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Odd problme with SQL Monitor & dump file

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Odd problme with SQL Monitor & dump file
I did a "dump" from the current version of MySQLMan on one computer, and moved the create_table script to another computer, and used a modified (but modified current) version of the program to try to import the data. (neither of them my computers, so I don't know what was modified on the second one, but I did install the first one, so the dump looked good.... the import didn't work.)

It kept choking on the comments, putting the line following after the # as one long comment, and saying "No query" and/or causing a server error.

If I took the comments out, it worked fine.

Putting an extra space or line between the # and the following command didn't work. I don't know if it was the modified version of MySQLMan or the release version, so I'm reporting this to both places. (I don't have access to the MySQLMan program at the moment to check, and I wanted to post before I forgot.)

# create table xyz


# # create table xyz # CREATE TABLE ..... ;

and gives a "no query" error message.

Easy for someone to check who's got a running copy, and now that I've posted a message, I'll remember to check my copy when I can if no one else does it first.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

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Re: Odd problme with SQL Monitor & dump file In reply to
I just tried downloading a copy from our website and installed it in my computer. Everything seemed to be working fine. However, if you find any errors, please do let us know. Thank you.


Gossamer Threads, Inc.
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Re: Odd problme with SQL Monitor & dump file In reply to
I just tried it on another site, with a copy of MySQLMan Ijust downloaded and installed "fresh".

When I cut/paste: (line feeds, etc, from the dumpfile)

# Table structure for table 'Build_Update'
CREATE TABLE Build_Update (
LinkID int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ,
Hits smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ,
Votes smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ,
Rating smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ,
and put it into the SQL Monitor, and press the button, I get:

MySQL said: Query was empty.

Query: # # Table structure for table 'Build_Update' # CREATE TABLE Build_Update
( LinkID int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL , Hits smallint(5) unsigned
DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL , Votes smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL , Rating
smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (LinkID) )
It's now doing this on 3 different machines, 3 different brands, 3 different UNIXces, etc. from two different downloads of the MySQLMan file.

So, it's got to be something in the code.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

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Re: Odd problme with SQL Monitor & dump file In reply to
Oops.. I thought the queries were saved in a file and you were using the "Run queries saved in a file" option. Since queries entered in the SQL Monitor will not be seen by anyone else after the Go button is pressed, it is assumed that users do not put comments in the window. Therefore, the case is not considered in the sub-routine, and therefore, it failed in your case when you tried to run the qurey with comments in the front.


Gossamer Threads, Inc.
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Re: Odd problme with SQL Monitor & dump file In reply to
I take then that it was an oversight, and this case _will_ be considered in the next release? People are directed to cut/paste code from the forum, or from a file, into the SQL monitor and this creates an unnecessary problem.

Not everyone can upload or run a file, and since MySQL ignores '#'s shouldn't the SQL Monitor as well? This caused me a lot of problems today, actually.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

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Re: Odd problme with SQL Monitor & dump file In reply to
Yes, we will update it so that it ignores comments in the SQL Monitor as well.



Gossamer Threads Inc.