLMan for quite some time. The only problem I have had was with version 1.08 - it doesnt seem to find header.txt in the template directory. This file is different to most as it is called by a <%include ...%> from within the other templates so there may be a bug in the include code. I got around it by placing header.txt in the main MySQLMan directory where the program seemed to be looking for it.

Im curious why you hard coded the template dir into the GT::Template->Parse line in the program. Why not put it in the config file (in the template_dir setting). The Parse function you quoted is definately using that setting to locate the templates, and Ive had no problems with templates at all (except for the noted include problem). It sounds like in uploading the files seperately you might not have put the template directory in the right place. There has been a lot of work on the template code lately, its doubled in size since I saw it last.

With the auth problems you are having, check the mysql database (users table and db tables mostly) and make sure you are logging on from the right host with the user and password that are in those tables. You may have your userid and password right, but if the host specified in the user table is not the one you are logging in from, you wont get anywhere. Also check the mysql log if you can, it may have some info.

As to your question about 'shoddy workmanship', I sincerely doubt it. Ive been using this for ages now and its one of the best programs Ive seen. I wouldnt be without it. Sometimes bugs do occur with new releases, and Im sure they'll be fixed given time. Most of your other problems sound like 'the learning curve' to me. If you stick with it and work through the problems, Im sure you'll be more than happy in the end. It would definately help to install from the unix shell though.
